Dear Senator Hillary Clinton, Please Step Down

This is a very hard letter for me to write, so please bear with me.

I’d like to ask you, with all due respect and humility, to step down as a Democratic Candidate for President of the United States.

Please understand this is not because I believe you can not or should not lead this nation. Please understand that I find you qualified, capable, and worthy. Please also understand I want nothing more than to see a female as the leader of the free world. I would be pleased and honored if you were that female.

However I am finding, right or wrong, many citizens of this country seem to react to you on an emotional level. Emotional, not practical. They can’t seem to see your record. They can’t seem to see your policy. They just hear or read “Hillary” and venom or praise spews.

I thought that with your candidacy, would come reason. I thought that you would be able to get a fair shake by main stream media, by voters, by sexists, and by soccer moms. I thought over time people would begin to see that you really are an effective politician.

I was wrong.

Tonight, I’m typing as I watch you speak in El Paso, Texas. I’m sad. There really is no other way to put it-I’m sad.

I truly believed you would be the best person for the job, and I had this nagging thought in the back of my mind that is now at the forefront. The thought that drove me on Super Tuesday to Vote for Senator Obama and the thought that is the driving force as I write tonight: Senator Hillary Clinton divides this country.

It’s not fair. It’s not right. And under just about ANY other circumstance I would go to the mat for you. However we are a wounded and deeply divided nation. We are a nation at war. We are a nation at odds with each-other. It’s ugly. I thought you could get people past it. I really did.

When I told myself it was gender that got people going, I refrained from asking and wanting you to step aside. Simply on principle, I wanted to see you run and win because they said it couldn’t be done. Because it was my belief, this was all about being a girl.

It’s not, and I was wrong.

I firmly believe while the gender issue has given you a handicap I hope we all one day overcome, it is NOT the reason people have a gut reaction to you or your campaign or your legacy.

Enter the Senator from Illinois, and what I think could be your true legacy. If you were to step aside now, shockingly early and shockingly un-Hilllary-like, you could galvanize an entire nation behind your party. If you were to throw your weight, and your tremendous political clout behind Senator Obama you could still change the world and make your mark in a way no one would expect and everyone would admire.

I don’t want to see you throw in the towel because the fight is too hard or the mountain too tall. I am asking you to throw it in because history is on the line. It is not the history either of us expected, however it is an equally important, momentous, earthshaking change in this country we sorely need.

Do something no one would ever expect. Do something extraordinary. Do something that changes politics as usual and changes history.

I could have never predicted having to chose between what my husband called “the lesser of two goods, not the lesser of two evils” when it came time to cast my vote.

It was agonizing.

But in the end, with no major policy difference and valid reasons on BOTH sides, I had to go with the candidate who I thought could best bring our nation back together. Who could cross party lines and gender lines and racial lines.

I wanted it to be you, but it’s not. For some reason you still get people very riled up, and not in the good way.

There is no way around it-it sucks. But after 7 years of nothing but fighting and head shaking and feeling like we’re living in two Americas, I can’t do it again. Not even if my team is in office.

I really hate asking you to do this, but I want you to please step down and let this nation heal.

We’ve been too angry for too long and your history and your name brings a suitcase of anger to the White House front door.

With the full weight of the Clinton name, behind the scenes, your true legacy could be written. With the full weight of the Clinton know-how you could help orchestrate the next chapter in American history where an African-American leads our nation.

It is this time in history your nation needs you.

As nation’s go, ours has never been one to do things the way we predict. Who could have seen when we finally get our first, legitimate, female front runner we’d see our first, legitimate front runner of color?

Our nation and it’s people need you to do what is best for this country. We need you to be true to what you say on the stump and bring us back together.

If you firmly believe that there is still time for you to change the hearts and minds of those rude and stubborn Americans who are voting with their gut when they see “Hillary” on the ballot-then please, prove me wrong. I’ll be at the Democratic National Convention come August and I’ll hold up my Hillary sign loud and proud and fall in line.

But I think you’ve tried. You tried with everything you had to overcome that Clinton-emotional reaction. Here we are, moving into Texas and Ohio and Pennsylvania-and it’s not you winning over hearts and minds, it’s the Senator from Illinois.

Let’s end the division in this country now. Right now. Let’s start with the Democratic Party early and provide a united front against the GOP months ahead of schedule.

Let’s take back this country for the people, with you playing a much different role than you envisioned.

Make history. Make us one. Step down now.


Erin Kotecki Vest

voter, mother, woman, feminist, writer, dreamer, and Hillary fan

*edited on Valentine’s Day* want to yell at me in person over this letter? Sign up to webchat with me on ooVoo Friday, Feb. 15th from 930am PST to 1130am PST. Hell, I’ll even throw in more time just to take your call


  1. Few realize how hard it must be to step out like this. The writer knew damn well that there would be serious backlash. She’s most likely getting death threats in her inbox by now. A very courageous and insightful post is hard to come by and this one is excellent.

