The NAACP is Right

I’m not comfortable and it’s not easy to call an entire group of people racist. Very rarely is an entire group of people *anything* … however I’m firmly standing behind the NAACP as it moves to condemn elements of the Tea Party movement.

Not because I think every one in the Tea Party is racist. Not because I think the ones that are even REALIZE they are racist…and of course there are those attracted to the Tea Party because they are racist – but because we need to stand up and say enough is enough. Your ignorance does not get you off the hook.

When the Tea Party meme of the day is that the unemployed are lazy and undeserving of benefits, when they push ‘taking up arms’ to ‘take back the country’ and when they remain predominately white- with their bigoted signs and controversial slurs … enough is enough.

Show me a diverse Tea Party rally and I’ll reconsider. Show me a ‘leader’ of the movement that isn’t a white Christian and we’ll talk. Show me a gathering without racially charged, and 1st Amendment protected, signs and I might think the NAACP has gone to far. But no. Because that does not exist.

Today the First Lady promoted ‘Let’s Move‘ – an initiative aimed at fighting childhood obesity and promoting healthy lifestyles for kids. Guess who was up in arms? The Tea Party blew a gasket on Twitter and elsewhere because Mrs. Obama spoke in front of the NAACP. They talked about government interfering with their lives (“She cares more about if you feed your kid a Twinkie than killing them in the womb”) and then proceeded to mischaracterize her speech.

Of course her speech had nothing to do with the Tea Party or race and everything to do with eating right and exercise.

Why? Why would this predominately white group be so up in arms? Our Black First Lady just spoke to a Black organization and they assume it means whitey will be punished. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann recently said she feels like a ‘slave’ under this administration. Yes…she actually said that. These white folk are so afraid they are screaming about taking back their country.

Of course they deny this has anything to do with race. They are so ignorant they either don’t see it or they can’t bring themselves to admit it in mixed company. They complain that people like myself play the race card, when it’s been in their deck and plain as day for months now.

Yet it’s so amazingly obvious to anyone with common sense that the premier African-American organization in this country is calling the Tea Party out- loud and clear and under no uncertain terms.

Perhaps even if the Tea Party leaders are shocked and disgusted by this accusation, they should at the very least, take a look within. Would they consider working with the NAACP to rid their movement of perceived racism? Would they do minority outreach to show they really are more than a handful of people of color? Would they work to support issues important to people of color and perhaps acknowledge their white base has some learning to do?

I’m not holding my breath. A movement based on fear and hate, with elected leaders championing it’s rallying cry of victimhood and oppression, instead of educating themselves on history and the needs of anyone of color, can’t possibly see beyond their own, white goals.

I’m ashamed of the Tea Party. I’m ashamed that what should be a movement based solely on taxes and policy and issues, is really a KKK rally in a thinly veiled disguise. A sad commentary for those non-racist members who really want to change the country.

I stand firmly behind the NAACP and hope the Tea Party leaders do something about their image and the dangerous rhetoric spewed by their white members.

A Dog Family

Me and my puppy

I’ve stopped and started this post six times.

Morning Lego building with Nicky

For those who have known me a very, very long time…or have followed this blog from it’s inception- you know that I have been wanting a puppy for nearly 15 years.

St. Nicholas Hoots Toots McGee Vest has been with us nearly two months now, and I can finally resign myself to reality. I have a puppy. My kids have a puppy. Our family has a dog.


I can’t really put into words what this means.

Sure it’s tough. Puppies are hard. They chew things and nip and jump and need training. But they bring such love and fun to the house the bad is quickly outweighed with a cuddle.

And as I recovery from major surgery, the puppy has been a force of healing. Calming me, giving the kids something to focus on other than Mom’s belly. Even keeping my husband occupied with an occasional walk or lesson about how we don’t chew Wiimotes.

Yes. Our family is chaotic and complete. With a sweet little puppy named Nicky and a frantic Mom trying to stop him from tugging on a child’s dress.


I just have to say thank you and I love @aaronvest one more time


I’m home right now.

That may not sound like much- I’m home right now– but for years I have been juggling full-time work and motherhood and travel.

It’s frustrating and I’m going stir crazy.

