I’m still not entirely sure what happened in this Royal Kingdom last night. It was chaos.
As I mentioned (I think?) in my last post…we had a party. The adults had some silly idea that small children would play together and eventually pass out into dreamland, while those of us with voter eligibility and driver’s license rang in the new year with many cocktails.
Well, the many cocktails occurred, but those little people never passed out. Or slowed down. Or sat for more than 10 seconds. Even the infants (2 total) remained awake for the ball drop.
Count Waffles the Terrible, seconds before midnight, was still full stream ahead (complete with his sister’s headband) chasing the big kids around the house and divebombing off the couch while Mom and Dad were too preoccupied (lit) to care or discipline.
(He also said “Blast Off!” instead of “Happy New Year” at midnight and was very confused the rest of the crowd didn’t say “Blast Off!” with him after the countdown. The Queen was still in shock at how far apart Mariah Carey’s boobs seemed, and how once again this year we knew no one on the MTV.)
I’m awake only because Princess Peanut has two new front teeth to ring in 2006 and is miserable. Its 10am and everyone else (including my usually-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn-toddler) is snoring.
I just quickly glanced at what will need cleaning once I’m alive today…and lets just say its not often you see martini glasses next to sippy cups, both looking as if they partied hard into the New Year.
Have a Happy New Year Everyone.
Happy New Year! I hope you recover quickly from your hangover and all the cleaning! New Years day seems always to be a miserable one… I am sick, so even though I only had one glass of champaigne and was in bed before midnight I still feel like crud today!
LOL! I am chuckling to this story… it is amazing how children can hang in with the adults. 🙂 Hope you had a happy “Blast Off”… 🙂
How funny! “Blast off!” should be the new way Americans welcome in the new year. And I concur with what you said about Mariah. I even remarked to my hubby that they didn’t even look real anymore. What the HECK has she done with herself?
Happy New Year! Er, I mean, Blast Off!
Alas that will be me next year! LOL!!! Cheers girlie… 🙂 I can’t wait to have a cocktail… they are screaming my name! LOL! 6 more months…
LOL! Now THAT’S a party!
Sorry you’re up early with a teething Princess. Cordy seems to always get her teeth in pairs.
Yeah, we saw Mariah Carey also, and we concur. Not to mention, did that outfit make her look a wee bit heavy, or has she just been eating lately?
I was thinking she looked like a fat space alien, so I guess “Blast OFF!” would be appropriate….
Mariah Carey was a huuuuggge joke to my hb and I last night.
She is so dumb.
She’s all parting her hair to make sure the nation sees her massive boobs…
Can’t stand her.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year right back atcha! When my hubby mistook Hillary Duff for Mariah, I laughed so hard I fell off my chair! Course what would he know, he’s a boy.
You need a drink. My husband mistook Hillary for Lindsey Lohan. I thought she was Barbie who could only bend at the waist.
Here’s to more sleep in 2006!
Ok, I’m really glad it wasn’t just our little gathering discussing Mariah’s boobs, Hillary’s teeth, and confusing everyone involved. I feel better.
What funny lil’ ones! 🙂
ahh mine and mindys too (the state of indiana)our lil ones brought the new year in with us as well!
I love the image of martini glasses next to sippy cups.. LOL
You should have taken a photo of that!
Happy New Year, homegirl 🙂
I’m glad Davin and I weren’t the only ones discussing Mariah’s “attributes.” Jeez louise, don’t her handlers have any control over the crap she wears?
Happy New Year, Queen of Spain!
ours was the same! we were with jessica and zachary and the two babies watched in awe as the fireworks went off!
Thank god, I thought I was one of the worst mothers in the world to let their little ones stay up past midnight! We were at a party with a bunch of other families, most of whom left before midnight so as not to disrupt the little darlings’ bedtimes. I was starting to wonder if I was a horrible mother — but my kids were perfectly happy to stay awake! And by any chance is the show Little Einsteins popular in your household? Lumpy is always saying “Blast Off!” He loves that show.
Its all Little Einsteins All the time aroun here…