I love the smell of clorox wipes in the morning

They’ve upped my medication. The Stepford Wife Crazies came out a few weeks ago and hung around long enough to have everyone around me nod their heads in agreement.

Yeah, she’s losing it a little-again.

The good news is we now seem to recognize when I’m losing it a little. Sort of. Lazy Ass Wife still in front of the computer? Check. Lazy Ass Mom calling CheezIts and sprinkles lunch? Check. Sudden, manic, fan cleaning at 1am? Check. Laundry at 2am? Check. Falling asleep with kids at 845pm? Check? Lack of showering? Check.

So today I got 30mg of Paxil instead of 20mg and immediately got a headache.

Then I baked zucchini bread.

PINK zucchini bread. Because I can’t bake anything without at least one fuck up. Which means I thought the red food coloring was vanilla and thus, pink bread. Stop making fun of me long enough to go look in your pantry and notice those stupid black, tiny bottle look a whole hell of a lot alike. Shut up. So what if I made pink bread? I’ll tell you all right now it’s breast cancer awareness zucchini bread. Suck on that.

So as my brother complains that he doesn’t want to eat pink bread, I notice everyone is laughing. Huh. Laughter. That’s a good start.

They tell me that these damn antidepressants can just stop working. Or your body adjusts to them. So I hear that tweaking your dose or type is normal. Whoo hoo. Normal. There is word I don’t hear often.

As I type this, Count Waffles just informed me he doesn’t have superpowers anymore. He says they just fell out of him.

Huh. My magic pill powers just kinda fell out of me too.

So as I pretend to hunt my office floor for missing superpowers, I’ll also try and pick up what has survived this postpartum. Dust it off one more time. And hope 30 is a magic number.

When the Count can fly again, we’ll go get us some of the Breast Cancer Awareness Bread too. See, now you totally wish you had some.


  1. I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better – I, too, had to change my meds this week.

    Pink zucchini bread doesn’t sound bad at all – I’d eat it!

    I could totally use some superpowers right now. This week has been hard. Hope you’re doing better.

  2. I’m on 60 mg of Celexa. It’d probably work if I took it.

  3. stopped by because sleepy new mommy told me too! 🙂

  4. Somehow, if I had pink zucchini bread, I might just eat it, even though zucchini bread sounds like something I might not like.

    Dosage changes are common. They usually start you off on the lowest dose, then tweak it up until it keeps working. Sometimes they’ll switch meds all-together. I was on two different antidepressants at the same time for awhile.

    Here’s hoping the new dose does the trick.

  5. Bring me some pink zucchini bread when you visit FL. I happen to like pink bread.

    Sam-I-Am 🙂

  6. I’m telling you, I could wrap this bread, put a bow on it, and make MILLIONS.

    And I plan on getting to Florida on AUgust 2nd. The 1st week will be family crazy…the second…expect a call!

  7. Woo hoo! More Spanish goodness! I forgot you’re coming to Florida, too. Course, by then you may very well be sick of me. heh.

  8. Pink zucchini bread is a wonderful, creative idea and I am so proud of you for thinking of it.

  9. Wow, I wish that I had made pink bread yesterday, instead I nearly burnt down my (rented) house trying to boil potatoes for a salad. I am hoping to god that it was just a low day because of my period. I can’t afford the pots. 🙂

  10. Don’t beat yourself up about the meds – remember, you’re getting the help you need and that makes you strong, not the other way around.

    And, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA about the pink zucchini bread! You are so funny! Does it taste different without vanilla? How did you not notice that the vanilla was a weird color? Hee hee hee hee hee! I’m all a-giggle.

  11. If there is Red Velvet cake, then why not Pink Zucchini Bread? I never make it anyway because,um, I don’t know how to grate zucchini. HOW am I a mother?

    I really, really want to take you up on your challenge of writing something BIG before BlogHer, but I’ve trained myself so well to not be controversial that I can’t think of anything to write about. Isn’t that just sad? I’ll keep working on it though.

  12. Two things: I’ve grabbed the food coloring instead of vanilla before, but I cheked the label to make sure in wasn’t almond extract. I am also now re-medicated, and I share alot of your feelings about it.

  13. I never ever admit a cooking mistake because my husband will tease me endlessly about it. But I once mixed up the sugar and salt when making brownies. I put 1/2 cup salt in the recipe instead of sugar. I don’t even have to tell you how horrible these brownies were. Nor do I need to mention the crying I did when I had to throw them out and start over again. We all do it. I’d never laugh at you. Never. (See? Support! We all need it! Even me!)

  14. LOL. My kids would love pink bread. Now You made me wanna make some.

    The Homeschooling Mommy

  15. Holy New Blog, Batman! This looks so fabu and delish that I want to lick it.

    Are y’all gonna put me in a 12-Step Program for over-licking?

    It’s pretty pretty pretty! Love it.

  16. Hi, hopping over from the Blogme Mixer and loving it. I didn’t know that anyone else knew about zucchini bread except for my mom. Don’t know exactly how the recipe goes, but mom always puts in a small jar of strawberry preserves. Delish. Since Mocha loves to lick so much, why not bake her a loaf of pink zucchini bread and send her some or give it to her when ya’ll go to Blogher.

  17. J. Sebens says:

    If you’re using Clorox wipes, you will definitely need drugs, because they mess with your hormones, which makes you feel horrible. Look up the ingredients on the web & see how you are getting hurt.

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