Dear Senator Hillary Clinton, Please Step Down

This is a very hard letter for me to write, so please bear with me.

I’d like to ask you, with all due respect and humility, to step down as a Democratic Candidate for President of the United States.

Please understand this is not because I believe you can not or should not lead this nation. Please understand that I find you qualified, capable, and worthy. Please also understand I want nothing more than to see a female as the leader of the free world. I would be pleased and honored if you were that female.

However I am finding, right or wrong, many citizens of this country seem to react to you on an emotional level. Emotional, not practical. They can’t seem to see your record. They can’t seem to see your policy. They just hear or read “Hillary” and venom or praise spews.

I thought that with your candidacy, would come reason. I thought that you would be able to get a fair shake by main stream media, by voters, by sexists, and by soccer moms. I thought over time people would begin to see that you really are an effective politician.

I was wrong.

Tonight, I’m typing as I watch you speak in El Paso, Texas. I’m sad. There really is no other way to put it-I’m sad.

I truly believed you would be the best person for the job, and I had this nagging thought in the back of my mind that is now at the forefront. The thought that drove me on Super Tuesday to Vote for Senator Obama and the thought that is the driving force as I write tonight: Senator Hillary Clinton divides this country.

It’s not fair. It’s not right. And under just about ANY other circumstance I would go to the mat for you. However we are a wounded and deeply divided nation. We are a nation at war. We are a nation at odds with each-other. It’s ugly. I thought you could get people past it. I really did.

When I told myself it was gender that got people going, I refrained from asking and wanting you to step aside. Simply on principle, I wanted to see you run and win because they said it couldn’t be done. Because it was my belief, this was all about being a girl.

It’s not, and I was wrong.

I firmly believe while the gender issue has given you a handicap I hope we all one day overcome, it is NOT the reason people have a gut reaction to you or your campaign or your legacy.

Enter the Senator from Illinois, and what I think could be your true legacy. If you were to step aside now, shockingly early and shockingly un-Hilllary-like, you could galvanize an entire nation behind your party. If you were to throw your weight, and your tremendous political clout behind Senator Obama you could still change the world and make your mark in a way no one would expect and everyone would admire.

I don’t want to see you throw in the towel because the fight is too hard or the mountain too tall. I am asking you to throw it in because history is on the line. It is not the history either of us expected, however it is an equally important, momentous, earthshaking change in this country we sorely need.

Do something no one would ever expect. Do something extraordinary. Do something that changes politics as usual and changes history.

I could have never predicted having to chose between what my husband called “the lesser of two goods, not the lesser of two evils” when it came time to cast my vote.

It was agonizing.

But in the end, with no major policy difference and valid reasons on BOTH sides, I had to go with the candidate who I thought could best bring our nation back together. Who could cross party lines and gender lines and racial lines.

I wanted it to be you, but it’s not. For some reason you still get people very riled up, and not in the good way.

There is no way around it-it sucks. But after 7 years of nothing but fighting and head shaking and feeling like we’re living in two Americas, I can’t do it again. Not even if my team is in office.

I really hate asking you to do this, but I want you to please step down and let this nation heal.

We’ve been too angry for too long and your history and your name brings a suitcase of anger to the White House front door.

With the full weight of the Clinton name, behind the scenes, your true legacy could be written. With the full weight of the Clinton know-how you could help orchestrate the next chapter in American history where an African-American leads our nation.

It is this time in history your nation needs you.

As nation’s go, ours has never been one to do things the way we predict. Who could have seen when we finally get our first, legitimate, female front runner we’d see our first, legitimate front runner of color?

Our nation and it’s people need you to do what is best for this country. We need you to be true to what you say on the stump and bring us back together.

If you firmly believe that there is still time for you to change the hearts and minds of those rude and stubborn Americans who are voting with their gut when they see “Hillary” on the ballot-then please, prove me wrong. I’ll be at the Democratic National Convention come August and I’ll hold up my Hillary sign loud and proud and fall in line.

