Dear Senator Hillary Clinton, Please Step Down

This is a very hard letter for me to write, so please bear with me.

I’d like to ask you, with all due respect and humility, to step down as a Democratic Candidate for President of the United States.

Please understand this is not because I believe you can not or should not lead this nation. Please understand that I find you qualified, capable, and worthy. Please also understand I want nothing more than to see a female as the leader of the free world. I would be pleased and honored if you were that female.

However I am finding, right or wrong, many citizens of this country seem to react to you on an emotional level. Emotional, not practical. They can’t seem to see your record. They can’t seem to see your policy. They just hear or read “Hillary” and venom or praise spews.

I thought that with your candidacy, would come reason. I thought that you would be able to get a fair shake by main stream media, by voters, by sexists, and by soccer moms. I thought over time people would begin to see that you really are an effective politician.

I was wrong.

Tonight, I’m typing as I watch you speak in El Paso, Texas. I’m sad. There really is no other way to put it-I’m sad.

I truly believed you would be the best person for the job, and I had this nagging thought in the back of my mind that is now at the forefront. The thought that drove me on Super Tuesday to Vote for Senator Obama and the thought that is the driving force as I write tonight: Senator Hillary Clinton divides this country.

It’s not fair. It’s not right. And under just about ANY other circumstance I would go to the mat for you. However we are a wounded and deeply divided nation. We are a nation at war. We are a nation at odds with each-other. It’s ugly. I thought you could get people past it. I really did.

When I told myself it was gender that got people going, I refrained from asking and wanting you to step aside. Simply on principle, I wanted to see you run and win because they said it couldn’t be done. Because it was my belief, this was all about being a girl.

It’s not, and I was wrong.

I firmly believe while the gender issue has given you a handicap I hope we all one day overcome, it is NOT the reason people have a gut reaction to you or your campaign or your legacy.

Enter the Senator from Illinois, and what I think could be your true legacy. If you were to step aside now, shockingly early and shockingly un-Hilllary-like, you could galvanize an entire nation behind your party. If you were to throw your weight, and your tremendous political clout behind Senator Obama you could still change the world and make your mark in a way no one would expect and everyone would admire.

I don’t want to see you throw in the towel because the fight is too hard or the mountain too tall. I am asking you to throw it in because history is on the line. It is not the history either of us expected, however it is an equally important, momentous, earthshaking change in this country we sorely need.

Do something no one would ever expect. Do something extraordinary. Do something that changes politics as usual and changes history.

I could have never predicted having to chose between what my husband called “the lesser of two goods, not the lesser of two evils” when it came time to cast my vote.

It was agonizing.

But in the end, with no major policy difference and valid reasons on BOTH sides, I had to go with the candidate who I thought could best bring our nation back together. Who could cross party lines and gender lines and racial lines.

I wanted it to be you, but it’s not. For some reason you still get people very riled up, and not in the good way.

There is no way around it-it sucks. But after 7 years of nothing but fighting and head shaking and feeling like we’re living in two Americas, I can’t do it again. Not even if my team is in office.

I really hate asking you to do this, but I want you to please step down and let this nation heal.

We’ve been too angry for too long and your history and your name brings a suitcase of anger to the White House front door.

With the full weight of the Clinton name, behind the scenes, your true legacy could be written. With the full weight of the Clinton know-how you could help orchestrate the next chapter in American history where an African-American leads our nation.

It is this time in history your nation needs you.

As nation’s go, ours has never been one to do things the way we predict. Who could have seen when we finally get our first, legitimate, female front runner we’d see our first, legitimate front runner of color?

Our nation and it’s people need you to do what is best for this country. We need you to be true to what you say on the stump and bring us back together.

If you firmly believe that there is still time for you to change the hearts and minds of those rude and stubborn Americans who are voting with their gut when they see “Hillary” on the ballot-then please, prove me wrong. I’ll be at the Democratic National Convention come August and I’ll hold up my Hillary sign loud and proud and fall in line.

