I Am Voting Republican

via my friend Baratunde


  1. This is the greatest thing ever. Platform points reduced to prefect, bite-sized portions, with exactly the right amount of black humor and irony. Get this to every “undecided” and bitter Clinton supporter right away!

  2. Awesome. Thanks for sharing. I blogged it… it’ll post tomorrow. (Sorry– trying to spread out my posts…finally…)

  3. canoe chick says:

    OMG that is so funny!! and so sad, because it is so true. wish i could come down and vote dem for you all…in the meantime, will be sending it to all my american friends!

  4. Brilliant! Must blog it immediately.

  5. Is there a video like this that highlights the shortfalls of the Democratic party? 😉 I wanna make sure I’m informed completely, come November.

  6. i’m so bummed that the video has been taken down. fill me in…please?

  7. THAT is awesome. I laughed so hard I almost peed – HA! But underneath it I was a little sad because so much of it is way too true.

  8. Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins says:

    The most amusing part for me was that I could think of just as many Democrats as Republicans who either voted for or were instrumental in the creation of the policies that are being attributed to Republicans in this video.

    Republicans shouldn’t be given all the credit! Democrats in office are just as corrupt! And inept!

  9. Still perfect!

  10. I’m pretty sure that videos like this is why people talk crap about dems. Here’s how I see it, to me it doesn’t matter if you are a democrat or a republican it’s all about where you stand on the issues. Clearly, and this video is the perfect example, there are people with extreme views to the left and to the right. Extrememists aren’t cool – ever. No matter what the topic is.

  11. It was a good shoot. I enjoy the crew.

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  13. When you have more than sensationalist spin and mostly false stereotypes, try again.

  14. Walter Wilson says:

    Except that some democrats are so stupid they believe the ad is true…hahahah and will end up voiting Republican…like me….because I do not want to pay more taxes so losers can eat and get free rides.

    and yes the prisons are full of minorities because they commit the most crimes….

  15. Good movie!
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