I’m Calling Out The Carpetbagging Mommybloggers

Why are you here?

It’s a simple question really. One that I am asking more and more frequently as I meet many of you. Because the lines are blurring and instead of guessing, I am just asking.

Why are you here?

The truth of the matter is I really don’t need to ask. I know why. I can tell. It’s obvious. However I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I ask.

Turns out a lot of you lie. You tell me you’re here to hang out. You tell me you’re here because you’ve made so many cool friends. But your site is packed with nothing but reviews and products and freebies and giveaways, so I know better. You want me to do you a favor, as a friend. You want me to read your link, click on your ads, enter your contest, use your product.

You’re here to get rich quick. You’re here to try and make some cash. You’re here to start a business.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

You may call yourself a Mommyblogger, but you don’t really blog about being a Mommy. You may attend the same events and tout your influence…but without any content. And just so you know, I’m not doing more than nodding, smiling, and dismissing you entirely.

I’m dismissing because you’re missing the heart of this whole thing entirely. The whole reason we’re here. The whole purpose of doing what we do. You don’t get it and you don’t care to.

You scream about your power and you yell about your influence and you position yourself in articles and demand attention, but there’s no THERE THERE. Why are you powerful?  Is it because you write so wonderfully and make us all laugh or weep when we read? Is it because you participate and write endlessly about the rest of us? Pointing out who’s talking about breastfeeding or who’s got a great point about potty training?

No, you’re hosting a giveaway, selling all our souls for a new mop, and lowering the bar for the next to come along.

You know there is a beautiful old dinosaur of an idea that traditional media has taught us. You clearly separate ads from editorial. Ads and editorial are not the same and you don’t blur the lines. Reviews are clearly marked and disclosed. Giveaways are just that…giveaways, where in you admit you too got yourself the giveaway item. It’s what makes you”credible.” No really, it does. And let me tell you sister right now you are far from credible. But these companies are so desperate to get online and they find you and you find them and then ALL our credibility drops. Thanks for that. Not.

It IS a big Internet though, and this isn’t some exclusive club. You get to go peddle your snake oil wherever and whenever you like. Lucky us. I guess your “authentic voice” is an infomercial. Mine? Parenting, politics, and my life. To each’s own?

A woman with a blog can be a very powerful thing. A woman with kids and a blog can be a very powerful thing. A woman with kids and a BAD blog with no real content will, eventually, fall by the wayside.

Back to how you’re missing the heart of why the rest of us do this. And I think maybe we need a bit of a history lesson here. You see, for those of us who have been blogging since before the trips and free video game systems and parties, there’s a bit of a revolt going on. Why? Because some of you have forgotten the most essential part of what we do. The ENTIRE REASON why we do it…


Not to make money, even if we are. Not for the free stuff, even if we get it. Not to go off on trips and party without our kids in some hotel bar…even if, holy hell, we like that.

You see we actually did this, and still do it, because of the people we’ve met and the friendships we’ve gained.

If the free stuff and ads washed up tomorrow, I would still be here. If the free stuff and ads washed up tomorrow- would you?

Something tells me you’d be gone and on to the next thing. You wouldn’t be here. And that’s the difference between me and you. You’d drop us all in a heartbeat and we’d stick around to support each other.

It’s wonderful so many women, mothers in particular, can use social media and the online world to make a few extra bucks, or make a career. I am beyond lucky to get to hang with my girlfriends while earning a living. However if my job went away tomorrow, I wouldn’t. DO YOU GET THAT? Do you SEE the difference?

There is a strong and beautiful community writing about their children, their lives, their worlds. We were here before and we’ll be here after. Oh and in case you didn’t notice- we’re on to you.

I wish you the best of luck and I hope you make oodles of cash, but I also hope you move onto the next thing quickly. Because I like my community without the carpetbaggers. The good news is we know who you are, we know what you want, and we’re rolling our eyes.

Thanks to the few of you Mombloggers who pushed me to write this. You know who you are.