But I think you’ve tried. You tried with everything you had to overcome that Clinton-emotional reaction. Here we are, moving into Texas and Ohio and Pennsylvania-and it’s not you winning over hearts and minds, it’s the Senator from Illinois.

Let’s end the division in this country now. Right now. Let’s start with the Democratic Party early and provide a united front against the GOP months ahead of schedule.

Let’s take back this country for the people, with you playing a much different role than you envisioned.

Make history. Make us one. Step down now.


Erin Kotecki Vest

voter, mother, woman, feminist, writer, dreamer, and Hillary fan

*edited on Valentine’s Day* want to yell at me in person over this letter? Sign up to webchat with me on ooVoo Friday, Feb. 15th from 930am PST to 1130am PST. Hell, I’ll even throw in more time just to take your call


  1. “He may not intend to be a demagogue, but his emphasis on charisma over substance in his television appearances makes me shiver.”

    Haven’t bothered to listen to the entire speech, or to do any research on your own I see. Things like looking at Obama’s voting record, or listening to his proposal to raise $1 trillion over a decade for Social Security, or $4,000 college tuition tax credits, etc. Stop buying the noise from the Clinton machine. Do your own research.

  2. People give George Bush a really hard time, and his fanboy club doesn’t get it either. “Wow why do people hate George so much?”

    Well, clearly people hold some things more important than George. Or in this case Hillary.

    I voted for Obama in the primary. I’m one of those who will not vote for Hillary in the general election. I don’t know her personally, and I could care less about tabloid style headlines. I don’t like her policies. For example.

    1. Her Iraq war vote. It was a violation of the Kellogg Briand Pact, and the UN Charter. As were the votes to support the war by many other Democrats and Republicans. When called on the fact Iraq wasn’t a threat, had no WMDs, she said it was still the right thing to do to go to war. It was the right thing to go to war for NO REASON? SERIOUSLY? That Saddam was a bad guy does not justify a $1 trillion war and hundreds of thousands of dead civilians – killed with our tax dollars. NOT acceptable. Their dictator, their problem.

    2. She refuses to release her tax returns. What’s she hiding? It’s customary to do this when your sole opponent has already done it.

    3. She’s played the race card, twice. I don’t like hearing latinos smeared as not liking or trusting or being willing to vote for a black candidate. It’s not appropriate.

    4. She promised not to participate in Michigan and Florida. Yet she reneged and didn’t have her name removed off the ballots as promised, while her opponents did. She lied.

    5. Clinton lied about Obama’s position on abortion. Former NOW president published a youtube video stating she knows his record, that Hillary’s claims are misleading (i.e. lies) and because of this she’s changing her endorsement from Hillary to Obama.

    6. She did not show up to vote against the FISA bill George is pushing, to give immunity to telecoms. Obama voted against immunity. McCain voted for immunity. Guess who else I will not vote for in the general election.

    7. She’s voted against the treaty to ban the use of cluster bombs. Obama voted for the ban.

    8. I find her suggestion of garnishing wages to pay for universal health care, for those people who can afford it but refuse to get insurance, unacceptable. That’s not choice. That’s coercion, and forced compliance.

    For these reasons I consider her unfit. Not merely an inferior candidate than Obama, she’s not fit for the presidency.

  3. well here is what a right wing feminist loving sympathizer thinks of hilary… she did not do it the right way, she rode her husbands coat tails into power, looked the other way when her letch of a husband continuosly cheated on her, stayed when he ran a cocaine operation out of arkansas, stayed for the sake of power, instead of following her marxist principles, instead of kicking his ass into tomorrow…. she would be nothing without her husband, nothing. I will take feinstein or boxer over hilary any day of the week. too many scandals in her past. to much putting her finger into the wind. she should have voted against the war. not had her husband pardon all those criminals in new york so she could get elected as a senator. I will take an honest man or woman, regardless of color! give me some character and I will vote for her in a heartbeat! obama will be president, and edwards will be vice president. if she was smart she would step up to the vp spot, then president in 8 years.

