There are days I am the laziest Mom ever.
For instance, on the day after Halloween when my children ate nothing but candy, a few frozen waffles, some flat bread and baked brie, and more candy.
I’m not kidding.
On the other hand, my house got cleaned. Which, for some odd reason I don’t categorize as part of being a Mom, but rather as just keeping my living quarters healthy and respectable.
It’s not as if Halloween was sooooooooo much unlike any other day around here that I needed this entire day to recoup. The kids didn’t get to bed too late. They didn’t travel anywhere out of the ordinary or need anything extraordinary. Which leads me to believe my post-holiday laziness is purely mental.
I had to plan the costumes. Decorate the house. Get 3 dozen donut holes for the school parade. Attend the school parade, remember the camera, bring the change of clothes, bring the costume home. Attend the smaller child’s class party, remember the costume. Buy the candy to hand out. Get ready to trick or trick. Remember the camera. Actually trick or treat-twice-once in our neighborhood and once from a party in an adjoining neighborhood. Remember the camera. Remember my costume. Remember my husband’s costume. Remember the “adult” cider. Remember the “adult” cider travel mugs. Remember glow sticks. Remember all parts of all peoples costumes. Do without some parts of peoples costumes. Rely heavily on my husband to make all those above things happen.
Oh, don’t forget the tissues for runny noses and the extra pull ups for the 3-year old with the candy-induced shits.
Sometimes, in the midst of all the excitement, I’m so busy remembering that I forget to have fun.
…and then little voices, tiny voices, skip and sing about candy and treats and tricks and all the remembering melts away. The “adult” cider helps too.
Oh my GODDESS, those kids are CUTE! I just want to smooch them all up (as Sweet Pea would say)! Your parents are totally adorable too. Tee hee! I think you had a day “off” coming to you – sounds like waaaaaaaaaaaay more remembering than I could have handled. What did you and the Kaiser dress up as? I’m going to check your flikr for clues.
Lily ate Kissables for dinner last night.
Sounds like success to me, and by the sounds of all the candy, pretty sweet success at that. Jason is jealous of your cider – he really loves the stuff, and oddly had only moments ago been making plans to get some.
We lived on crappy food all day long. I love halloween. Your kids look wired with joy, or is that the sugar exploding in their brains?
Holy smokes, I thought that was YOU in the witch hat. I was going, “Man she gained some weight” and then I realized it was your moms! You look just like her! In the nicest way possible. 😉
Alexis went through the same stress process. I hope that you have recovered by now!