Talk the Talk

You can hear my appearance on Talk It Out with Patricia Smith on Blog Talk Radio.

Barack Obama in '08


  1. I loved you on that radio show! Hearing you read your letter was the best part. All the emotion and pauses as you recite your words. Brilliant.

  2. I didn’t hear the radio show. I’ll be sure to hunt for it. It’s always interesting for me, a Canadian, to watch the blogosphere and get a sense of the political climate in the US these days. It obviously affects you but it also affects us.

    Can’t wait to hear it.

  3. Queen of Spain says:

    click on the link!

  4. Okay, I’m good. I’m 100% behind him. I honestly don’t care if HIllary folds or not, but I’m sick of her antics. I will have to listen to your radio stuff tomorrow.

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