Can’t make it to BlogHer in Chicago? Attend VIRTUALLY!!!

“Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”- The Queen, in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass.

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While Lewis Carroll’s Queen in Through the Looking Glass believed her six impossible things before breakfast, this Queen has done them. In the virtual world of Second Life anything is possible. It’s possible to fly, it’s possible to visit far off lands, and it’s possible to bring hundreds of BlogHers to the Chicago conference without ever leaving their homes.

I’m Queen Tureaud. It’ a Second Life avatar name. You may know me as BlogHer Contributing editor Erin Kotecki Vest of Queen of Spain blog. For those of you who can’t make it to the BlogHer ’07 conference in Chicago, I’ve teamed up with Elisa, Lisa, and Jory to bring Chicago to you.

BlogHer in Second Life will offer the opportunity to experience the Chicago conference live on a virtual platform, complete with general sessions, audio feeds, and even a virtual cocktail party! Similar to BlogHer ’07 in Chicago, the BlogHer Second Life virtual conference will feature an interactive format designed to inspire discussion. Not to mention FREE virtual goodies from our sponsors and vendors!

So how does it work?

First thing is first, if you want to attend the virtual conference you will need to download and install Second Life. Unfortunately it will not run on all computers, so check Second Life system requirements at . A basic account at Second Life is free.

Next, you will need to register for the conference. Registration can be completed at Registration is free.

Now you are ready to get comfortable in this virtual world, and Queen Tureaud is happy to be your guide. I will be holding Second Life training and office hours to get you ready for the conference.

Queen Tureaud office hours:(PST)
Monday 10-2pm
Wednesday 10-2pm
Thursday 5pm-8pm
Sunday 4-7pm

You can email me at, or you can instant message me while IN Second Life by using “search” on the bottom of your tool bar and searching for “Queen Tureaud.” Click on Queen Tureaud to pull up my profile and send me an “instant message” telling me who you are and that you are a BlogHer. I will then work with you and hold your hand in the sometimes complicated but always fun virtual world.

You can also take advantage of Second Life tutorials to get you started. These resident made video tutorials can be found at .

BlogHer in Second Life will be a PG event. This means those of you wishing to explore some of the more adult oriented spaces will have to do that on your own, and it will be expected that you adhere to these policies while attending any BlogHer events in Second Life.

I will be posting at with tips, tricks, and ideas to get you ready for the virtual conference.

Hope to “see” you there!


  1. Sure, sure, sure. You people FINALLY get on the virtual ball the year I’m actually going to attend. 🙂

  2. This is so cool. I wish they had it last year.

    I also wish I could afford an up to speed lap top to run SL! I feel like I’m missing out! 🙁

  3. Oh cool!!! I was wanting some sort of excuse to check out Second Life, and now I have one! Yea!!!

  4. I was really getting upset what I realized just how many people were attending BlogHer and I couldn’t. Now’s my chance!

    Oh THANK YOU! Your Royal Highness! Thank you!

  5. You are AMAZING!!!! I can not believe you worked this out! By the way, is my girl still hanging out at your hut? Is she bugging you? I can totally move her if she gets in your way…I haven’t had a chance to get back there in months!

  6. too bad my computer is too slow. i did download Second Life a while back. But somehow it’s just very very slow on my computer.

  7. Very cool! I’ve never heard of anything like this.

  8. Wow that’s so cool!

  9. BOO HOO! Second Life doesn’t work with Vista. Now I’m doubly bummed I can’t go this year.

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