No Then. No Now.

halloween08 003
Because explaining to my children that everyone has rights – except some people – is unacceptable.


  1. Because I don’t want ONE MORE child to be kept from seeing a sick parent in the hospital because his/her parents’ relationship falls outside the law.

  2. I’m waiting for the verdict. Although I’m Canadian, I think this is so very important to everyone. I’m glad that we have accepted, legally and otherwise, same sex marriage in Canada. I hope we can soon say the same thing for California (and every other state in the US).

  3. Today’s losers are considering gathering signatures for a pro-gay marriage proposition for 2010. Good luck on that!

    The final score on Prop 8 last November was: 7,001,084 aye, 6,401,082 nay. That’s 600,000 votes short of the brass ring. 48%. And getting from 48 to 50 will be a bitch. Ask any policy wonk.

    Truth to tell, 48% may be the high water mark. 48 may be as good as it’s ever going to get. Let’s crunch some numbers. In the last election, the whites split about 50-50, maybe 48-52 against Prop 8. It was among the Hispanics and the Afro-Americans where you had the big pro-Prop 8 percentages. Strange how homosexuals think of Latinos and Afro-Americans as their natural allies. As brothers and sisters in a common bond of oppression. Just another one of those fairy tales that won’t go away, I guess.

    Looking to the immediate future, looking to kick off the post-Prop 8 season on something of a high note (and to get everyone’s eye on the prize, I guess), California homosexual activists have some events planned for the very near future. One is called “Meet in the Middle” and it consists of a rally/demonstration/happening/whatever in Fresno, of all places.

    Why Fresno? First of all, Fresno is in the Central Valley, at the geographical center of California. Middle, get it? Secondly, the Central Valley is California’s “Bible Belt” and Fresno is the buckle.

    Speaking of Bibles… Homosexual advocacy groups went to great lengths to blame the Mormons for Prop 8’s success. And it’s easy to blame the Mormons, easy to make them the bogeyman. Easy because Mormons don’t hit back. At least not physically.

    Fact is, the Mormons are a small cult with minimal clout. How minimal? They don’t even control Salt Lake City anymore. The last SLC Mayor, Rocky Anderson, was about as gay-friendly as you can get. Nevertheless, California gays persisted in hammering home the fiction that it was Mormon gold and Mormon lies that turned the tide.

    When in fact, the truth all along was Latino and Afro-American voters were the ones who did the damage. That’s the truth, but truth is never the object when you’ve been kicked to the curb and you’re looking for people to blame. So in the aftermath of Prop 8, you saw these massive angry gay photo-ops at the Mormon tabernacle in Westwood Village, but nary a peep of protest at any of the Afro-American churches in South LA or at any of the Pentecostal iglesias in the barrio.

    But happily, the chickens are about to come home to roost. Because there’s one other thing I forgot to mention about Fresno. It has a big, big Latino population. 40%.

    Stay tuned. Should be interesting.

  4. I’m hoping this will all be sorted out by the time my son gets old enough to notice. Hoping fervently.

  5. I am sorely disappointed. But we are not beaten yet. There is much more to this story to be told.

  6. I didn’t think explaining to our kids equality is only for some people was our job as parents…that’s what Animal Farm is for, right? Then you have the discussion on how that can only happen in Russia … oh, and California.

  7. Actually, Dale, the Mormon community is estimated to have contributed 6.9 million to the Yes on 8 campaign.

    And the African-American/minority myths are debunked here-

    and if you don’t like that because it’s a Kos link

    and if you don’t like that one because it’s a progressive site

    But hey, keep that dream alive. Don’t let facts gets in the way.

  8. I went to meet in the middle rally and it was great. An amazing group of people came together to offer hope and support. Living in a small California town that actually had people “celebrate” the court decision, I see the lasting change happening at a federal level. Hopefully, before I have to explain to my kids why their uncles don’t have the same rights their mommy does.

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