On the road

Is there a patron saint of roadtrips with kids? I nominate St. Elmo of the Street.


We pray to you, St. Elmo, giver of bad grammar, seer of talking doors, to guide us safely to San Jose.

Make our trip free from diaper explosions, screaming explosions, tire explosions, temper explosions, “why? why? why?” explosions-explosions of any kind, really.

Oh, mighty Red One, give my husband the patience to deal with two children, a drunk wife, AND a mother-in-law. See that he is rewarded, nightly, with booze and bj’s.
We ask that you give the small ones slumber. Lots and lots of naps. And an overwhelming sense of calm. Zen, really. We ask you make the children zen until, at least, Sunday night.

We ask that you give Mommy a guilt-free weekend with friends. That she not be compelled to check the status of her children or their caretakers. We ask she also be given a new liver, once the fun is over. And if you see fit, no headaches or other post drinking symptoms. Please make her witty, charming, marketable. Or just witty and charming.
Elmo, hear our prayer.

San Jose, here we come.


  1. I hope you have a thoroughly enjoyable time. Take lots of pictures for those of us not going this year!

  2. Have FUN, and don’t worry about your liver enzymes – they will right themselves in time once you get home 😉

    Hope St Elmo is good to you on that roadtrip.. LOL

  3. Cute! Have a great time! Ooh, and when you’re just annebriated enough, check out my post. I’m sure you’ll have some words to say about it. I was hoppin’ mad myself!

  4. I had to come back and tell you that I’m working late. Doug calls me from home and says, “I just read the Queen’s Elmo prayer. Now Dawson wants that toy in the picture.”

    I’m like, “What is that child doing up at 9:30 at night??”

    “He’s checkin’ out the Queen’s lunch menu…”

    The dork!


  1. old pussy tall…

    old pussy tall friends…

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