    I don’t subscribe to either camp but I will say this. Obama is the only one who stops McCain. Whoever pulls the moderates and independents will win the day. If you want a Democrat in the White House Obama is your best shot.

  2. Florida4Hillary says:

    I have no overwhelming loyalty to the Democratic party. I’m sorry, but if the Democrats are going to capitulate their best candidate AGAIN to the right wing sound machine to “do the right thing for the party,” then they’ll have to win the white house in 2008 without my Florida vote.

    It’s what Gore did in 2000. That worked out well, eh?

  3. Canyouhearmenow says:

    Hillary Clinton has been telling America that she is the most qualified candidate for president based on her ‘record,’ which she says includes her eight years in the White House as First Lady – or ‘co-president’ – and her seven years in the Senate. Here is a reminder of what that record includes: – As First Lady, Hillary assumed authority over Health Care Reform, a process that cost the taxpayers over $13 million. She told both Bill Bradley and Patrick Moynihan, key votes needed to pass her legislation, that she would ‘demonize’ anyone who opposed it. But it was opposed; she couldn’t even get it to a vote in a Congress controlled by her own party. (And in the next election, her party lost control of both the House and Senate.) – Hillary assumed authority over selecting a female Attorney General. Her first two recommendations, Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. She then chose Janet Reno. Janet Reno has since been described by Bill himself as ‘my worst mistake.’ – Hillary recommended Lani Guanier for head of the Civil Rights Commission. When Guanier’s radical views became known, her name had to be withdrawn. – Hillary recommended her former law partners, Web Hubbell, Vince Foster, and William Kennedy for positions in the Justice Department, White House staff, and the Treasury, respectively. Hubbell was later imprisoned, Foster committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign. – Hillary also recommended a close friend of the Clintons, Craig Livingstone, for the position of director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of up to 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (“Filegateâ€Â?) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, both Hillary and her husband denied knowing him. FBI agent Dennis Sculimbrene confirmed in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in 1996, both the drug use and Hillary’s involvement in hiring Livingstone. After that, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office, after serving seven presidents for over thirty years. – In order to open “slotsâ€Â? in the White House for her friends the Thomasons (to whom millions of dollars in travel contracts could be awarded), Hillary had the entire staff of the White House Travel Office fired; they were reported to the FBI for ‘gross mismanagement’ and their reputations ruined. After a thirty-month investigation, only one, Billy Dale, was charged with a crime – mixing personal money with White House funds when he cashed checks. The jury acquitted him in less than two hours. – Another of Hil lary’s assumed duties was directing the ‘bimbo eruption squad’ and scandal defense: —- She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. —- She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr’s investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs. —- Then they had to settle with Paula Jones after all. —- And Bill lost his law license for lying to the grand jury —- And Bill was impeached by the House. —- And Hillary almost got herself indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice (she avoided it mostly because she repeated, ‘I do not recall,’ ‘I have no recollection,’ and ‘I don’t know’ 56 times under oath). – Hillary wrote ‘It Takes a Village,’ demonstrating her Socialist viewpoint. – Hill ary decided to seek election to the Senate in a state she had never lived in. Her husband pardoned FALN terrorists in order to get Latino support and the New Square Hassidim to get Jewish support. Hillary also had Bill pardon her brother’s clients, for a small fee, to get financial support. – Then Hillary left the White House, but later had to return $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork she had stolen. – In the campaign for the Senate, Hillary played the ‘woman card’ by portraying her opponent (Lazio) as a bully picking on her. – Hillary’s husband further protected her by asking the National Archives to withhold from the public until 2012 many records of their time in the White House, including much of Hillary’s correspondence and her calendars. (There are ongoing lawsuits to force the release of those records.) – As the junior Senator from New York, Hillary has passed no major legislation. She has deferred to the senior Senator (Schumer) to tend to the needs of New Yorkers, even on the hot issue of medical problems of workers involved in the cleanup of Ground Zero after 9/11. – Hillary’s one notable vote; supporting the plan to invade Iraq, she has since disavowed. Quite a resume’. Sounds more like an organized crime family’s rap sheet.

  4. monstergirlee says:

    Wow, awesome post. I couldn’t agree more with any of your posts. I see these things and sentiments being expressed all around me. Thank you for writing this amazing post.

  5. GO HILLARY! Texas is behind you!

  6. Becca Parra says:

    Thank you. I LOVE this post. You’ve articulated EXACTLY my feelings. I like Hillary. I think she’d be an excellent president. Truth is, though, that many DON’T. People get so upset about her, yet they can support Senator Obama. I need to support the candidate who can be supported. I know he’ll do an excellent job, as well. I thought it would be Hillary. I expected it to be Hillary. I wanted it to be Hillary. But you’re right. It isn’t. Barak is an excellent candidate, and his message of hope, and the message of my republican friends who are supporting him have put me in his camp. I still can’t believe I’ll be voting for someone other than Senator Clinton, but I will be. For us, for now, Senator Obama is the right choice.
    Thank you for taking the words from my head that I couldn’t form into sentences and writing them down. Exactly.

