The page you have been waiting for is here!

In honor of breastfeeding mothers everywhere, all of whom should feed WHEREVER and WHENEVER they see fit, we are showing you our TITS. You will notice a new link in my LEFT sidebar that will FOREVER show my tits, your tits, anyone who wants’ tits to the world in an honest effort to make people everywhere realize THEY ARE JUST BOOBS!They are meant to feed. They are meant to nourish. THEY ARE NOT OBSCENE and they should and WILL be whipped out anywhere and everywhere there is a crying baby.

There is still time to add your tits to the cause. Email me at queenofspainblog@yahoo.com!


  1. Great, you’re going to subject us to even more boobs? Wonderful. Can you sense my sarcasm? I’m so not looking forward to more boobies. I can’t stand them.

  2. I love it.
    Congratulations on so many boobies!!!!

    I love you. I love this idea…I think it just rocks my socks!

  3. Yes, ain’t that the truth. I think I had three Internet Explorer windows up full of breasts on my work computer today. Yep, a good thing.

  4. I have a theory here I’m trying to prove. Don’t mind my comment.

  5. Oh boy. Get ready for the crazies. Oh wait, egan is already here!

  6. I have had more hits since posting my boobs here then I have had in a week…lol. You rock Queen!!!

  7. Shit, I’ve been discovered by Karen. Crapola.

  8. You’re my fave.

  9. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, or if it’s just happening to me, but there is a script error at the top of your page above your header. Just thought that someone should tell you so that you can get it fixed.

  10. Yeah April it`s my fault…I think it`s the plugin I used! 🙂 Thanks!

  11. You so fucking rock – my tits are on their way NOW.

  12. Your Royal Highness – I hope you don’t mind, I’ve added your link to my blogroll.

  13. Just when I think I can’t love you any more……..

    You SO rock.

  14. What April said regarding the script error. It doesn’t appear all the time, but it’s still there. I guess it looks like Karen is taking the blame on this one. Happy Mother’s Day!

  15. HOOTERS! PLAYBOYS! HOOTERS! PLAYBOYS! All I can think about is the Married with Children episode. God I miss that show. Christina Applegate… mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……….

  16. I wish I had tits to show…..maybe I’ll get manboobs one day?

  17. All right lady, I’ll grant you a little zest for the boobage.
    I’m not really sure why this has to be such a big deal. Is this not 2007? I can’t imagine that something as basic as giving a baby food, which has gone on since the very first baby and will most likely continue until the very last, still has to be justified.

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