
My hospital stay doesn't get better than this

I have everything I need in this hospital room.


  1. That you do…..as tough as all this was for you, you have a beautiful family! Lucky girl….and they are lucky, too.
    .-= Cathy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Awesome BlogHer 2010 Moment =-.

  2. I hope it’s the last one you’re in for a long time.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Decisions =-.

  3. I have an amazing family and I am very hopeful this was our last stay for a long time.

  4. Get well Erin! Love your little girl snuggled up next to you. You need a GI pillow when you cough or have to move more than a centimeter. My husband’s son LOVED drawing on it as it came with a sharpie and the complete layout of his GI tract. I know you ‘lost’ an important part of you. Sleep as well as you can, for now. Those two kids are going to be ready to go when you get back home. Even better, your husband will be so ready to get ‘snug’ once it doesn’t hurt anymore (and I mean just snug).
    Heal well and can’t wait to ‘hear’ you back on here again. Lots of great thoughts and prayers coming to you and for your family while you are not there.

  5. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.
    .-= Barnmaven´s last blog ..Because =-.

  6. Thinking of you. Lots of hugs!
    .-= Angela Moore´s last blog ..My Head is a Bad Neighborhood These Days =-.

  7. Catching up on your posts, I swear I save QoS for last because way, WAY too many mom-bloggers are also idiotically conservative.
    .-= Margaret Crymes´s last blog ..That Black Boy Took My Swing! or- Dr Laura Deserves a Time-Out =-.

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