I have parenting SKILLZ

I sent my son to preschool today with a lunch. He wanted to stay for lunch, I said sure. Ham sandwhich, juice box, grapes, cookies. Not bad. Brown bag with his name on it. Way to go Mom.

Ok, so the brown bag wasn’t a lunch bag, it was the kind they put your wine in at the liquor store.

Think anyone will notice the 4-year old is carrying his lunch in a liquor bag?


  1. Awesome!!! And I needed that laugh today so thank you!!!!! Hope you enjoyed the old pics! =)

  2. ooohhh. I hope so.

    let us know ok?

  3. If they do it will only be because they also spend a lot of time at the liquor store.

    (I’d notice.)

  4. That. is. awesome.

  5. Drunk whores unite!

  6. LOL! Well, at least it wasn’t a plastic bag that said ‘Corner Liquor Market’ or something 😉

  7. Your kid would get on great with my kid. She collects beer bottle caps and brings them to school for show and tell!

  8. I love it! Hey, AND you get good comments!

    What a mom! Hmmmm would I even notice the brown bag from the drawer is not a lunch sack???

  9. I thought I was the only one who did it. (Let’s face it — where can you even find brown lunch bags these days?)

  10. I think you’ve given your kid a ton of street cred, which is important for preschool.

  11. Hey…at least you didn’t send him to school with his lunch in a “wine in the box” box.

    I had a friend whose mother wrote an excuse for him on wax paper once. My mom used the deposit slips from her check book.

  12. That’s not bad at all! It would be funny though if he didn’t take his juice box out of the bag before drinking it.

  13. Ha ha! That’s funny. No I don’t think anyone would notice unless you left the wine in the bag. 🙂

  14. Thanks for the laugh! I’ve never been able to master packing a lunch. The other moms at the playground have their fancy cold-packs with peeled carrot sticks and organic juice boxes and I walk up with a bag of McD’s I got at the drive-thru.

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