Well F You Too

Instead of going on and on and around and around, I’m just going to present to you-loyal readers and asshats just passing by- a list.


A List.

Sessions at SXSW Interactive 2008:

Sex, Intimacy & Online Relationships

Why Sewing and Knitting Still Matter

Diaper Diarists

Pet Blogging: Not a Fluffy Puppy Story

Sexual Ethics, Interactivity and Virtual World

Pro Gridiron on the Web


Make Your Art Work For You!

Virtual Mentoring for Real Life Success in Music

Your MOM 2.0

Blog World Expo 2008

The Internet and the Olympics

CLOSING KEYNOTE Gary Vaynerchuck Wine Library TV

How Blogging is Changing the Way We Live Our Lives For the Better

GODBLOGCON: The Missional Church in the Internet Age

Sports Blogging

Marketing to MommyBloggers

BlogHer 2008

DIY Content Syndication and Promotion

Why Bloggers (Even Non-Programmers) Benefit from Participating in Open Source Projects

How To Take Names and Be Taken Seriously as a Political Blogger

Blogging with a Global Perspective

Two Concurrent Sessions: Progressives & Conservatives

How We Communicate: Video Blogging

Funding & Incubation Opportunities and Women Entrepreneurs

Building Traffic via Content and Community

Talking About War & Peace/Who Better Serves Women Like You: Obama or McCain?

There’s More to Monetization than Advertising

Tools for Online Fundraising and Activism

Open Source Participation: How to advance to the next level

Top-notch Political Opinion Commentary

FAQs for Beginning Bloggers

Green/Social Change

Race and Gender: What are the lessons of 2008

What? You didn’t know? Obviously you missed it in the New York Times Fashion and Style section. Maybe write them an Op-Ed or a Letter to the Editor or something.

I’m done now.


  1. Queen of Spain says:

    My Favorite is the Fluffy Pet Blogger one. Maybe the diaper one. Either way….

  2. Me. Kissing you.

    Sad thing is, I don’t think “they” are literate. It’s the only explanation.

  3. Erin, Thanks for pulling this together!

  4. Rock the F on.

  5. lol – I just had this conversation with someone yesterday…

  6. Are you kidding me with the other topics? Unreal. BlogHer changed me. The NY Times can – how do you put it? – suck it.

  7. Thank you, Erin. I am just going to point people to this post from now on, because the breadth of our agenda does indeed get lost in the shuffle…even by folks who were there and seemed to think all the sessions were about one thing.

    We have seven simultaneous tracks because we’re NOT a niche audience. At any given time we really do try to have something for everyone…even someone like me: A middle-aged, childless, wanna-be geek who is or has been into political, personal and professional blogging.

    What?! I can be multi-dimensional like that? Shocking 🙂

  8. Dude. That post you linked? There are no words.

  9. Thank you for dropping a bomb on that assumption. It needed to be done. Ignorant people shouldn’t be so judgmental.

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