  7. not everyone thinks hilary divides and lie it or not, america does not want oback. pick him and we will have mccain as our poresident. put a clinton obama ticket and we will win.

    i will not vote for cocky smug obama.

  8. Hell NO — I want her to fight. She deserves to.
    After a nominee is chosen, one of these two will be the VP nominee. Politics is a CONTEST. There is no CONTEST if someone drops out.

    Obama will not stop McCain, IMO. He is the nice guy, not a fighter.

    I DO NOT WANT HILLARY TO GIVE UP and why the hell should she?

  9. [this is part of something I wrote for another site, but I thought it might be useful to this discussion. HRC is not my candidate, but I don’t understand the anger and rage she seems to incite. This was my attempt to explain it.]

    There is something I want to put out here though — I know he brings good things to her campaign. But Bill Clinton IS baggage for Hillary. And he’s baggage she doesn’t deserve. Post Gary Hart, I once heard former Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis say that in order to rise to the Presidency you have to have a (as far as the public is concerned) a boring sex life. That if you don’t, you’ll bring yourself and your party down. The sad thing for Senator Clinton is that Bill Clinton made not just his own sex life public, but in the process made hers public too. I think some of the misogyny and horrible stuff that’s been thrown at her has happened because he threw the doors of his / their bedroom open and humiliated her on the world stage.

    In standing by him publically, forgiving him and thereby saving his political bacon, Senator Clinton exposed herself and lost all privacy as far as the low end (because that’s what the NY Post is) media is and were concerned. When I read Dowd, her column struck me as both honest and revealing a deep injustice. There is a recoiling, I think, at the memory of Bill Clinton’s humiliation and how he managed to muddy his wife as well as himself.

    It’s the only thing I can think of to explain the venom. This isn’t just sexism (though it is sexism). What’s being directed at Senator Clinton and (to a lesser degree) her daughter is sexual backlash against the former President. The sad thing is, gender politics being what they are, it damages her more than it ever did or will him.

    The irony and injustice are terriblely sad.

  10. For all those who are bashing Erin/The Queen for being too emotional and caught up in Obamamania or too soft to stand up and fight for Hilary, please remember the essence of her post comes down to this:

    EKV’s post is making this point just in a more subtle, empathetic way because she, like many of us, are disappointed and perplexed at the visceral hatred aimed at Hilary. It makes no sense – if people really hate her so much because of Bill, how come he doesn’t get as much venom aimed at him? Being on the outside looking in (I’m from Barbados) I never got the Hilary hate and figured it was something you had to be American to understand. Clearly, even Americans don’t understand it. It’s terrible.

    But it is what it is and it can keep the Democrats from WINNING IN NOVEMBER. At the end of the day, I feel sorry for Hilary and how she has been treated but would I be willing to sacrifice her for the greater good (seeing the backs of the Republicans)? Yes. In a minute. And this is coming from a dyed-in-the-wool, Ms. magazine-reading feminist.

    Because the DEMOCRATS MUST WIN IN NOVEMBER. Keep your eyes on the prize, people!

  11. See, how should I post this. I am a Black Man and I do support Hillary. Obama I believe is playing into the Republican spin and it greatly annoys me, especially when we all know they are very vicious and malicious–just look what they have done to our country in 7 short years. McCain cannot beat Barack or Hillary. I do not want Barack to be put under a microscope of measure as our leader. Hillary is battle tested and make no mistake the republicans will love to blame Obama for all Bush ‘s mega messes. Remember they blamed Bill Clinton for Somilia when it was Bush Sr who sent our troops there. We had peace and Prosperity under Bill Clinton and all we have under Bush is misery. The Republicans are setting up Obama, wise up people

  12. I could not disagree more.

    Obama is winning all the smaller states, Louisiana, Idaho, Alabama, Virginia, et. al.

    While more democrats in these states might be choosing him, when the general election comes around, the Republicans in these states always outnumber the Democrats. These states go Red in a general election. They have for many elections.

    The big Blue states, NY, Calif. Florida, Michigan, and it is looking like Ohio, Penn and Texas have all gone for Hillary and/or are leaning towards Hillary. These are the states that are necessary to win the general election.

    Right now, polls show that Obama can beat McCain by 7 points. But the general election is not right now. All it takes is the Republican machine to swing 4 points off of Obama over to McCain and we have a Republican presidency again. This is why they are painting McCain as a liberal, so moderate/centrist liberals who do not want to elect a dream or some nebulous vision will go to McCain. It’s a long time till November and the Republican war chest is heavy.

