
Do you see the face she's making? #killme

Check out that photo above. See the sass?

It. Must. End.


  1. She’s a woman who knows what she wants, dammit. (Says the mom to three BOYS.) *grins*

  2. I wonder where she gets it from???


  3. Good luck with that! If you figure it out please let me know. I think I will have that problem in my future.

  4. Yea, let me know how that’s working out for you.

  5. I’m screwed.

  6. I feel your pain.

    I try to tell myself that my own 4-year-old daughter’s sass is a sign that she is independent and knows what she wants, and that it will serve her well one day. Often those traits that annoy us as parents serve them well in adulthood. Or at least, that’s all that’s keeping me going some days, is the hope that I will one day come to appreciate that which currently makes me insane.

  7. Ugh. I see that look way to much from my own daughter. I thought the drama of having a daughter didn’t start until puberty. Now I know better.

  8. Hysterical. And scary. So scary.

  9. When you figure it out, please email me. Please? I have two of those.

  10. It looks to me like she’s upset that the public option seems to slipping away and not enough people are making their opinions known to their elected officials!!

    Children with the confidence to work out their independence with their parents and siblings don’t have to do it when they’re 14 at a party.

    Be thankful for the feedback of what a great job you are doing!!


  12. Yikaroonies!!!

  13. She doesn’t look like you or anything.

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