But I think you’ve tried. You tried with everything you had to overcome that Clinton-emotional reaction. Here we are, moving into Texas and Ohio and Pennsylvania-and it’s not you winning over hearts and minds, it’s the Senator from Illinois.

Let’s end the division in this country now. Right now. Let’s start with the Democratic Party early and provide a united front against the GOP months ahead of schedule.

Let’s take back this country for the people, with you playing a much different role than you envisioned.

Make history. Make us one. Step down now.


Erin Kotecki Vest

voter, mother, woman, feminist, writer, dreamer, and Hillary fan

*edited on Valentine’s Day* want to yell at me in person over this letter? Sign up to webchat with me on ooVoo Friday, Feb. 15th from 930am PST to 1130am PST. Hell, I’ll even throw in more time just to take your call


  1. I don’t even know where to begin. I didn’t read through all of the comments but I like to think that I have read through enough.

    As a woman of color, I always think of women’s issues as well as “racial” issues when voting. And because I am a person of color, “race” almost always trumps gender. (I have put the word race or any form of it in quotes because by anthropological definition there is only one race — human. Any other definition is man-made.) This is something that “women of privilege” have forgotten time and time again when trying to give definition to what is “feminism.” (And frankly, older women of color are tired of tired of being told what to do. I don’t blame them.) Your issues, while they may overlap our issues, do not encompass all of our issues.

    However, I spent many months debating which candidate to support. I did not instantly say that I would vote for Obama because of race. I made that decision about a week before my primary. It’s probably around this time that I saw a video of Chris Rock from the early fall discussing the candidates. He pointed out that white women have had the right to vote for almost 100 years and that if black people had had that right for the same amount of time, we would have had a candidate long before now.

    Our country is severely divided currently. People want someone who can close the divide. But as long as there is division in the Democratic party (I say this because I personally do not believe that the Republican party can bring this about.), then there will continue to be an unsettling feeling in the country. If it was clear that the majority supported Senator Clinton at this point, then I would be behind her 100%. But as the votes stand right now, this is not the case. And looking at trends, it does not seem likely that she will be the victor.

    And I have come to see that at this time, the US wants a man to be President — even if he is a man of color. And that fills me with hope. Because if they are willing to accept a man of color, I know that one day they will be willing to accept a woman as President.

  2. Andrea Jackson says:

    This is laughable. Hillary is clearly the best candidate. You are suggesting to take the easy way out not fight for what you believe? This is really horrible. Really.
    Shame on you,

  3. As a Republican who voted for Bush twice, I can tell you- you are right. I would vote for Barack Obama, but I will never vote for Hillary Clinton. She is a horrible, deceitful, manipulative, phony, elitist individual. She will drag this country further down the divisive path it is currently on.

    I am one of many Republicans who think this country screwed up when we went to war. I want out of Iraq. Barack Obama offers this belief, while my party’s candidate does not. I will be forced to vote for John McCain if the Dems nominate Hillary Clinton.

  4. Catherine Charles says:

    Can this letter be turned into a petition? Can we mail copies upon copies to Hillary’s headquarters…we need this kind of calm. She would be SO much more effective as majority leader.

  5. CAN MUSLIMS BE GOOD AMERICANS?** ********* ********* ********* *****

    This is very interesting and we all need to read it from start to finish…… … and send it on to every American.. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities.. …

    Can a good Muslim be a good American?
    This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.

    The following is his reply:

    Theologically – no. . . .
    Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia .

    Religiously – no. . . .
    Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256) (Koran)

    Scripturally – no. . .
    Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

    Geographically – no . . .
    Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

    Socially – no. . .
    Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

    Politically – no. . .
    Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of
    America , the great Satan.

    Domestically – no. . .
    Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34)

    Intellectually – no. . .
    Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes
    the Bible to be corrupt.

    Philosophically – no. . . .
    Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

    Spiritually – no. . . .
    Because when we declare ‘one nation under God,’ the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as the Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran’s 99 excellent names.