    I work with people here in California (a state that went Hillary) who are active in the democratic party. 4 of them have told me that they will switch over to McCain if Obama gets the nomination. I worry about what that number will translate to, on a national level.

    Please remember Howard Dean. He set about a movement, a grassroots, internet movement all about change. EXACTLY like Obama. And overnight, his support disappeared, when ‘experience and leadership’ came into play. Look at Gary Hart, he motivated so many, inspired by something new, then overnight it all switched to Mondale. Democrats go through this time and time again and don’t even see it.

    Democrats who vote on emotion and dreams and hope can never stand up to the tried and true. We see that time and time again.

    People are negative about Clinton because they have been through 8 years of an anti-Clinton media. Remember Al Gore? He was part of the Clinton dynasty. As is Wesley Clark, the most experienced former NATO commander most capable of fighting terrorism. Clinton has power on her side. Except in fables, power always trumps dreams.

    What if Edwards endorses Clinton? Will you still want her to step aside?

    Obama is making history, no doubt about it. He will make a great leader someday. People need to look beyond the concept of ‘change’ because the Republicans in power are going to slap any hand that reaches out and wants to work with them. Have Democrats forgotten the last 8 years?

    Clinton has consistently built bridges and worked both sides of the aisle. That’s what a President must do.

    Please mark my words, as long as Democrats vote on hope and dreams, Democrats will continue to lose. This isn’t the first time Democrats have gone down this road.

  13. Hillary voted for the Patriot Act and the reauthorization of the Patriot Act

    Hillary has received more money from the Military Industrial Complex than any other candidate

    As Ralph Nader has said, “Hillary is on the Arms Committee. If she really wanted to help poor children, she could cut arms spending–but she doesn’t”

    Hillary has received more money from the Health Industry than any other candidate.

    This is why Hillary wants to make buying a health insurance policy mandatory before you can get a job or attend college. Has anyone seen Michael Moore’s Sicko?

    Watch a TV program and count how many commercials you see through a one program for drug companies, and insurance companies.

    This is just like Billy Tozan’s Medicare Drug bill exposed in Sicko

    Dennis Kucinich wanted to get rid of the insurance companies, and implement the health care plan Michael Moore was talking about in the movie Sicko. It’s no wonder the man got so little air time on TV, or NPR.

    They would have been bombarded by angry phone calls from sponsors just like in Bill Moyer’s Buying the War when people tried to speak out against the war in Iraq

    Hillary is a fascist not a socialist.

  14. Bill Clinton brought us NAFTA and Hillary has only said she wants to do a time out on trade deals. She has not said she wants to get rid of them

    Our trading partners have suffered, too – with huge increases in inequality and massive displacement. For example, at least 1.3 million Mexican farmers have lost their livelihood under NAFTA. As a result, the number of annual immigrants from Mexico to the United States surged from 332,000 in 1993, the year before NAFTA went into effect, to 530,000 in 2000 – a 60 percent increase.

  15. I love all this turmoil! It’s to bad none of the candidates will be reading this. Great article!

  16. I’m an Obama supporter but I think she should stay in it til after OH,TX. Obama needs the competition and it will only make him tougher for the GE if he should be elected.

    I think many (especially women) are suprised at how divisive she is and just conclude it to be sexism. She would never have been where she is with out her husband. Riding her husband’s coattails isn’t exactly very empowering.

    Honestly, she is power hungry and feels the presidency is entitled to her. If there is a slight chance of going into a brokered convention she will take it and arm twist herself into the presidency. I have to give her credit though, she is one tough lady.

    But she is no Gro Harlem Brundtland or Margareth Thathcer.

  17. Here’s my complete disagreement at Daily Cents:

    Queen of Spain, you’re clearly not voting with your gut, yet we’re losing you as one of us who actually uses our heads.

  18. Erin,
    I respect the fact that you had the courage and the pragmatism to sit down and express your truest emotions about the state of our nation’s politics. The sentiment and clear statements to/about Hilary Clinton are completely correct, and have been something I have been thinking about for a while now. Thanks for putting it out there for others to connect with as well.

  19. Oprah’s got your check ready, Erin.

  20. I had been a Hillary supporter since I was a little kid and I had always loved Bill.

    that is, until I saw what Barack could do for this nation. [he had me hooked within TEN SECONDS of ever hearing anything out of his mouth]

    I appreciate your honesty, and know that you’re not alone.


  21. Dolly Marks says:

    The very least you could have done was write a grammatically correct letter.

  22. Roger Carter says:

    What a wonderful, insightful letter. Clearly your heart and head are in the right place. That’s why you are now an Obama supporter.

    Unfortunately Hillary will not even consider doing what is best for this country. She will do what she has to do to win. At all costs..which is why so many people are turning against her now.

    A woman will win in the near future. It won’t be Hillary. It will be a reasoned, sensible, coalition-buider. Keep the faith and thank you.