  4. hillary blows


  5. This is one of thos unique times when someone says it best the first time.

  6. Leave it to the chicks to be the first to bail on Hill.

    Simply put, you are delusional. The idea of a united government is a pipe dream. No matter who is elected on the democratic side, I promise you, the Republicans will do whatever they can to stop that President from moving the Democratic agenda forward.

    With all do respect, you are a sucker to the nth degree. Your convictions are weak and worthless and you are romanticizing a situation that wont have while you or I are alive in this lifetime.

    People have been watching way too much TV being swept up with things and not being very objective about Obama.

    The idea that he can unite the country? Right now, he can’t even unite the entire party. Remember Kerry in 2004, he had his party united after the first primary and look where he ended up.

    Second is your notion that a nation divided cant get things done. Ask Bill Clinton is that is possible. There was a portion of the country that hated him passionately (and still do) and still the country had a balanced budget and people felt really good about where the country was going. Why even yourself trace the country going to shit seven years ago, well guess who was President then? Was the country united? No. Will it ever be? No.

    So this notion that Obama is going to take the whole country and unite everyone is media jibberish. Just like the media never did its due dilligence in Iraq, if Obama hits a wall, people will be asking why the media never asked Obama the tough questions.

    Why? Because this story is soooooo much better. The Obama rock star story is so much sexier. Thats all this media attention really is. Its simply a better story.

    The thing that most people dont see, is, knowing how dirty and sneaky republicans are;knowing how well they play the game of politics, why would the actually show their hand and say they’d rather face hillary?

    Because they know that doe eyed media simps like yourself would take that, along with your daily media shot of Obama being the great messiah whose going to bring everyone together and the next thing you know, you’re turning on Hillary in your cheesy blog.

    At some point and time, you should learn the concept of loyalty. Or at least work on getting better at it. I’d hate to have you as a friend if the minute things really started getting rough you bailed on me.

    And thats what you’ve done to Hillary. Shame on you.

    Full disclosure. Started with Edwards, then went to Obama, then after reading article after article about how cruddy this economy is going, I think the Clintons (not a typo) are the best choice to get this country moving in the right direction. Keep in mind, I personally never like hillary, I prefer women who achieve outside of the husbands coattails. However, the rational part of me, tells me, she might be better for getting this country going in the right direction.


    If Obama does get the nomination, I’ll have no problem supporting him. Again, not a spoiled brat whose taking his vote and going home if I dont get exactly what I want.

  7. Shara Wolfe says:

    How can you write this? HOW?!? Have you ever heard of fighting for what is right? Should people have given up in the 1960’s and said “Oh, well the South will never agree to Civil Rights”? Should women just not deign to aspire to the Presidency because it makes people uncomfortable. You are a disgrace. I will not be happy with Barack Obama as President and until the convention I will not give up fighting for Hillary, as she has done for us all of her adult life.

  8. April from Clemson,SC says:

    Wow. I agree, Hillary isn’t the right one to lead us right now. Does Hillary want glory for herself, or for our country to heal? If she does have good intentions, I think she will step down, and by doing so she will be my hero. Women’s sacrifice of our self interest for the greater good is part of our glory. Heroines know the interest of an individual is less significant than the welfare of the many. I think that we diverse Americans will be able to work together again under Obama. My Republican friends, my conservative church-going friends, even some questionably prejudiced friends all seem to like, respect and cheer for (if not vote for) Obama. He’s intelligent, he’s clear-sighted, he isn’t egotistical, and he seems to value each of our citizens’ well-being. Everyone I know enjoys talking about his success, and cheer for him with each primary. They sense his good intentions and have faith in his ability. Hillary Clinton? Many people question her intentions (of course, not all). Many people do not like or trust her. Hillary, prove these close-minded people wrong. Show that you care more about us collectively than your personal goals and dreams. I know you can lead. Great leaders sometimes step down. Please make us proud of you and do the right thing.

  9. bitch you be black. cuz the only reason you doing this is cuz you support obama and cuz he black. Just Real Talk.