    Therefore …
    after much study and deliberation. . Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. – – They obviously cannot be both ‘good’ Muslims and good Americans.

    Call it what you wish…
    it’s still the truth. You had better believe it. The more you understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future. The religious war is bigger than we know or understand. . …

    And Barack Hussein Obama,
    a Muslim, wants to be our President?
    You have GOT to be kidding! Wake up America! Obama even says if he wins the election, he will be sworn in on
    the Quran— not a Bible!

    He was sworn in on the Quran for his current office and he refuses to pledge allegiance to the United States or put his hand his heart when the National Anthem is played!!!
    The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within…..Hello! !!! Having a Muslim president would seem to fit the bill! Would you trust this man with our national secrets?????

  6. I think she should step down not for any of the reasons in your letter but because Obama would be a better President then her. Period.

    He’s the better person for the job and she’s proving it more and more each day.

    PS. Paul, you’re a fool.

  7. Allison Jammer says:

    I completely agree with you. Hillary’s defiant stance on this race is going to tear apart the democratic party and cause both her and Obama to become the losers. Obama galvanizes people, all people, black, white, women, men. Pretty much everyone who is tired of the Political BS that has taken over this country for the past 8 years.

    I will tell you my opinion on why Clinton is polarizing the people and not galvanizing them. It’s because Clinton with all her “mis-speakings” and half-truths has everyone believing she is no better than the assclowns who are running things now.

    For me, whenever I hear Hillary boast about her “experience” I really can’t help but think she is really saying, “hey guys, I sold out to big business already, I’m just like Dubya!”

    This is why I can never give my vote to her. These last 8 years have shown us just a glimpse of what a morally and ethically corrupt office can do, and I for one cannot in good faith or mind ever vote for someone who reminds me more of Dubya than Bill.

  8. Exactly. With a failed war, a bad economy, and high gas prices, Bush is handing the election over to the Dems on a silver platter. But Hillary has only her best interest in mind and NOT the Democratic party.

    Do we really need someone who embellishes their experience? One who embellishes trips to war torn nations? For Gods sake Sinbad was on that same flight and said the only emergency was where they were going to have dinner that night!

    I liked Bill for the eight years he was Pres but he pulled some silly stuff too. Remember the meaning of the word “is” fiasco? Or the blow job in the oval office? Yes, he was a good President but he did do this stuff. He did!

    So now Hillary wants a turn. Do we really need 8 years of Bill, followed by 8 years of George Bush, followed by 4 years of Hillary, followed by 4 years of Jeb? (just predictions of course). Let’s get some new blood in there for goodness sake!!!!

    Obama is the person for the job. Hillary just can’t stand the idea that she lost and is trying to steal it through Super Delagates. Shame shame shame.

  9. Vangogh John says:

    Come on guys!!! What are you talking about???
    You really want a black stuff in the WHITE gouse??? For God sake! It is not the black house. Go, Hilary: you’ll make it!!!

  10. Way to go Vangogh! racist all the way. Black or white, male or female should not matter. I want a statesman(and for those of u who are blinded by political correctness “man” means human) Sexist means we let a person’s gender influence our opinion before we listen and race by the color of their skin or the way in which a person communicates(expressions and heritage). While sex and race due make us different and rightly so its the inherent hate and mistrust we can do without. Hillary has a lot of baggage that most of us don’t want to deal with. Obama has proven to be quite the statesman in fact and has done well in recent challenges.

  11. I have never seen a love affair with a politician like I have with Senator Obama. The Today Show’s Ann Curry was blushing as she recapped her interview with Obama. The look on her face, the smile and twinkle in her eyes reminds me that it’s possible for a grown woman to have a crush like a school girl, and without any means to stop it from showing.

    Its no wonder the media is pushing so hard for Hillary to resign, they cannot imagine going on without him…and it looks very possible if she doesn’t quit soon. Don’t believe what you read/hear. Hillary Clinton has very good odds of winning this race, with our without the media.