  23. You’re right. You’re absolutely right. Whenever I see her name or hear her voice, I instantly feel loathing. I can not stand her and do not want to see her nominated as the Democratic nominee – so much so that I would vote for McCain if it were between he and Hillary.

    Barack Obama, however, seems to want to heal the nation. I could, in good conscience, vote for him and feel good about myself. If Hilary were to back down now and were to throw her entire weight behind Barack Obama, I might actually be able to respect her.

  24. You have said what I believe better than I would have. I am one of those who feel Clinton splits the US. I am a former republican Obama supporter, and I can not support her. It is not that she isn’t qualified for the job, or that she is a woman. It is her ties to the past, a voting record that is unremarkable, and an penchant for secrecy that me scared. All these things go into who she is and that is something I don’t really like. I also don’t like to look to the past for more partisan games that I know will come if she is elected. All these things drive me away from her. I am sure that there isn’t much more to find, but still the fact she refuses to follow the example Obama has set for openness unsettles me.

    On the issue, they are nearly identical, but I find Obama’s record to be cleaner, and I find him to be more forthright. Clinton says she will do a lot, but honestly when I look at her record she doesn’t seem to support what she says she will now do. She doesn’t believe in an open government and even voted against a bill that would make it public who attaches what earmarks to a bill in the Senate. To me that just sounds fishy, and I am sure others in the US feel the same.

    I do agree with this poster though. She could ensure her place in history by stepping aside right now. She could also be in a powerful position in the senate to enact many of the reforms mentioned by both candidates. Unfortunately, while Senator Clinton was waiting in the wings, she had her time pass her by. Americans now want something different.

  25. Thank you for articulating this so well. It’s certainly something I’ve thought of… about what an amazing, major, powerful statement/moment in history it would be if Sen. Clinton said: “OK. Let’s put all our strength behind Obama. Let’s go with the momentum. Let’s take back the White House. Let’s heal this country. It’s not about me. It’s not about him. It’s about us.”

    I honestly think it would give her a place in history that would live far beyond this election. I personally would be blown away. Talk about hope!

    My issues with her mostly have to do with special interest/conflicts of interest, and not admitting to a grave error in judgment over the Iraq war. No, Senator Obama did not have a vote, but a) how sad that it’s implied if he did, he would’ve gone politically popular,b)he was in a competitive senate primary at the time but most of all c) he was able to predict with chilling accuracy the longterm consequences.

    I’ve had a lot of people(women, mostly), sigh to me that they feel sorry for Senator CLinton, should she lose. My response: “Your sorrow is misplaced– Don’t you think the hundreds of thousands of grieving and traumatized Iraqi women might be more worthy?”

    Anyway, if she shocked us all, the respect/power such an action would engender would be like Al Gore’s transformation— on major, major steroids.

  26. Very, very well put, Erin. I have nothing to say that you haven’t already said more eloquently, but I have to throw one more voice on the pile and thank you for sharing your message.

    Nothing worthwhile has ever been easy; the difficulty you had in setting down those words is directly proportional to their merit.

  27. Name one significant thing Obasshead has done while a Senator? You can’t. What experience does he bring to the White House? My wife takes some of the neighbors’ kids to their hockey games, does that qualify her to be a “community organizer”, too, and therefore the Presidency? I guess so.

    Obasshead is nothing more than a good public speaker. In your minds that’s enough to make a man a president. You’re all fools!

  28. In 1991-92 Hillary & Bill promised the then 35 million uninsured Americans universal health care. Once Bill was elected he put Hillary in charge of the committee responsible; she ended up getting 6 million children covered but failed to get any type of coverage for the other 29 million people…an 80% failure rate.

    Fast forward 17 years and Hillary Clinton is promising the now 45 million uninsured Americans health care coverage. Hillary Clinton receives more contributions from the health care industry then any other presidential candidate; do you think they contribute to her campaign so she can pass legislation that will eat into their profit margins?

  29. I certainly agree with your sentiments re Hillary Clinton. Please take a quick peek at my basic blog started 2 weeks ago. Titled Telling Thoughts. I am sure you will be in agreement.
    I am an Australian who is actively supporting Obama and what he promises to the world.
    Very Best Wishes from Down Under

  30. ViEtStEaLtH says:

    Obama’s supporters are sad people who can’t even take a fight even their cult leader backs down from a fight. I don’t want another Bush in the WO and Obama is another BUSH.

  31. Hillary Clinton’s new slogan is that she is in the “solutions business�. What solution was she looking for when she helped send 4,000 Americans to their death by helping to authorize a war that never should have been waged? The declaration she signed was titled, “A Declaration To Go To War With The Country Of Iraq�. When she defends this action now she claims she thought it would be used a tool of diplomacy. That is more insulting to me then admitting you made a mistake.