  10. I’m hoping I’m not one of the “crazies” on the site LOL – but I am curious why anyone is surprised by Hillary and the absolute hatred she inspires.

    As was voting rights, so goes presidential elections. We do things a “certain way” in America. I’m not saying its the right way, but I thought it was clear as day when I saw Obama and Hillary which way things would go in order to have the least amount of resistance with the most amount of change.

    My general point is that the 15th amendment gave African-American males got the right to vote in 1865 (even though it wasn’t able to be fully utilized until the Voting Rights Act of 1965) and the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920.

    So if Obama becomes president in 2008, we can expect our first woman president in 2063. Of course I believe we are a more forward-thinking and tolerant country now…so maybe 2030 will be a better target.

    There are levels of acceptance, and Obama trumps Hillary in a “history repeats itself” kind of way.

  11. Erin, that was incredible. I agree with you 100%.

  12. Thank you for this wonderfully written piece. I respect you for putting your love and desire for a unified nation ahead of your political loyalties. Thank you again. Let us hope she listens.

  13. I never liked Bill and I don’t like Hillary. For those of you who want to know why, it has nothing to do with her being a woman – it has everything to do with her being unethical. Granted yes, the alleged “right wing conspiracy” was all over her, but not for lack of ammunition that the Clinton’s handed them. Hillary has left many unanswered questions about her role in Whitewater, including how her prints ended up on billing paperwork which ended up in her closet at the law-firm she worked at when the whitewater scandal broke. These are documents she was to never have contact so that the integrity of the records and evidence could be maintained.

    How can she ask union members to vote for her when she worked for and still maintains close ties with Walmart, and never once spoke up about their anti-union stance? How can she reform healthcare when her “my way or the highway” attitude got it shot down, or when she’s the greatest recipient of drug and health insurance money running for office in 2008?

    How can women continue to back her when the clear and obvious message she sent in South Carolina was a woman cannot win office without a man helping her?

    How does she expect to be a voice for the people when she defends her acceptance of lobbyist money?

    How can I trust her when she knowingly takes large sums of cash from criminals such as Norman Hsu and Peter Paul (a convicted drug dealer) to a tune of 2 million plus?

    The Clintons sat by the wayside the last 8 years while their party suffered. They did little fund raising for the party as a whole, while Obama became the parties’ greatest fundraiser since his ’04 speech at the convention. They did no campaigning for Gore and Kerry, because they knew it would get in the way of a Clinton campaign while Obama traveled extensively out of Illinois to campaign for his fellow Democrats.

    So my question to everyone here.. knowing these facts, can you continue to shut your eyes to the true character of Hillary? I am not a Republican, I am an independent voter that does not look back fondly on the Bush or Clinton years. I finally see a candidate who has made ethics a top priority in Obama. Why would I pass that up?

    Hillary showed in New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina she was willing to run as ruthless smear campaign as any GOP campaign would run, and she got called on it. That is why people will not vote for her.

    Do I have negative feelings toward Hillary? You bet I do. I have negative feelings towards anyone that continuously acts unethical and without moral courage, regardless of gender.

  14. Why is it that we have an American Presidential candidate who proudly belongs to a segregated black church that declares it’s non-negotiable commitment to Africa and nobody is talking about this? Check out Trinity United Church of Christ’s website!! Obama’s church.!!!!

  15. Well said. There will be other excellent female candidates in years to come. We are looking at the dawn of a new America. Obama 2008!

  16. I’m old enough to remember that when Bill and Hillary came to the Whitehouse, the Senate and the House were controlled by the Democrats (as they were throughout the Reagan years). Before they left the Republicans seized control with their “Contract for America”. It’s not just Bill; she is divisive. Remember it was she who criticized Obama for saying something respectful about the Republicans and Reagan. It’s time for her to step aside for the good of the country…but will she put the country first? Only time will tell.

  17. Buckley Krumperman says:

    Good points Erin. We need to acknowledge that evil is always stronger. That the assholes always win. That there are too many of them, and it’s hopeless. Armageddon is the only hope for this world of egotism. The sooner the better.

