
I’m holed up at a hotel in pretty Palo Alto, California after a day of work. Real work. Like..for REAL. I think I need to stop saying “I’m a stay-at-home mom” when people ask me what I do.

This “work” has kept me from blogging, please forgive me. Count Waffles the Terrible is doing much better, and we’re keeping his allergies/asthma in check. He’s back home, snuggling with his Daddy and Gramps while his sister WAILS for mommy to come home. Ouch. She’s not liking this whole mommy “working” thing. But she also does not like fruit. Or going to bed. So we’ll see.

More soon.


  1. Work it, baby! Tee hee… I’m such a dork. I’m also VERY happy to hear that the Count is doing much better. Whew! Hugs to poor picky (er, particular) Princess Peanut.

  2. Real work? I thought you went to visit bloggers? 😛

  3. The Spanish Blogsphere tricked me. I thought I had found a secret portal to your secret blog within a blog.

  4. Palo Alto is very close to San Francisco you knmow… just sayin’!


  5. Queen of Spain says:

    nope deb…just SPAM. I deleted it. Bastards

  6. Um, I LIVE in pretty Palo Alto, California… Hi!

  7. why in the world would you want to stay in palo alto when SF is so close? 🙂

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