    The issues are far too important to let gender get in the way. I ask all females to look at the two candidates openly and honestly. I am begging you not to elect one just because you share the same set of reproductive organs.

  32. Sorry, misspelt email address in previous message. Correct Email Address:
    Many Thanks
    John Hay Australia.

  33. For anyone that wants to read more about his EXPERIENCE & PLANS, to name a few, go here: Read up before you speak up. It IS a public website. it wont reach out from your PC screen and attack you. You ARE invited.

  34. I initially was for Senator Clinton. I somehow had forgotten how mean spirited she can be when she is cornered. She is not a nice person. She is one of the meanest persons I have ever observed when things are not going her way. Just listen to the negative ads she is showing about Senator Obama. She is stating that he does not want to debate. She failed to tell you that they have debated 18 times and 2 or 3 more debates are scheduled. She skews the truth. Senator Clinton can not look at her audience directly. Take notice when she is giving her speech; she’s looking out in space like in another world. She has no warmth. She’s a master at skewing the truth and that fake cry was too funny. Can you imagine your president crying in public. She may have found her voice but she has lost her balls. I find it very difficult to trust her. Where was she during the Potomac primaries? Down in Texas, yet she is complaining about Senator Obama. I agree it’s time for change, but she is not the one; not this time, this week, this month or this year.

  35. I respectfully disagree. I do not believe Hillary is capable to be a fair, trust worthy, effective president for the U.S.A. This has nothing to do with emotional feelings about her or Barack Obama. This is based purely on her voting record which I find not only ineffectual on many levels, but often straight out wrong. Her vote on the Iraq war disqualifies her as a person capable of being President of our country. She helped put our lives in danger by compromising our Homeland Security and respect in the international community. It was the most costly and human rights violating decision our country has made, potentially ever. A select few Senators from both parties did what was right and voted against it. These are people more able to lead on “day one”. Hillary chose to give an already recognized rogue president the power for this war for politically selfish reasons. She has not been an advocate for all women of different ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds. What about the innocent Iraqi women we have murdered? Or our female soldiers returning with severe PTSD as a result of this unjust war. In addition her and Bill’s support of NAFTA and her vote on the Bankruptcy Bill are just some of the corrupt decisions she has made in office for financial gain at the expense of the middle class. Not to mention her campaign of dirty politics that disenfranchised many voters by her campaign shutting doors early in caucus states. She is not for all people, but rather for her own political gain and ego regarding being the first female president. I will not vote for her period and that is wholeheartedly as a result of her past and future positions on important issues. In addition, her healthcare plan is a sound bite that will be harmful to the American people, especially people like myself. To criminalize people who can’t afford healthcare and put in a mandate for adults is not only wrong, but economically unsound. If she had run a dignified campaign and was honest about her positions, I could perhaps consider her campaign. Instead she has used robo-calls and debates as opportunities to slander her opponents in inaccurate and sometimes even racist and insulting manners. As a woman, I would grieve if she was elected. Feminism to me is holding women to the same standards that I hold men. I believe this because I believe we are equally capable of intelligence, integrity, foresight, honesty, etc. She falls short in many of these categories. For this and more she will never receive my vote. Thank you for allowing me to blog.

  36. Obama supporter here. Stepping down has nothing to do with her being a female, Hillary is just not president material. I thought she was the best choice at first -that was until I got to know Obama.

  37. In response to SteveS.

    Democrats and Republicans have both been lifted to the Presidency based on popular support. Reagan achieved this in the 80’s, by uniting people of various groups. JFK achieved this as well in the 60’s. Both were good Presidents in their own right and both had problems. This can be said of every president. Both presidents offered hope, so there are two fine examples of hope delivering for a political party.

    Your reason that Obama will lose in November uses faulty reasoning. Sure some people may not vote for Obama, but that is not everyone. It is not satistically relevant.

    The red/blue state argument is also weak. In many of those states the democrats have nearly the same percentage of voters as the republicans. There is also a very large independent or unaffiliated populations of voters. In years past the independents have broken for the republicans. They are breaking for Obama now. He is also generating a large number of new voters who support him. These voters may or may not show up if Clinton runs, because most of them are voting for Obama as a change candidate. Hillary is not a change candidate. A majority of independents break for Obama over Clinton and break for Obama verse McCain. Unfortunately they break for McCain vs Clinton. It is Obama’s strength and ability to put states into play that have been republican strong holds that makes him a viable choice.

    Sen. Clinton’s inability to generate much enthusiasm in these traditionally republican locals seems to indicate that they can be written entirely off. But Obama’s ability to attract people across isles put them back into play. It is the same way that Bill Clinton captured some of the red states before. And Reagan captured nearly all the traditional blue states in 1980 and did even better in 1984 where he lost just a single state.