  18. I think Hillary Clinton would make an outstanding Senate Majority Leader. Way better than Harry Reid. She has a much more attentive ear to the national sentiment, and is clearly much more effective at keeping her people in line (evinced by her campaign and the Clinton White House). Obama and Clinton would be the ultimate “good cop-bad cop” combination when it comes to pulling Republican voters over to vote with the Dems.

    Obama says “Help us out with this, we’ll listen to your ideas and give you a share of the credit for the success.” Clinton adds “Just don’t stand in our way on this or we’ll embarass you on the news, and run a massive campaign against you in your home state.. And those earmarks you’ve suggested, everyone in the country will know about them.”

    This is my dream for the future of our government. The Democratic Party, dominant once again. A new, decades-long, generational voting majority.

  19. Mary Willams says:

    Erin Kotecki Vest, you are very stupid!!! Why ask very smart people step down?

    Obama’s specck scare people. All talks, what’s his plan. We should ask Obama step down!!!

  20. So you think those of us who will not vote for HRC because of her beholdenness to corporate and special interests plus her vote on the Iraq war do not have a valid reason?
    With me, it was never a question about her sex. I’d vote for Captain Janeway if she was running. I’m just waaay to tired of the corporate hold on this nation.
    But in the end, you are right. Being an independent, I have no party loyalty. Meaning, if the race was between Hillary and McCain, I’d vote for the best democrat. And that would be McCain.

  21. Clinton plans to go against the popular vote

    Showing her true colors. Who’s the establishment candidate now Hillary?

  22. Mary Willams says:

    We will ask Hillary Stand up!!!
    We ask Obama step down!!! What is his accomplishment? Zero!!!

    Erin Kotecki Vest, you are very stupid!!! Why ask very smart candidate step down?

    Obama’s specck scare people. All talks, What is his accomplishment? I could not find any!!! We should ask Obama step down!!! He is too soft.

    Hillary will make the dem win the general election. Obama will lose it to the republican!

  23. I respect your understanding of the bigger picture – that the good of the country and the world comes before the aspirations of one politician and even her constituency.

    However, I disagree with your sentiment that Hillary is the better candidate. She voted for the Iraq war. She consistently does whatever she thinks will get her elected – I refer to such behavior as selling out. She plays the game exceedingly well, which is fine until you sell out your values for your aspirations.

    And I am fully confident that Hillary will drag out this process and do everything she can to gain this nomination. Her lust for power will far eclipse any “love” she has for her country.

  24. (a commenter not me the queen) Erin Kotecki Vest says:

    Dear Senator, Obama, Please step down!!!

    Hillary will make the best president in the history. Obama, you could lost the general election to repubblican. When you ask people what your accomplisment are. People could not find any.

    We do not need the talks. Just talks and talks. We need the concrete plan.

    Dear Senator Obama, please step down!!!

    Make history. Make us one. Obama, please step down now.


    (edited by ME,’cause it’s my blog) a commenter who wants to be like —>>>>>Erin Kotecki Vest

  25. This kind of fight might be necessary to get a woman into the president’s office. Only 16% or so of the American population is black but over 1/2 is female and, yet, there hasn’t been a female president. That is nearly 220 years and 42 presidents. That is just appalling and it should not be allowed to continue.

    You couldn’t ask for a more able or better qualified candidate. I think the fight, and the division, has everything to do with Hillary being female. It may be a very, very long time before another female candidate of her caliber comes along and she would probably face the same fight and divisions. Women did not get the vote without struggling either.

  26. Erin K. Vest (not the real one, she's much cooler) says:


    Dear Senator Obama, please step down.

    I firmly believe while the race issue has given you a handicap I hope we all one day overcome, it is NOT the reason people have a gut reaction to you or your campaign.

    Mccain will beat Obama easily, but Hillary will be much tougher than Obama. The swifting boat attacks will sink Obama with no doubt, but it won’t work on Hillary because she has been experiencing many attacks in the past.

    Dear senator Obama please step down, don’t risk the party oppertunity.


