LA Angst-Queen Bares ALL


Bravery is opening up my junior high and high school diaries, standing in front of a live audience, and reading.

I invite you to join me. Let’s have a drink and toast my self-centered, bleach-blonde, convertible cabriolet driving, suburban teen years.

And laugh. A lot.

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LA Angst

Wed. July 11th at 6:30 at the Tangier Lounge.

2138 Hillhurst Avenue

Los Angeles, CA
just south of Los feliz blvd.

($4 cover charge at the door)

…and wait until you see who’s joining me..


  1. Oh, that sounds like so much fun. If someone did one of these in Cleveland or Columbus, I’d go in a heartbeat. I had fun going through my high school journals to submit a few for the Cringe book. (One of the few times you’re actually a little relieved to not be selected for publication!)

  2. I wish I could be there! I see Mocha and Leah doing it? how fun!

  3. How cool! Any chance this will be live in Second Life seeing I don’t live in L.A.??

    Oh wait. Never mind. I can’t even get out of the damn water around orientation island. LMAO.

    That really is so cool what you guys are doing!

  4. You kept a diary in jr. high and high school? I would have to burn mine if I had. Not because there was anything too exciting in them – because I was a mess of hormones and awkwardness during that time. It would be too painful to read even to myself in silence. You’re very brave for reading yours out loud – yipe!

  5. This would be totally worth the airfare, if I had it.

    Stupid currency-based social system.

  6. we are going to have SO much fun. xo


  1. hormones says:


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