    Sorry ladies, your dashing “Barry” has peaked. It’s time to dust off the old photos of George Cloony and hope that he enters into politics as a canidate some day.

  12. Funny stuff Greg. But your statement should have read:

    “Hillary Clinton has very good odds of STEALING this race, with our without the media, BY CONVINCING, LYING TO, BLACKMAILING, OR GIVING HAND JOBS TO SUPER DELAGATES.”

  13. Vangogh John says:

    I’m notracist, I share my own thoghts: WE DON’T NEED A BLACK STUFFIN OUR WHITE HOUSE. PERIOD!!!

  14. Vangogh John says:


  15. I am going to make it short and cute. Too dump to response to your blog….:)

  16. Vangogh John — What a simple mind you must have. Unable to see past the color of a person’s skin.

    You sir, and people like you set this nation back hundreds of years. It’s quite sad.

  17. Sigh. I do believe you’re right. She does divide this country, and the last thing we need is another division. However, I don’t know what you would be hoping for in Hillary Clinton stepping down; Obama divides us too, and so does McCain.

    It may or may not seem like it to you, but let me share with you my personal experience in the general response to the candidates – all of the major ones, republican and democratic alike.

    When asked about Obama, a lot of the people I’ve met said “Hell no, I ain’t electing no black towel-head to run our beautiful country” – that particular line is from a sworn democrat, no less. Another one about Obama is “He’s too weak, he’ll never get anything done” and you should SEE these two democratic opinions go up against each other. It’s citizen warfare. The people who like him, versus these people that don’t, is even worse.

    As for Mrs. Clinton, the bad opinions range from “No Women For President” to “Hillary’s a crazy bitch” and the good range from “She’s stronger than Obama” to “I think she’s an excellent role-model for all women”… and again, pitted against each other, these opinions form brutal divisions. Opinions about Hillary pitted against opinions about Obama create yet another division.

    The democratic party is at war with itself as a whole.

    THEN comes McCain. McCain, in his republican fire and rigor, scares some democrats while others, distraught over the democratic craziness , have decided to vote for him based on the idea that the democratic party is so tangled that its hopeless. Republicans are the only ones not divided, not upset. They seem bemused that the democratic party is in such a state of disaster, and are resting comfortably, perhaps with the knowledge now the whoever wins on the democratic side, the division present in the nation will work in their favor. I can’t blame them, I would be too.

  18. Thank you for writing what I feel. I feel Hilary’s ambition and ego are more important to her than her patriotism. Why aren’t politicians asked to put the good of the nation before their own ambitious goals?

    I am tired of having politicians who mudsling and create negative campaigns in order to scare people to vote for them. Hilary is not an honest person, she is not a tested leader and she is not going to inspire this country to come out of these dark days we are currently in. When we had the Great Depression, we didn’t need another mudslinging, slick talking politician, we needed someone who could inspire us to become a greater nation. I don’t think that Hilary’s divisive nature could ever bring a nation together and pull us out of the mire this President has left us in.

    Thank you for writing this letter. I hope that more people seek it out and start to ask her gently to step down.

  19. Vangogh John says:

    Anyways, we don’t need a black stuff in our “WHYTE HOUSE”

  20. Thierrycoopens says:

    I don’t really understand you poeple: such a poor guy, from an african family and a Muslim background!!?? Bull chit! You really don’t want such a man to run our Country!!! If that was to happen, I’ll quit this country!

  21. I think that obama should win. I know that Hillary Clinton has made alot of good disisions but Obamas are better.

  22. jason r says:

    try a little math with me.

    senate is 49/49 with 2 independents – sanders and lieberman

    233 dems to 202 reps

    270 votes needed to win

    233 + 49 = 282

    202 + 49 = 251

    plus 2 independents but probably

    283 / 252

    if everyone goes down party lines

    and three from dc …

    meaning that there is a slim 18 vote margin that if lost, means 4 more years of bush policies.

    do you really think the entire democratic party would get behind sen. obama? i don’t think so.

    will they all get behind sen. clinton? i’d say there are better odds with her, but i still don’t think so.

    split ticket? let us pray.

    it’s all going to come down to 18 votes. we really do need to get rid of this electorate.