It’s wonderful as I am reminded how a day passes and no emails were answered or conference calls taken. I’ve arranged crayons and wiped up breakfast instead.

It’s forced me to slow down, watch my children closer, become annoyed with the clutter around my house, plot bigger, grander plans for work, life, and play.

I’m home right now.

Instead of packing for my next trip, I’m making dinner and cleaning the dishes. I’m showing my daughter how to wrap a towel in her hair. I’m trimming my son’s bangs.

Very important girl lessons tonight
Instead of scheduling meetings, I’m walking the dog…gingerly.

Four more weeks of this slow life, per the doctor’s orders…I’ll either write a book in my mind or waste away the hours with cartoons and popsicles and summer treats.

I’m home right now. Sigh.


I think the children are bored.

No really

Happy 4th of July!

Jack's 1st grilling lesson

Sea Turtle Relief – My Kids Help the Gulf

Mom, I saw the news. I saw them. They were covered in oil. How can they do that? They were covered in oil and we have to help them. We have to help them now. We have to go there and we have to help them. -Jack

With tears in his eyes my seven-year old son begged me to help the sea turtles in the Gulf. He told his five-year old sister what happened with the oil spill and he insisted our family do something. Insisted.

So we’re doing something.

At Jack’s request I am posting six pictures, hand drawn with great love and care. He would like you to bid for them – with the picture going to the highest bidder and all proceeds going to Sea Turtle relief efforts in the Gulf.

My children have very big hearts, and I really want to show them the world has a big heart too. Help me help them make a difference.

Please bid on the items below by leaving a comment on this post. Please note the picture you are bidding for, what price you are offering,  and where you can be contacted (email, twitter id, etc). The “Sea Turtles are Awesome and Cute” Auction ends July 10th, 2010 at midnight.  ***BIDDING IS NOW CLOSED!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!

All monies collected will be donated to various Sea Turtle Relief org’s helping in the Gulf including but not limited to:

Oiled Wildlife Care Network

Institute for Marine Mammal Studies

And the organizations associated with Plug That Well – a fun game for a cause… go play!

**update! If you have left a bid on a pic or will leave a bid, please leave a comment on Twitter for @jterzieff or on her blog. She will match $5 for every bid! Please do it!

*for those just wanting to make a donation: ($180 was donated via paypal before this was installed so add $180 to the tally below!)

Jack’s Sea Turtle Relief Creation #1- current high bid $50

Jack's sea turtle relief creation #1

Hala’s Sea Turtle Relief Creation #1- current high bid $60

Hala's sea turtle relief creation #1

Jack’s Sea Turtle Relief Creation #2- current high bid $50

Jack's sea turtle relief creation #2

Hala’s Sea Turtle Relief Creation #2- current high bid $50

Hala's sea turtle relief creation #2

Jack’s Sea Turtle Relief Creation #3- current high bid $60

Jack's sea turtle relief creation #3
Hala’s Sea Turtle Relief Creation #3- current high bid $50

Hala's sea turtle relief creation #3

Because Sparklers Are Evil

If there is one thing I have learned in this lifetime- it’s that you never, ever, shoot off fireworks at home.


I’m sitting here struggling with the fact that I can’t take my kids to the local fireworks show this year. Just 10 days post-op and there is no way I can sit in a lawn chair, or the back of the van, in a mall parking lot for hours on end waiting for the professional ‘ooohs and aaaahs.’

But what are my alternatives? I spent too my years at my uncle’s house as a kid where the drunken grown-ups would blast store-bought fireworks… frequently misfiring and landing them near us kids. I can vividly remember a bottle rocket landing near my short-short laden inner thigh as a tween. (btw, nice job Mom and Dad)

I’ve also spent too many years as a reporter, doing the yearly story at the fire station where they demonstrate what those store bought fireworks can do on some unsuspecting stuffed dummy.

Poof. Flames. And then the endless rattling off of stats of just how many ER visits and deaths shooting off your own fireworks cause.

So I sit here wondering how to give my kids a fun 4th of July while I can’t even manage to sneeze or cough without cringing in pain.

Sparklers even seem like evil balls of fire.

I’d love your suggestions on how we can celebrate the 4th. My kids have seen the professional, local show every year since they were born… so I really would like to do something special. How do you celebrate at your house?