Get Our Your Wallet…

We criticize, we bitch, and we challenge. We leave comments and type our opinions on everything from gay pastors to breastfeeding mothers. We care enough to stay informed. We care enough to vote. And we certainly care enough to whine about what needs to be done. Bloggers have no shortage of ideas, but not many of us translate our complaints into action. We can write a good game, but can we take it one step further?

Love them or hate them, the ever-blog-present Mom community is kicking ass when it comes to turning posts into power. They’ve got blogging balls, and it’s time the rest of the blogosphere shows some r-e-s-p-e-c-t and supports them this holiday season.

Go ahead and dis their posts on poopy diapers and lazy husbands, but make sure you take out your wallet for their causes. They deserve and demand you attention, because they have harnessed the power of the blogosphere to not just find community and bitch, but to change the world.

What began as a typical Mommy post about family has turned into a full blown auction for Muscular Dystrophy. Her Bad Mother simply talked about her nephew Tanner, who suffers from the disease, and before you could say “Mommyblogger” a fundraiser was coordinated. Ipods, handmade items, jewelry, diaper bags, t-shirts, books, and many other items are up for auction. There is even information on how your child can send Tanner a letter of love and encouragement as he battles.

Over at BlogHer, ad network participants brought up the idea of using their adspace for public service announcements. Emails were sent, calls were made, and now has partnered with BlogHer to donate up to 10-thousand dollars to Doctors Without Borders. It’s easy too, all you have to do is go to and search for something “red.” Every “red” search means $1 for Doctors Without Borders.

It doesn’t stop there, either. Through my own Mommyblog, I’ve gotten to meet some amazing people, working for amazing causes. Seth Mazow and I found each other in the food line at BlogHer’s 2006 conference in San Jose. With a baby on my hip, a discussion about Mommyblogging began and we’ve been exchanging emails ever since.

Seth works for Interplast, the “…first international humanitarian organization to provide free reconstructive surgery in developing countries.” Interplast does what all of us Moms wish we could do across the world, help make life better for kids. They also do something very close to my heart; they help make breastfeeding possible for babies who might otherwise not be able to nurse.

As a blogger, as a Mom, and as a part of this virtual community, I challenge you to not just comment on this post but to open your wallet to these organizations and people. It’s not just that time of year, it’s time to turn all this talk into action.

Your Mom was there to wipe your nose and kiss your tears away. Be there for these Moms today, and make a difference.

Crossposted at the Huffington Post.


  1. I can’t say thanks too many times, can I? xoxo

  2. Blog power!

  3. I did it, too. Amen to you for posting a kick ass entry!

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  5. Thanks for this site!

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