    *someone who is really not very original and it’s EK not KE douchebag* Vest, KE

  27. I agree, Obama is the way for the Dems… i understand how cool it is for the first woman prez but as a white male i think a black prez is an even bigger deal. White women had the vote before blacks and have better lives today still than black men and women. I’d love to see a black president!

  28. Hillary should not “step down” because she lost states where she was expected to lose. She can still win it’s just that people like you won’t give her a chance. She has an obligation to stand up for the millions of people who voted for her in this election. It’s a shame that you don’t see what a great candidate she is.

  29. +1

  30. Hi Erin. You have more that said it..I feel bad because I can feel your pain..and I am sorry that it didn’t work out for your choice candidate. I would like to offer my view points (RESPECTFULLY AND OBJECTIVELY….I DO NOT wish to calls strife here. I only wish for you all to hear what i believe a lot of people are thinking about this subject- and for those that I do offend anyway, I am sorry in advance)
    I can tell you why people dislike her. They dont trust her. She stands for the politics that we have grown to hate. She isn’t transparent, she resorts to the polItics of fear as soon as the going gets tough. I am a female and I can not give her props for her campaign performances. She would have never have gotten this far without her husband and people votng the “2 for 1”. Period. I DO look forward to the day that a female CAN become president, a female that stands and demands the TRUTH..from her colleagues to her own family. A female that has integrity and doesn’t take a dip for sake of her legacy. A female that truly respects others and doesn’t pretend it is a game and all about herself. She speaks a LOT of “ME’s..and I’s”. I look forward to a female candidate that can use her powerful wisdom and intellect to bridge the gaps within our country, and not manipulate it to her own benefit. Who can say, “I am sorry and I made a mistake”, AS ANY HUMAN DOES AND SHOULD. It is no longer politcs as usual. We have suffered much too long with it and frankly, people are SICK TO DEATH OF IT. I do not feel sorry for Mrs. Clinton. She has given it her best shot and it would really PROVE to everyone if she DID take a bac seat on this campaign and “took the higher (moral) road”….”the road less traveled”,.. to UNITE this country instead of tryig to divide it. She would REALLLLLLLY surprise me….and I would second guess everything that I see and feel about her character as a person if she did.

  31. you people are morons, cant you see the election has been set up so a republican will win, most likely John McCain, Im not voting for mccain but im not blind to the fact that people are NOT going to vote a black president into office, maybe in the future when we are not here anymore, but for now its NOT going to happen. period ,you people are blind

  32. A Bad Coder says:

    Kristy: You are under the impression that the 48% that hate Hillary are all republicans. Not all republicans hate Hillary; a substantial portion of those people are democrats. Like myself. Like some of my co-workers.

    I want taxes in my bracket raised. I want everybody to have health care — and other safety nets that we don’t have. I want the first woman president. I want the budget balanced. I want funding for science and alternative energy. I am pretty far left, even voting green in a number of elections.

    But if it’s a choice between McCain and Hillary I will vote McCain. I simply don’t like who Hillary is. It started when I found out she tried to kick Gore out of the office traditionally used for the vice president so she could use it. And she has done much more of that and little to redeem her self. McCain has done some pandering recently to his ‘base’, and had made compromises, but he’s not a bad a person and I would vote for him.

    But Obama wins against any of the others, hands down. So don’t act like it is only republicans creating this ‘divide’. No, it’s Hillary — and they are just taking advantage of it.

  33. QQ more? Let the woman do what she wants ya big hippocrit. /cry more. Waaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa. Bunch of emotional idiots.

  34. On a feminist’s website, I know I’m setting myself up, however it needs to be said.

    We don’t hate Hillary because she’s a woman. I’m the first person to stand up and say we need a woman President desperately. But Hillary is NOT it; nor is (in my opinion) the next likely female Presidential candidate, Nanci Pelosi.

    Most of us don’t hate her because of her husband. I actually think Bill was an excellent President, and made even better by her presence.

    The fact is, despite her record that many of you adore, most political public servants have similar records. It’s where her’s gets ugly that bothers us the most.

