
I’m supposed to show you more photos of all the Magic Hats that have come to my door today. It’s Wednesday and I promised Wednesday hat updates.

But instead of showing more photos today, as I had planned, I needed to stop for a minute and say a few words about what has transpired:

You have knocked me off my feet.

Not the kind where the guy with the big check comes to your door and the little old lady answers and looks shocked for a minute and then screams and jumps up and down. But the kind where you draw in air and hold your breath and  cant’ let it out…and when you do it’s so slow and deliberate that you just cry. And cry. And cry a bit more because you just don’t know what else to do.

I think what put me over the edge was a box from one of Aaron’s cousins. He included a poem, written in honor of their grandmother, who used to write poems for just about everything…including the day I became a part of their family.

Many of you hand made me hats. You painstakingly used your hands, something I can’t do, to make something just for me.

Or some of you went and picked out something you knew I’d either look fabulous in or would laugh at hysterically or would love, not matter how tacky.

The point being you took the time to truly think about me, even if it was just while shopping for the holidays or grabbing yarn at the store. I’m thinking i really do know some of the most amazing people on earth. And am related to a lot of them.

The other reason those photos are missing is because I’m holed up inside my room, after a long day of all my in-laws being here, including my husband’s brother and his family. Yes, my kids are playing with their cousins for essentially the first time….since the last time everyone was really too little to remember. My home is filled to the brim with laughing and yelling and kid noises that somehow don’t sound nearly as bad as playdate squeals or sleepover threats to ‘get to bed now kids….’ because it’s family – family that probably won’t be together again for another long stretch of time.

So yes, I am overwhelmed because the hats KEEP COMING and the love just keeps enveloping me until nothing, not even Lupus, can break through. Ok, maybe it does from time to time when I need to excuse myself to lay down for a bit…but even then there are hats all over reminding me to stay strong. They are up in my bedroom and down in the living room and by the front door and coat rack…and soon to be hanging on my new hat racks…made with love by my three greatest loves on this planet- my husband, my son, and my daughter.
The beautiful hat racks handmade with love by @aaronvest & kids -photo helps incase I forget them in 5min #lupusbrain

Thank you. All of you. Those words seem so easy to write but please, please understand and feel the weight behind them. You all inspire me to try harder and to fight harder. Thank you.

Rock Star Kid

Our son on the front page - because Science & Art ROCK!!!

There really is nothing more you can do to boost a child’s confidence than wake up to find him on the front page of the paper. And NOT for robbing a bank or something horrible…nope. For being a kick ass kid, who is quirky and fun and so smart.

Yes, I’m a proud Mom…but hear me out for a second- do me ONE favor, please..just one: Make sure you are encouraging your children’s dreams. Even if they seem insane. Even if that means they take a part your toaster. Even if that causes you to have to drive two hours every Sunday to a horse ranch (his sister) or even if that means telling them that anything, truly anything is possible. Even if you have to sacrifice more than ONE toaster, or DVD player, or old VCR.

Stop being stuffy and worrying about the stain it might make on your grass if you explode Mentos and pop. Let go of the idea that paint everywhere might destroy your table.

These are things I have had to learn to breath deeply over in the beginning. And I am so glad I have learned to forget about all the little things and instead embrace the fun and sometimes totally disgusting (family of caterpillars in my HOUSE anyone?) things in order to show my children how much fun learning really can be- and how it can truly bring them closer to their dreams.

This is also where I am glad my husband, even though sometimes it drives me nuts, is a giant kid himself. Because when you combine that with my children’s love of learning and science and animals and insects..you end up with two little rock stars who can and WILL do whatever they want in life. And I couldn’t be more proud.

*I can’t leave out the two teachers who have helped guide my kids through their first years of school, as scary as they were for us, after we left the ‘traditional’ classroom. Jenny Williams and Ana Donovan have been those teachers who my kids will never forget. You know, the ones where people ask you ‘who was your favorite teacher?’ and you immediately have fond and wonderful memories of those ‘special’ teachers that touched your life and made you who you are. Not only Have Miss Jenny and Mrs. Donovan done that for our kids, but they’ve done that for our entire family. Jack wouldn’t be on the cover of the newspaper were it not for them and their constant insistence that he can be JACK…not some strict and strapped down version of Jack. But Just Jack. Because he’s perfect just as he is.

