Magic Hats #1 Wordless Wednesday

Hats from just some of Aaron’s family, with one special hat in honor of Aaron’s family thrown in for good measure. You can see the Magic Hats story here.


  1. Love them all, but twins in pink sparkles is my favorite!

  2. Fabulous!

  3. I have to agree I love the pink sparkles and I am not a fan of pink.

  4. Ginger Kenney says:

    I vote for the pink sparkly girls too. However, the speical hat MUST be the one Aaron is modeling? Pray tell, what IS that, lol??

  5. That was a gift from a friend (@lvdjgarcia) to Aaron – it’s a WVU hat. And since a lot of Aaron’s family is from West Virginia…it seemed appropriate to include him in on this particular post.

  6. The Nudnik says:

    Another option (if it interests you) could be a wig. There are people who specialize in making wigs for people whose hair is sparse / gone because of medical procedures.

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