  23. Jordan Debbink says:

    Seriously it is time that we had a woman running for president that doesn’t fell the need to lie when she’s tired and that has no sense of practicality. Please drop out immediatly..Barak Obama would do just fine without you and he shows it….and John McCain would do even better and you all know it thanks for your time ……………by the way i’m eighteen and i’m a guy

  24. Lynn Jenkins says:

    Wow! Almost 3 months have gone by since this letter was written and she’s still hanging in there! After last nights big loss in NC and the “squeak by” in Indiana I think it’s inevitable. If Hillary cares anything about the democratic party, if she cares anything about this country, if she cares anything about what is good and what is true, SHE WILL DROP OUT IMMEDIATELY!!! Sadly, I don’t think she does care about any of those things, she only cares about her ego, therefore she’s going to drag this thing out, make a joke out of our party and send the McCain’s laughing all the way to the White House.

    ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! This makes me so ANGRY! Why can’t somebody go and shake her? I mean honestly now, what is her plan? I hate to think so badly of her but she leaves me no choice. She’s planning on staying in the race and continuing to smear Obama’s name, threaten his support, and make America, or at least the super-delegates, afraid to support him. She’s just waiting it out, certain that Reverend Wright will say some more controversial things that she and the media can try to link to Obama as if he said them himself. I’m to the point of believing that she’s counting on the racism in America to win out and that she’ll be nominated in spite of the math that says there is no possible or fair way that she should get it. He may be winning but she’s WHITE! How sad!!! And doesn’t it say something to her when she hears the reports on the demographics of her support base? Basically the only people who are still supporting her are the individuals who are too ignorant to know any better! I’m not trying to be nasty but it’s the truth. Look at the ignorant and racist statements that some of the bloggers above have left here who are still in support of her! “We don’t want any Black stuff in our Whyte House” ??? Uh-hmm. What are you afraid of? Their cooties might infest the place? Another Blogger referred to Obama as being suspect for president because “he’s African and Muslim” . Yes, he’s part African but he’s also an American. His name may be of Muslim origin but so was Mohammed Ali’s and everybody loved him! And there’s Kareem Abdul Jabar, but everybody loved the Lakers (well, west coast folk). There was “Theo” aka Malcolm JAMAL Warner, and nobody boycotted The Cosby Show. So, what is it? Black people are fine as the entertainers of this country but they are not fine as the leaders of this country? Or you’ll give up on this country (what one blogger said)? Well, based on the grammatical mistakes in your writing and the spelling of your first name my guess is that this wasn’t your country to begin with so maybe you should just pack up and go back home!

    Sorry, I got off track. This was not supposed to be about confronting the racist idiots out there but reiterating that it is BEYOND the time for Hillary to hang up her hat. If there was any shred of dignity left in her body, and if she didn’t want to be forever immortalized as the wacko woman presidential candidate who couldn’t take no for an answer, she would have quit yesterday! Oops, too late! It’s midnight and tomorrow just became today.

    Please Hillary…be the bigger woman and congratulate Obama. As the original blogger said, show this country that you are ready to embrace change! Actions speak so much louder than words.

  25. Letsopenoureyes says:

    It is time to unite this country. Perhaps it is best that Hillary Clinton step down from the presidential race, as she divides the country, and is not the type of person to best represent “women” or even Americans.

    Yet, in all fairness, Obama should likewise step down due to his lack of experience. Speeches and good intensions (if in fact they are good) does not make one presidential material.