Merry Merry

Sometimes you just know Santa did well…

My fav Xmas morning moment

And little ones are happy…


And the husband got what he needed too…


And then Mom cried tears when she got hat racks, home made by each of her loves, for her Magic Hats as her hair continues to fall out from chemo…

The beautiful hat racks handmade with love by @aaronvest & kids -photo helps incase I forget them in 5min #lupusbrain

I hope your holiday was as perfect as ours.


Magic Hats #1 Wordless Wednesday

Hats from just some of Aaron’s family, with one special hat in honor of Aaron’s family thrown in for good measure. You can see the Magic Hats story here.

Magic Hats

This snuck up on me.

I’m not going to lie.

And I have been so overwhelmed with what has happened, I frankly have not known where to start in saying thank you, or even showing you what has been happening in my mailbox and on my head.

It started with a few hats in the mail from my Mom. Yes, my Mom sent some hats. In my world where my Mom sends things frequently, this is totally normal. Then my Aunt sent a hat along with some things for the kids. Hmmmm, my Aunt and Mom must have been shopping together. 

Again, entirely normal. So I didn’t think anything of it.

And then, suddenly, Howard (my mail carrier) knocked on my door to deliver a bunch more boxes and envelopes. He laughed and made some joke about how popular I was.

Hats. It was more and more hats. 

Some came with totally inappropriate notes. Others with heartfelt poems. Some just with words of encouragement. Some with nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just a hat in a box.

I begged Aaron to tell me what was happening. He had to know, right?

He got that shit-eating grin on his face, and denied knowing a thing. I had to thank whomever did this. I had to explain what it felt like, as Lupus took yet another part of ME…my pretty red hair…and turned me again into this person I didn’t know or recognize.

But who? Why? What in the hell was going on?

Either fearing one of my steroid HULK SMASH moments or just wanting to help me say ‘thank you’ too because even HE was stunned by the amount of mail coming into the house….Aaron broke down and told me what he had done.

Aaron and Megan reached out to all our friends and family and told them about my hair:

In all seriousness, Erin (@QueenofSpain), in her valiant fight with Lupus, is doing battle with new treatments with a nasty side effect that is most likely going to cause her to lose her hair. We don’t know if she will lose it all, just some, or somewhere in between, but in any matter, it’s yet another frustrating part of all this, and it’s already half gone.

Erin could use some hats to keep her warm and make her feel beautiful. This is where you come in. Do you knit? Do you crochet? Do you sew? Do you shop? If so, it would be lovely if you could send a hat her way. Hats can be fashionable, cheap, silly, or otherwise. If you have an old hat that has sentimental value and you want to pass the love on to her that would be great. Send her a Colorado Avalanche cap for yucks. It’s not just about hats for her head but love for her heart.

This made my heart skip a beat. First, that they knew I was trying to struggle quietly about my hair. Second, that Megan had, once again, helped out in her organizational way. She rocks like that.

But really, because I can’t lie any longer and it’s stupid to even try to hide the vanity issues that come with this…it was the thought that Aaron doesn’t see me as growing uglier with this disease- steroid fat, hair loss, stretch marks, the works…but instead he was seeing courage. And beauty. I don’t know how anyone can see that in THIS body. This body that is NOT mine, but he knew EXACTLY how to take any fear I had about it and turn it into hope. When your husband loves you for YOU, it’s such a wonderful thing. I don’t know how he does it. I really don’t. Here I am, watching hair after thin piece of hair come out with every brush stroke, and he’s thinking about how hot I look in a cloche hat. When your friend will do anything for YOU, not your twitter follower count or your ability to make really awesome Christmas cookies…it’s such a wonderful feeling.

So now that I know what is going on, and can better understand what has happened…I want to say thank you. But thank you doesn’t seem like nearly enough when poor Howard is here every single night delivering box after box after box.

So I thought I would feature a few hats each Wednesday so you can see the wonderfulness that has come to my home. The hand-made, the thoughtful colors, the totally rocking, shopped for with STYLE, amazingness.

Kicking it off this Sunday (yes, I realize it’s not Wednesday but I couldn’t wait much longer) just so you can get a good giggle, here is the Detroit Lions TURKEY hat sent to me by none other than Sarah

The #magichats have gone awry cc: @goonsquadsarah @aaronvest I have a turkey on my head

and one helluva Viking girl hat sent to me by Undercovermama (and modeled by my daughter who thinks this hat is so awesome she won’t let ME wear it…dang it).

She is singing opera for @undercovermama

And then a photo, just for good measure and fun, that has my daughter and Alana trying on ALL my new hats and seeing how many they can balance on their heads. Goofballs.