    It should also be noted that no democrat since Humphrey in 64 has managed to carry Texas in the national election. Elections can be won by carrying just traditional areas, but honestly if you have discounted most of the states because you might not do well in them, you have made your opponents job that much easier.

    It is this thinking that has kept the Republicans in the White House for so much of the last 30 years. If the Democrats want to win in November, they need someone that is willing to go outside of the parties entrenched areas. Barack Obama has proven himself in this regard. Clinton has not.

  38. Anonymous1 says:

    I am sympathetic towards you. I think that your letter is beautiful -and that you are dead on about her ability to change the status quo, unite us as Democrats and rewrite her own history by stepping down.

    I started out undecided. Further, when I first heard Obama about a year ago in NY, I was more impressed with his wife than him. lol At first blush, I had the reaction I hear from critics, asking: ‘where is the meat?’ Well, that was only a 7-minute showcase, and as the months rolled on I saw the “meat” and more. I saw truth and inspiration in addition to brilliance and sensitivity. Even as I began to support him strongly, I never had a bad opinion of Hillary. I had an indifference towards her. This campaign, however, gave me a negative impression of her. Some of it is that she has campaigned poorly, trying to walk the gender balance of soft and hard and missing the right stride; some of it is her resort to negative talk and lies; a lot more of it is her husband. It is difficult indeed to take credit for the Clinton years in the Whitehouse where there are successes but try to parse out, and disclaim its failures. Then too, to see Bill Clinton hapharzardly travelling the country, insulting blacks, ego-tripping and being so out of touch -it made me loathe to give him ANY kind of power or access again. And it dated her. So when she lagged behind the internet revolution of campaigning and resorted to old tricks, it made her look just that: old.

    My point is not to beat you when you are down. I just wanted to give you my view of things. Thank you for writing this, and I hope you send it to her. I doubt she will ever step down though.

  39. Dear Erin,
    I was very touched reading your letter. I am a visitor to the USA and am following this election and see the divisiveness. It is true that Senator Clinton seems to bring up the hackles of many people and if this keeps on going the democratic party will be damaged and the Republicans could get in again.

    This is a crucial election, not just for your nation but for the World as US policy touches on so many nations and issues that effect this planet. We in other nations are looking to you to turn the page – to stand up as a nation and claim your good standing in the world.

    I believe that Obama has the qualities to do this.

    There is another thing which we as western women may find hard to take; it is that Middle East does not have the same attitudes towards women.

  40. Jason Tapia says:

    I don’t know why people don’t see that it’s not about gender or race at all. Voting for Hillary because she’s a women IS sexist. Voting for a black man because he’s black is racist. It’s blind support that is not the same as treating someone equally. If the candidates were being treated equally, people would not vote for them based on race or gender, but vote for them based on their policies. With that said, Barack Obama clearly has better policies. It is not an emotional thing (though he is very inspiring) it’s a logical thing. Vote for Obama. Hillary will say and do anything to win this primary. Obama stands by what he says and because of this, it is obvious who is more genuine.

  41. I totally agree that Hillary Clinton has to step down. She has lost the election. To continue and ask to include “delegates” from Michigan and Florida will divide the democratic party and ruin it.
    The Clintons had 8 years in office. I fully support Barack Obama !

  42. I like your letter, although it doesn’t express my sentiments. I don’t like Hillary Clinton because she’s a warmonger, she’s a liar, and she is not entitled to be president. When her coronation didn’t happen on her schedule, she instituted a southern strategy I find repugnant and very telling of her incredibly flawed character.

    Obama has had more electoral experience than her, and he has released his tax returns. That she refuses to do so until after she is nominated, is obscene.

    Hillary is not a victim of sexism– she is a victim of her own selfish, disingenuous machinations. If Obama wasn’t running, I still wouldn’t vote for her. She is ineffectual, annoying, and a moral cypher. Other than that, I think she’s the only candidate who could truly energize the republicans.

    Admit it your highnesss. She stinks.

  43. Not sure if we need the writer’s permission or not, but one way to circulate this is through email. May or may not be the best idea, but this letter hits a true note. CNN (the only channel I follow politics on) makes references to it. Even the conservatives support it. Barack has said it himself. Hillary is too polarizing. She would unite the conservatives against her. Barack has the ability to bring everyone together. That is why he is causing such excitement nation-wide. While I seriously doubt Hillary would drop out of the race – it has crossed my mind several times that it is in the best interests of the Democratic party and the U.S. that she does so. Thanks for the letter!