*”I want to acknowledge that I’m an employee of BlogHer, but this is my personal blog and reflects my opinion alone. In keeping with my journalistic training, I think there’s a way to do this and to keep your credibility. How?See the paragraph in bold above.”

This Time, I’m Not Going to Complain

I’m awake with my son, who is throwing up. He’s miserable and we’re tired.

But that’s ok.

I’m not complaining. I’m cherishing every single messy and difficult moment.

My love and support goes out to Maddie’s family and Thalon’s family. Two babies taken too soon. Two Mom’s who blog in my community only wishing they could take care of every single messy throw up.

My heart breaks.

And no…today I will not complain.

Full of Grace

The flexibility and agility of my children annoys me.

I’m watching my daughter leisurely sprawl herself across an ottoman at my mother’s home – leg balancing here, another there. Flipping around like a fish. Rolling from tip-toe to heel.

It drives me crazy, because I’m pretty sure that even as a child I couldn’t do more than stand straight so as not to fall.

I was the “awkward” one in ballet class.

Doing simple things like laying on my stomach to play never seemed as comfortable as the other kids made it. Easy. Natural.

I was never, necessarily a huge clutz. But I was never going to be described as graceful. My grandfather used to call me a “claud.”

I think that means “bigger” than a clutz.

My daughter and son are not that way. At least, not that I can tell…yet. My son will jump around and over and through the house like a gazelle while my daughter flitters around with these tiny feet you can barely hear.

And stomp tromp slosh comes Mom.

Maybe grace is overrated.

But I notice that over time my acceptance of my body’s limitations has wavered with my children’s …grace.

Was I ever like this? Is this what my mother saw as she looked at me? Could it be?…

…no, I think this Claud couldn’t have possibly been mistaken for the magical kids floating in my home. Graceful, sprite-like, and angelic.

Ok, maybe not angelic all the time…but you know what I mean.

They are running through the house looking for a missing chick. Never mind the missing chick is plastic, stay with me here…they are RIGHT NOW doing that thing they do, dancing around each other with toys and games and laughter.

Watching them is like an exercise in readying for disaster. I’m waiting for them to crash. To slam into eachother, to stub a toe, to fall and cry.

But I’m noticing more often then not…they are not me. They don’t tromp around the house or bump their tiny shins into sides of tables.

No…right now…they are dancing and giggling. Full of grace.

I Got This One

(cough…cough cough…)

Excuse me. It’s been a while since I really went off around here and I needed to clear my throat a bit.

Conservative blogs are an interesting place. There is the usual punditry and ranting. The occasional valid point. The passing off-color remark.

And the times where you drop in on a conservative blog and wonder if they think no one is looking.

Over at  Townhall.comBurt Prelutsky wrote a nifty little post. You can read what it originally said at Free Republic, before Townhall did some editing. I’ll let you go ahead and guess which one of the MANY offensive lines was scrubbed:

“It’s not just the politicians, but also their mates, so long as they’re Democrats, who get the star treatment. Take Michelle Obama…please. Every time I turn around, there she is on a magazine cover. Now, normally, like the Mafia, I lay off the spouses, but inasmuch as this particular spouse attended the same racist church as her hubby for 20 years, I’ll make an exception in her case. After all, in spite of the fact that affirmative action got her an Ivy League degree and a $7,000-a-week salary and, moreover, has sent billions of dollars for no particularly good reason to Africa, she insists this is a mean country. The burning question in my circle is: if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?

Naturally, the left-wing media is now trying to convince us that this James Brown-look-alike has all the allure, glamour and fashion sense of Jackie Kennedy. I have even heard her upper arms described in the sort of language Wordsworth devoted to flowers in the morning dew and that Keats lavished on nightingales. Frankly, if I were Mrs. Obama and the geeks started rhapsodizing about my triceps, I might consider wearing sleeves.”