The girls trying on all the #magichats #allhailhala

As for my hair? It’s thin, but hanging in there. By a thread. Now I really get what that means. I’m very thin on top and not entirely comfortable going out without a hat on. I can still easily cover the thin spots on top. My doctor actually offered me Rogaine. He said while now my hair may not look that bad, in a few months when everything really starts kick in, that’s when I’ll wish I had started Rogaine. Aaron and I talked about it and we really don’t want to add another chemical to my system, so we’re just going to stick with the hats. And if it gets really bad, maybe I’ll shave my head like he does. We’ll see.

There is a real possibly that Monday the doctor will up the low-dose chemo that is causing the hair loss. Or not. I may stay right where I am at, and watch is slowly slllllloowwwly fall out strand by strand.

I’ve officially caused Aaron to go buy more drain-o for the upstairs sink, where I brush my hair. It’s nice and clogged up there. However the same week I hugged two people, both wearing all black, and I didn’t get a strand on them. Strange considering every time you encounter me you I usually leave my calling card somewhere on you…a nice, long, red hair. So I just don’t know how all this will go. Will it get better? Worse? No idea.

I can tell you the hats make me FEEL better. I have a million to choose from each morning before I walk out the door and LOVE IT. I have always been a hat girl. And now to have hats with love behind them? Heaven.

So from the top of my balding head to the bottom of my toes: thank you.

It seems so small to say thank you. Like it means nothing, after you all done so much. But truly…thank you.

Now I’m off to pick out the right, warm, cute, full of love hat to put on my head before riding lessons for my daughter. Which one do you recommend?                                                                                                                                                

Lessons of Lupus

#suckit ...my poor baby
As a parent, I don’t know many more scary things than a sick kid. Add in a chronically ill mother and what is usually just part of childhood becomes an uncomfortable conversation.

Mom, that stuff the doctor said I had to take…that’s the same stuff you have for Lupus.

You mean the prednisone? Yes. But it’s just a steroid to help your chest. You will only have it for three days, I had it for many, many months and lots and lots more of it.

But I don’t have Lupus, right? So why would I have to take it, if it’s for Lupus?

No honey you don’t have Lupus. It’s a steroid they give a lot of people for a lot of reasons. You just have an infection in your chest, so they are using it very, very quickly to get rid of the infection.

But Mom it’s for Lupus.

No, it’s not. A lot of people take it for a lot of things. Lupus is just one of them- and look, I am not even taking it right now. I’m getting shots and IVs with a different steroid. There are all kinds of steroids. This is just one, and this one you will take for only three days. That’s it. Then you are done.

But it’s not because of Lupus, it’s because of my infection….

Right. Exactly.

And thus the conversation went. And I realized just how much those little ears hear. Just how much they have had to learn about things they shouldn’t be bothered with at this age. And just how much more I want to hug them and protect them from this stupid, horrible, life changing disorder.


Science & Art Combine to Bring My Son Closer to the Cosmos

Answering questions about native Americans #AutryMuseum
For those who may not know, I have a bit of a science geek son. He’s eight-years old and could (and sometimes does) spend Saturdays in his pj’s happily watching Professor Stephen Hawking documentaries and Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. Mythbusters, UFO Hunters even. But mostly, if he had to choose, he’d find some documentary that just showed planets and solar systems and the vastness of outer space. Black holes make him jump up and down in front of the tv or computer, he can rattle off theories about dark matter and how a star is born, and he will talk your ear off about the Big Bang and his own ideas about how Earth came to be.

But with this geekdom, comes the soul of an artist. He cries on airplane rides as he stares out the window because it’s all “just so beautiful Mom.” And he lounges with his arms behind his head, stares up at the sky, and makes me promises.

Big promises.

When he was four Jack informed me he was going to retrieve the Mars Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, from the red planet and bring them back to me. He firmly believes they must come “home.” He remembers that promise, and talks about it frequently as though it’s just fact. He will someday find a way to bring those rovers back to Earth.

I believe he will do this. I believe he has the mind and will to accomplish this simply because in his heart, their home is here near us. Not just on Earth, but at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.

I have this amazing mix of a sensitive, scientist man-child. Who expresses himself through writing and art, yet gets very upset at the idea we have yet to get a person to Mars because human eyes must gaze upon the beauty of this vast red and dusty place. He actually gets so upset about this, and so excited at the possibly and joy of being able to one day see outer space he gets tears in his eyes. He wants to explore the heavens above so badly but is trapped in that “but I’m only a kid” world and he wants to gaze upon the amazingness that is space so badly he has trouble telling me why it’s so important…other than “but Mom, can’t you see how beautiful it is?”