    The War. She’s never said she was wrong; she’s never apologized. She somehow made a smooth transition without the media caring. Suddenly she wants to pull troops out – this is only when it’s tough to find a reasonable person who doesn’t. She continued to support George Bush with a smug tone towards Progressive Democrats who thought otherwise. She time and time again gave him the benefit of the doubt and it continued to Iran…yet now that she Presidential campaign is in full swing – she’s against all those things. Some of us really don’t forget.

    The biggest issue of this campaign for all candidates (thanks to John Edwards) is “change”. She can claim all she wants that she’s been an “Agent for change” her whole life…it doesn’t make it true. During her Senate career, she’s been nothing but more of the same…more of the same in Iraq, more of the same outrageous endless funding for a fabricated “War on Terror”, more of the same voting to strip Americans and non-Americans alike of Constitutional/Civil and HUMAN rights, more of the same voting to cut taxes only for the wealthy and large corporations, more of the same higher burden for the lower/middle classes. Congratulations to her, she can get a watered-down bill through Congress that actually helps nobody except the oil companies with the billion dollar give-aways. That was an “Agent for Change”…was it?

    My biggest annoyance (yet not real issue) with her is one of her biggest issues (by her own words): “Violent/Sexual content in video games”. Come…on. She burst a lid over scenes that required a hack to view in a game. Coming off a Congress at the time that was famous “Do-nothing Rubber-stamp Congress”, with big issues being Constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage and flag burning and probes into drug use in a private sport industry, she really should spend her time on something a little more important…maybe like digging us out of a monster deficit – something her husband was pretty good at.

    The worst of all is that she is outright lying to us. She’s a phony who will say whatever it takes to get elected, and she’s proven that numerous times in just the past few weeks. The biggest problem in this country that must be fixed before it’s even possible to do anything else is fix the corruption in Washington. You have no right to call me sexist for refusing to vote for the female candidate when that candidate has taken more money from lobbyists and special interest groups that have run Washington for the past generation than ANY other candidate, Democrat or Republican (in fact, about twice as much as any other candidate. Obama hasn’t taken a time, Edwards hadn’t taken a dime. You can’t expect change from a candidate who has promised otherwise to big donors.

  35. “You know, Hillary may have a giant target on her back, but Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and even Condoleeza Rice would get the same kind of hazing. This is *not* the time to bow to pressure and abandon Hillary’s candidacy because she is taking heat based on her gender. Imagine if no one sat in at lunchcounters during the Civil Rights movement because they could not stand the heat of criticism.”

    While I agree that Condoleeza Rice and Nancy Pelosi would be walking targets, you have to admit that Condi has it coming and Nancy Pelosi, love her as I do, is doing her best to fight impeachment and stop timetables from being voted on.

    I hardly think Barbara Boxer would be hassled on the Iraq War, for selling her donor list for petty cash, for playing the race card with Obama, for voting to use clusterbombs in civilian areas, and for being in the pockets of lobbyists. Why? Because Barbara Boxer is a good, just, likeable person. Sure, she would be hassled by the occasional sexist remark, but she’s not a corrupt warmonger, which makes her better than Hillary Clinton.

  36. jjacksonRIAB says:

    I don’t like Hillary because she’s a socialist, not because of her gender. I don’t like Hillary because she lacks principles, not because of her gender.

    I did a search on women running for President, and I nearly scoffed that the majority of them were running on the Communist Party platform (literally). There was only one woman who ran for the Libertian Party (and not for the socialist/communist party) and I would have voted for her but for the fact that she was before I came of voting age.

    For me it’s not about their principles, their integrity, their consistency – not their sex or race. I would be proud to vote a woman into office if she had such a strong core.

    Sadly that has never happened in American history.

  37. jjacksonRIAB says:

    Correction: It’s all about their principles, integrity and consistency. Hillary lacks all three.

  38. Paul D. Buck says:

    I echo the eloquent part. Very well done.

