My Daughter Praises Dolphins, NOT Jesus


  1. Maybe you should explain that this is happening at Sea World…

  2. I figured that (Sea World). That is HILARIOUS! Looks like she’s totally digging the music, too. Interpretive dance? You’ve got yourself a Martha Graham! ha ha!

  3. ROFL! That is too cute! Tell her I feel the same way when I see dolphins 😀

  4. Wow, I’m missing out. She really does look intense.

  5. I am SO laughing my ass off! Beautiful! Now I wanna wake up the hubby so he can see too!

    Fabulous footage I tell you!

  6. But … what if the dolphin’s name is Jesus?

  7. LOL! She really does look like she’s worshipping them!!! You should send that to the Jesus Camp people.

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