Arise, MsMama

Annie’s Knight for December. Congrats to MsMama. She’s Mommylicious. She’s Mommyfabulous. She’s Fertile. She’s the ultimate Yummy Mummy. She gets a free shirt. This photo is so good even blogging baby picked it up. And if you read MsMama, you know her breastfeeding story…which really seals the deal on the photo.

Thanks to everyone who played. We’ll do it again in January!

*I posted early, I know…but I have a final tomorrow. I’m the Queen. I change the rules when I see fit.


  1. Great pick! I’m going to go congratulate her now.

    This was a lot of fun, thanks for letting us all play 😀

  2. Wow, December must really be my month! I might just play the lotto to see if my luck keeps up! Thanks, I have never been knighted before – can I call myself Dame now? I am looking forward to getting my Mommylicious T! 🙂

  3. Dame, Countess, whatever you like!

    One Mommylicious T on the way!

  4. Congrats Ms mama!!

    Woot WooT!

    Thanks again Q—-that was a lot of fun.

  5. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  6. She absolutely deserved it. That picture is gorgeous!

  7. Oh yeah, that photo is just precious!!!

    I long for those days… sigh.

  8. Ok, that picture did it. I’ve been on the brink lately of almost having the desire for another baby. Looking at the picture put me over the edge! I think I want another….. I shall go talk to my hubby now…… 🙂

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