    For some time I thought a Clinton/Obama ticket would be the best thing since sliced bread. But, the visceral hatred of the right for anything with the Clinton name on it would mean that the right would be energized by her on the ticket in any shape or form.

    As a policy wonk she would best serve the country, supposedly her goal, in the senate or in a cabinet post. Our greatest presidents INSPIRED us to reach those moments of greatness, usually with the type of rhetoric that Sen. McCain denigrated Tuesday.

    The concept that the President is manipulate the “levers” of government in a meaningful way to directly effect actions is nonsense, and I speak as a person that worked in the federal government for 25 years.

    But, the sad truth is that Hillary, whom I too thought would make an outstanding President; is, through little fault of her own, too divisive. But, she is not likely to listen to anything other than her own ambition without regard for the consequences.

    Has anyone tried to send this to her?

  39. Sam Walters says:

    Why is it okay for women to say they’re voting for Hillary because its a woman but when an African-American says they’re doing it because Barack is black then we have to PAUSE and hold on because its wrong and we get slapped on the hand?

    Also, I find it odd that some women think being an African-American is easy, it’s not. It’s hard to be a woman and its hard to be African American. Lets stop this demographic war now.

    It’s these politics of division between race and gender that the Clinton campaign has stirred up that is hurting Democrats in general.

  40. Sam Walters says:

    “This kind of fight might be necessary to get a woman into the president’s office. Only 16% or so of the American population is black but over 1/2 is female and, yet, there hasn’t been a female president. That is nearly 220 years and 42 presidents. That is just appalling and it should not be allowed to continue.

    You couldn’t ask for a more able or better qualified candidate. I think the fight, and the division, has everything to do with Hillary being female. It may be a very, very long time before another female candidate of her caliber comes along and she would probably face the same fight and divisions. Women did not get the vote without struggling either.”

    Dina this is by far the dumbest comment I have ever read. No one is *ENTITLED* to become President because of their race or gender. That is what many Hillary supporters refuse to see. You’re claiming that she is entitled to this because America owes this to her.

    No, America doesn’t.

    America doesn’t owe it to Barack either.

    It’s these ignorant comments I read from you and others that just puts a smile on the face of people who keep us all fighting for that tiny slice of the pie they give us while they hoarde the rest for themselves.

    Use your brains for once, not genitals. We’re ALL Americans. Stop being your demographic.

  41. Great entry! My name is Travis and I am a student at Stanford University. Because I believe Barack is the best candidate with the potential to revolutionize politics, I created a website at,, so people like you can submit your favorite articles, videos and podcasts about Barack and vote on them. This site is extremely new (created Monday, February 13th) and is ready to gain momentum in spreading Barack’s message. With your help, this website can play an important role in helping Barack become the clear People’s Choice as the next President. Although your article indicates your support for Hillary, it’s articles like these that add perspective and value to the issues and provides something for everyone. Thank you.

  42. I despise Hillary.

    If she wins I will not vote for Mcain, I just will not vote.

  43. Your 4th grade grammar teacher says:

    “As nations go…” (no apostrophe for plurals)
    “Our nation and its people…” (no apostrophe for ‘its’ when used as the possessive of “it”; “it’s” is a contraction of “it is”)

  44. I wish I’d written this.

    I hope HRC reads it.

  45. It is so funny you wrote this, because just yesterday I went to her website and wrote a note to her (and group) asking her to pull out of the race.

    Too funny.


  46. I have to agree with the Queen on this one, guys and gals. For different reasons.
    Hillary, with her husband, have had almost 1 YEAR to get voters to like her. Instead, her unfavorable ratings are still 50%. That means HALF the country won’t vote for her under any circumstances. She had plenty of time to do that, but that is not what happened. Instead, she has divided and ticked off the Black voters, her second strongest group.
    And now she can’t win w/o superdelegates. This after a 25% lead. That’s why she should step down.
    I think she’ll stick in, lose Ohio or PA, and negotiate with Howard Dean to become Speaker of the Senate or Majority Leader or something like that.

  47. You make me sad,please stop trying to write serious commentary and go back to your admin.assistant job at the community college.


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