  44. While I appreciate the honesty in this letter, it’s time I get a little honest myself. There are too many people who have forgotten the CRAP that the Clinton administration has put the American people through. And when I say the Clinton Administration, I don’t just mean Bill. You see, just as behind every good man there’s a good woman, behind every bad man could be a woman of questionable character. In this case, “could be” will be replaced by “is”. People act as though the courage to run for President makes her suddenly “good”. That her character has undergone some major transformation because Bush jacked the country up causing us to be willing to accept anything else as the next American President. And all this nonsense about her being “qualified”. Qualified to play politics as usual perhaps. But that’s about it. Now, for all of those who are reading this and feel a burning in their stomach, a fire in their chest and a crease in their eyebrows…..there’s more. Wake the HELL up! Pay attention…because this is the Hillary I refuse to support, that divides our nation because of poor character and that will piss in public if it means another vote. During the 1992 campaign, Hillary Clinton defends her role in the Madison Guarantee S&L scandal by saying, “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas. But what I decided to do was pursue my profession, which I entered before my husband was in public life.” Forgotten, however, is what inspired this homily: accusations that Ms. Clinton had represented Whitewater business partner Jim McDougal’s S&L before her husband’s government. Here’s what the New York Times reported on March 17, 1992: “Hillary Clinton said today that she did not earn ‘a penny’ from state business conducted by her Little Rock law firm and that she never intervened with state regulators on behalf of a failed Arkansas savings and loan association. . . ”

    Records will show that she did, in fact, represent Madison before the state securities department. After the revelation, she says, “For goodness sakes, you can’t be a lawyer if you don’t represent banks.”

    Susan McDougal recalls Ms. Clinton coming in and drumming up the business. Ms. McDougal tells the Washington Post: “The problem was finances, her finances.” The Washington Times quotes an unnamed Clinton business associate who claims the governor used to “jog over to McDougal’s office about once a month to pick up the [retainer] check for his wife.” Jim McDougal’s version of the story, according to the LA Times, is that Clinton asked him to throw some legal work his wife’s way to help the Clintons out of a financial crunch: “I hired Hillary because Bill came in whimpering that they needed help.”

    Hillary Clinton writes Jim McDougal enclosing a power of attorney for him to sign “authorizing me to act on your behalf with respect to matters concerning Whitewater Development Corporation.” Another power of attorney is enclosed for Susan McDougal. The power of attorney includes the right to endorse, sign and execute “checks, notes, deeds, agreements, certificates, receipts or any other instruments in writing of all matters related to Whitewater Development Corporation.” This letter, uncovered in 1993 by Jerry Seper of the Washington Times, directly contradicts the claim of the Clintons that they were “passive shareholders” in Whitewater.

    From a 1996 Chicago Tribune editorial: “The legal issues will sort themselves out in time. But one thing has become all too clear. Bill and Hillary Clinton and their aides have made a concerted effort to deceive official investigators and the American public with half truths and outright lies . . . It’s not clear what the Clintons want to conceal, but it’s clear that they have made extraordinary efforts to do so.”


    A federal judge issues a fine for a quarter million dollars because, “The Executive Branch of the government, working in tandem, was dishonest with this court.” At issue is the composition of Hillary Clinton’s health task force, a body stacked with those from the medical industry who would gain most from its faux reforms.

    I mean, are we, as a country, for real! Here is a man whose refusal to engage in corrupt behavior is seen as inexperience. Here is a black man who addresses our nation, not in ebonics, but good old boy english, and we can’t stand it that it inspires and not tears down. Great speeches do not a poor plan make. Great speeches do not lack of substance make. Great speeches do not mindless banter make. And, great speeches do not a President make. So, what makes a truly good President? Well, the first place you begin is with CHARACTER! And this man and wife are not a corporation, they are a small thing. A small thing that they have chosen to take care of first. And by doing so, proven that, when you take care of the small things in this life, you have earned the right to take care of the big things. America is BIG. And we need a President who will take care of us.

    So, again, thank you for your honesty. But if we as a nation are going to heal, let’s get honest about character! It is our country’s character that is at stake….not our history.


  45. There are a zillion comments before mine and I don’t have time to read them all. All I can say is “NO NO NO NO NO NO!!” Keep running Hillary! If women throughout history had kept backing down everytime things got rough, women would never be where they are today.

    We NEED a good fighter in the White House!

  46. Dear Jackie Robinson,
    It’s not that you’re not a great ballplayer. But your presence on the Yankees attracts much hatred to the game that simply gets in the way of America’s bond with the game. And, although you’re a giant among baseball legends, I ask that you resign for the good of the sport.

    You will always be remembered as someone who did the right thing for “America’s Game.”

    A Lover of the Sport

    “Because everyone knows that the best way to handle a bully is to let them have their way.”

  47. Thank you for your insight and the courage you have to publish it. This is not about women only. This is about America and the world as a whole. One of the things Barack Obama has taught us is that a nationwide campaign cannot be about race or gender. It has to be about America. It has to be about what is best for this world and it has to include everyone.


  1. […] to Michelle Obama in December of 2006, I now find myself scratching my head at the response to my letter to Senator Hillary […]

  2. […] Read the great blog post here:  Queen Of Spain – Dear Senator Hillary Clinton, Please step down. […]

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