Enter a simple art assignment at school, where he got to combine his two loves and create (along with his 3rd grade class) a silhouette of himself and his own depiction of a planet he imagines. Innocently I tweeted, as many proud parents do, his very first gallery debut. His art, hanging on the wall of our local comic book shop Brave New World Comics, and the lovely wine and cheese (and cookie and milk) event for the school.

My son's gallery debut!

My son’s piece sold to the highest bidder (his biggest fans Mom and Dad) and we enjoyed the evening.

Something extraordinary then took shape…I got word from New York City that one of my favorite twitter followers had seen that tweet, that innocent and proud parental moment, and she just happens to work at the Science House Foundation.

The Foundation’s mission “…provides funding to organizations that help to further science and mathematics education worldwide, and creates programs that provide schools with resources and educational experiences to spark the imagination.”

Then came a letter, with a check, officially acquiring my son’s artwork as their first piece to hang in the Science Foundation’s new space in Manhattan as they start a collection of “science art.”

Science & Art collide

Jack was glowing. His dreams were becoming a reality. He could combine his love of art and science and could not only show the world beauty, but discuss the vast universe. My amazing child could truly be himself: an artist, writer, and critical thinker with a love of science and all things in the mysterious cosmos.

Rita J. King of Science House tells me that is exactly their mission, to help kids realize they create the future. Well Rita, James, and the rest of the Science House Team- not only are you helping kids realize, but you are fueling their passion. Tonight Jack said, “Mom, I can make money…like a job…with science and art. This is like some sort of dream, isn’t it?”

No. No my dear it’s not a dream. It is real. It is fact- those solid, scientific tidbits of info you love so much. And it is beautiful.

In short, it’s you.

Thank you to the wonderful SCVi staff for inspiring my son to be himself, and thank you Science House Foundation for helping an eight-year old realize his future and dreams can combine science and art – and they are possible.

A Slumber Milestone

So it has finally happened.

I grew up as a Mother. I finally allowed (yes, I use that word on purpose) my children to stay the night some where other than a relative’s home. They had sleepovers. 

This may not seem like a big deal, and you are probably laughing at me right now. But please understand that I am a woman with very serious trust and control issues, and in order for you to take my babies from me for any length of time I had better know you not only very well, but understand your house and its inter-workings.

No, I didn’t run full back-ground checks but I figured with one of the homes having a law enforcement officer around I was ok.

To no one’s surprise my daughter, the youngest, ended up going on her sleepover first. She’s a bit more brave in things of this nature…ok in anything…and when we discussed having to go potty, brush teeth, wake up in a strange place and it being dark, blah blah blah…she literally rolled her eyes at me and said ‘Mom, I get it, geez.’ Then, knowing her Mamma was about to give her trouble for her sassy mouth she threw in “I mean, I will be polite and I will not be afraid and I will find her Mom or Dad to call you if I want to go home. But I won’t want to come home so do not think I will come home. Because I am staying the WHOLE night.”

Not to be outdone- his sister says hello

My son, on the other hand, only whispered to me a few times about what to do if he needed something in the middle of the night and if I packed his extra underwear and maybe just a ‘tiny flashlight’ and his stuffed turtle. But to make sure the turtle was at the bottom of the bag because he probably wouldn’t need it.

They, of course, had the time of their lives and stayed up late and played games and ate junk food and did all the things kids should do at sleep overs. Both were returned to me safe and sound and can’t wait to do it all over again.

We’ve had their friends stay at our house before, so it wasn’t too big of a deal to them, or the first time they got to have a sleep over…but when they left our home, bags packed, it was a big deal to me.

I had to trust that everything I had taught them, from manners to emergency situation scenarios, sunk in. This from kids who can only seem to half remember to flush a toilet or put their shoes away.

By some miracle I slept through the night for each of their slumber parties. Ok maybe not a ‘miracle’ but the Xanax didn’t hurt. And I was so proud picking them up, hearing from the other parent what a great kid I had, and then hearing the non stop chatter from the back seat about what they did and how late they stayed awake and how cool the house was and on and on and on.

In other words everyone survived, everyone had fun, and I even felt confident their father and I prepared them.

I know, a whole post on something so simple…I’m crazy, right? Wrong. I just love my kids and after the hell our family has been through letting them be away from my side is a difficult but necessary step.

It means life just might end up normal after all.