Blogher ’10 – In Spirit

As I announced on BlogHer, I will be staying home from the annual BlogHer conference while I await surgery.

This community means the world to me and I’d love for you to participate in our ‘BlogHer ’10 at Home’ fun- because I’m not the only one who will be unable to get on a plane in a few days.

BlogHer '10


  1. You will be missed – feel better!
    .-= Twenty Four At Heart´s last blog ..The Insecure Womans Guide to BlogHer =-.

  2. Will there be badges for Blogher ’10 at Home? I think instead of badges, you should issue hospital bracelets.
    .-= Annie Heckenberger´s last blog .. =-.

  3. I will be at home waiting for blog posts and updates on BlogHer10 on Twitter with you! 🙂
    .-= Jamie´s last blog ..Recipe for a PUPPY!!! =-.

  4. I can’t go either, but love your idea. Sorry about the surgery…

  5. We’ll party in your honor! Get better! We all love you!

  6. I’m so sorry you won’t be going ,I’m even sorrier about how sick you’ve been ! I’d hoped to meet you but will content myself with helping to gather swag for Jack and Hala 🙂

  7. Was hoping to meet in you IRL but now I’ll tweet and join your ‘at home.’ We’ll miss you!
    .-= Liz S´s last blog ..Writing your way through change A guest post by Joanna Paterson =-.

  8. I will be “here” at home with you.I say we dress up and fuss over what shoes,hospital gowns etc we need to wear 🙂

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