    John McCain cares for this country. Hehas experience, and while he’s more liberal than my politics, he would do much to bring this country together. Anyone who knows his record knows that he obviously is not another George W. Bush. He is his own person, a political Maveric. He has served this country and is the most qualified candidate of the three to truly be considered the next president of these United States.

    He is not the candidate of men or of women or of whites or of blacks or any other demographic you would propose to fill in the blank. He is truly for all Americans, and I hope citizens will stand back from looking to choose a candidate who shares her / his skin color or her / his gender. It should not be a beauty contest, or a time to affirm which demographic you identify with. It isn’t a test of how charismatic your personality is. We are seeking one to serve this great nation, bringing experience, ability to get along with others, and vision to the table. Not just one of these qualities. And also, someone who can be trusted, based on what we know of their past. If the wrong candidate becomes president, our lives, and our children–the future–will be effected. Let’s give McCain a chance. Isn’t the future of this country worth it?

  26. Queen of Portugal says:

    Hillary Clinton gave it a good try, but the dream is over. She will wake up to the reality that everyone else knows is true–she tried but it just didn’t work out. Maybe in 2012? : )

  27. jason r says:

    still ignoring the fact that the american people have nothing to do with the election, eh?

    please explain how clinton remaining in the election changes the votes of the electorate one tiny bit.

    i’m listening.

  28. Lynn Jenkins says:

    Hmmm awfully quiet…

    Sorry Jason but I think many are going to continue to ignore that fact as long as the American people and the votes of the eletorate are pointing to a black man winning this nomination and the presidential eletion.

    I’d like to add another question. How many out there really believe that Hillary would still be “sticking it out” if her competitor was white? Let’s say his name was Bryan Osborne but he was basically the same as Obama; same policies, same speeches, same intellectualism, same everything (well, maybe no reverend Wright but some equally controversial white pastor). But instead of his father being from Africa, he was from…let’s say Australia (euro immigrant, not aboriginal), and of course his wife and two daughters were white. If this were the case, WOULD WE STILL BE IN THIS MESS?!

    Wake up America!!! Racism is alive and well and it’s not just in Black and other people of color’s heads! It’s rearing it’s ugly head in this nomination process and it’s a terrible thing! It will be a crying shame if America’s racism keeps the right person out of the White House and subjects us to 4-8 more years of an economic slump, our underprivaledged youth being slaughtered in Iraq, and our leadership being the joke of the free world!

  29. jason r says:

    lynn… i am going to indulge a bad habit of mine – responding to a question with a question.

    if racism is truly the reason why Senator Clinton is still running, what happened to John Edwards?

    he’s got very similar views/voting record as both Sens. Clinton and Obama… but no one wanted to hear from a white lawyer, no matter how populist he really is.

    the racism that is ‘rearing it’s ugly head’ in this election mostly consists of white guilt. no one with any measure of intellectual honesty claims that racism has been eliminated.

    but when i hear people (white people, mind you – never heard this crap from my black friends) imply that race is the only reason people vote for someone other than Obama it makes me vomit in my mouth a little.

    we all need to have integrity to our arguments and face the truth like adults. giving in to divisive politics – like playing the race card – is precisely what Sen. Obama is campaigning against, no?

  30. Diana Hall says:

    Dear Mrs Clinton
    Today behind closed doors the Dem Committee is meeting to decide the fair way to give you all
    doubt that what you have earned in your campaign to win the Dem Nomination is correctly and fairly earned by you.They seem to be spending alot of deliberating time to make you happy in this foray.
    When the decision is reached and if the outcome points to the fact that you are not the favorable candidate to represent the Dem party ultimately in this upcoming election, I hope that you will concede without further tantrum to have your own way on behalf of the American people who YOU say you can represent wholly and but now who wish to get on in unity. This is not about YOU or Mr Clinton it is about the American right to choose and out up with the rules as they are set up. You may be a woman running for President, but all people whether man/woman need the right PERSON to represent them. Had you ever inegaged in intramural sports, you might play better by rules. This election is not an intramural street war inviting your community to put up their dukes,dividing community after community and this is the campaign you seem to to have led.