Townhall.com calls itself  “the #1 conservative website.  Townhall.com pulls together political commentary and analysis from over 100 leading columnists and opinion leaders, research from 100 partner organizations, conservative talk-radio and a community of millions of grassroots conservatives….As a part of Salem Communications Corporation, Townhall.com features Salem’s News/Talk radio hosts, Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, and Dennis Prager, who are heard on over 300 stations nationwide. Of our five hosts, three are among the top 10 radio talk shows in the nation! Salem Communications is the leading US radio and Internet broadcaster reaching audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values.”

Now let’s go ahead and read what Mr.  Prelutsky wrote one more time…

“The burning question in my circle is: if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?”


“… the left-wing media is now trying to convince us that this James Brown-look-alike has all the allure, glamour and fashion sense of Jackie Kennedy.”

I’m going to let that just hang there for a second.

Stew on it. Roll it around in your head for a minute.

Now. Very clearly and with no misunderstanding, I’d like to see all those “feminist” conservative women rise up. Those “Sarah Palin suffered so much sexism” women who were appalled during the election. Those “women can raise a family and run for office” conservative mothers and sisters and aunts and daughter and granddaughters.

I’m waiting.

Just as the progressive blogosphere called out sexism against Palin, and Clinton…and everyone before and in between..it’s now your turn to defend the First the Lady of the United States of America.

We did it against Chris Matthews…someone you would call a liberal, right? So surely you can handle a townhall.com guy.

I’m asking you plainly…are you in this fight only for those of your kind? Only for sexism against conservative women? Or are you in it for real? Was it all a show?

And it’s not just the conservative “women’s rights” activists I’m calling out.

Feminists of the earlier era..the ones very upset about the way Hillary Clinton was treated. Where are your voices to condemn the rhetoric being thrown at Michelle Obama?

Did you hear Tammy Bruce call her “trash” today? Do you care?

Let’s see it. Now’s your chance.


Horray the sun is outa>

PlayDates and Politics

I am reading Barack Obama’s letter to his daughters and, of course, tearing up.

My son, peering over my shoulder, asks me about Malia and Sasha and wants to know “Can we go to their house and play with them? It would be fun.”

I try to explain that I am sure the President will be busy with work and the girls have school, but this does not deter the 5-year old who says, “but we can just go on a not school day, and maybe it’s ok if their Dad isn’t there.”

I again tried to put into words how their lives will change and how they may not be able to have a playdate with the Vest kids…but he just sort of looked at me blankly.

How do you explain this sacrifice to a child?

I think, in the letter, Obama says it best,

“I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. And I realized that my own life wouldn’t count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours. In the end, girls, that’s why I ran for President: because of what I want for you and for every child in this nation.”

I don’t know any parent who does not feel the same, but not all are willing to do what Barack and Michelle have done.

Thank you Obama family, for missing playdates…and then some.

No Longer A Virgin

Today I sat in a cushy waiting room, filled with tea and cookies and baskets with pink ribbons.

Unexpectedly I found myself in a robe with women who seemed older, but probably were not.

I waited my turn for what I was later told was ‘what us big girls do’ and silently told myself it was nothing.

It was nothing.

But for many it’s something.

The woman next to me maybe. Or the one that went in after.

I left with instructions on how to care for a swollen duct and relief. They left with tears and referrals.

According to the American Cancer Society, about 1.3 million women will be diagnosed with breast cancer annually.  Worldwide about 465,000 will die from the disease.

Consider this your reminder to get a mammogram.

Gwynne is going to BlogHer ’09 (and so is someone else)

Congrats to Gwynne. I’m registering you for BlogHer ’09 in Chicago.

Thank you to everyone who participated.

I want to gush for hours about what this means to me, and why I’m doing it…and all about Gwynne. But the best example I can share about the BlogHer community is it never stops there.

Inspired by what I was doing, the wonderful Dawn of Alex Year Two is picking another winner from all your submissions. Yes, that’s right…Gwynne isn’t the only one getting her registration for BlogHer paid in full.

Keep checking Dawn’s site. She’ll be posting the winner soon.

Why? Because that’s just how this community rolls.