  31. Diana Hall says:

    Mr Ickes is saying what anyone would say in defense of his personal candidate. How can you take a full / fair vote from an election where Mr Obama’s name was not even on the voting ticket? If Hillary wants to change the rules in Florida, then Obama needs to get on the ticket and there should be a re vote in Michigan.
    Honestly this is so mundane, infantile and unreasonable, w/out any foresight. No wonder the US is in the misery it is w/ Washington, as usual ‘guiding’ the way. This conference today is like a parent group getting together to solve the kids problems, and some of the parents are as/more immature. I am almost ready to expat w/ my own, personal resources.I made this threat when Bush came into office, but,now, as a Dem I am fed up. Mr Ickes reminds me of the arrogant professor who lives in a can, the sort that I used to listen to with awe as a student at CU BOulder in the early seventies. Thank God I have moved on ,still a liberal, but beyond the box of this liberal type.

  32. Katia K. says:

    Dear Senator Clinton-

    For the sake of my children’s future, that of our Party, and our country, I ask that you gracefully concede defeat and act now to endorse Senator Obama for president. I look forward to your energy and support on the campaign trail as we all unify to ensure that he is elected in November.


  33. So very eloquently put. This is how I felt from the get go. Watching her continue on — and the way she has gone about it — has made me lose a lot of the respect I had for her.. it makes me very sad.

    Though, on that note, it makes me a bit more sure that Obama really is all that I had hoped he’d be. I don’t worry that I’ve made an error in choice now.

    Very, very well done.

  34. I don’t really understand you poeple: such a poor guy, from an african family and a Muslim background!!??

    We “poeple” are not racist. We support a biracial individual who has won his party’s nomination.

    We people are respectful of religion. To us, Islam, as practised by the majority in the US, is a peaceful and beautiful religion.

    Why is it that we have an American Presidential candidate who proudly belongs to a segregated black church that declares it’s non-negotiable commitment to Africa and nobody is talking about this?

    There are many segregated black churches. I see it as a cultural thing. Re: Africa, more people should be committed to Africa. The amount of genocide, AIDS, poverty, and abuse of human rights is unacceptable. On a related note, most Jews support Israel unconditionally. Is this bad?

    As to the main point, I hold strong Orthodox Jewish beliefs. Religion should have NEVER been an issue…how DARE the media swarm around that church and exploit it, how DARE the clergy dying for attention interrupt parishoners’ worship services. How dare people hold a broad idea that a few soundbites can represent the majority of their services.

    It is not gender prohibiting my vote for Hillary, but her lack of ethics. I believe there is another comment about this that reflects my views perfectly, but to that I would also add her, and her husband’s, disgusting antisemitic remarks. Why ADL never jumped on their asses and condemned this is beyond me.



    You cannot push that on free America,
    She must of had some major $$$ backers from the insurance industry for her to ruin her campain like that.
    EVERYONE hated that plan dems and republicans.
    That is the reason so many people sided with Barrack. She had to know that issue would make her lose instantly.I think she took the money and ran,she didnt REALLY want to become pres.
    That is the only realistic way I can look at this…

  36. Susan Ziegler says:

    Hello! I am doing research on my next opera (I’m a composer) and I found this website! Great information, thanks!

    For my research, can you tell me when you wrote a letter and published it on this website asking Edwards to step down when he was running against Kerry, because I cannot find it anywhere. Was it before February 12, 2004 or after February 12, 2004. Or if you could just email me the url or the actual published letter, that would be faster, thanks! I appreciate your time.

  37. So very eloquently put. This is how I felt from the get go. Watching her continue on — and the way she has gone about it — has made me lose a lot of the respect I had for her.. it makes me very sad.

    Though, on that note, it makes me a bit more sure that Obama really is all that I had hoped he’d be. I don’t worry that I’ve made an error in choice now.

    Very, very well done.

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