Joe Biden Made Me Cry

I’m not kidding.

This afternoon I got to listen-in on a call with Senator Biden and 500 advocates, workers, victims and activists fighting domestic violence against women.

Biden helped those listening celebrate a milestone for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and it’s 2 millionth call.

Biden said, “2 million have worked up the courage and the conviction to be able to come to a phone, most of the time hiding and praying to god and hoping no one hears them…they were able to call a federally funded number and they know someone will actually answer it.”

Amanda Scott from Women for Obama writes, “Approximately 1,400 women a year – four every day – die in the United States as a result of domestic violence. And 132,000 women report that they have been victims of a rape or attempted rape, and it is estimated that an even greater number have been raped, but do not report it.Biden wrote and passed the landmark Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which is the strongest legislation to date that criminalizes domestic violence and other forms of violence against women, provides victims with the support they deserve, and holds batterers accountable.”

Now I had known all of this about Senator Biden. I had known about him writing the Violence Against Women Act, I knew he had championed the legislation…what I wasn’t prepared for was hearing him speak about women and violence like I am used to my friends speaking about women and violence. Hearing him speak like a man passionate about protecting women, empowering women.

He told me about how violence against women is society’s dirtiest and ugliest secret. He told me about wishing everyone in America could sit in the call center for just a half an hour to hear what he’s heard. He told me about how women initially blame themselves for the horrible acts committed against them He told me about how violence against women is a cultural issue, with people thinking it’s a “private” or family matter and how WRONG that is.

Senator Joe Biden went on and on and on and on, barely taking breaths in between his words to talk about what he’s seen and why he’s fighting for women. Then he said if he and Senator Obama had the honor to be elected,

“I promise you, I PROMISE YOU, you will have the strongest allies you’ve ever, EVER had.”

And I was floored.

Biden then went on to announce Obama-Biden plans for a special advisor, in their administration, IN the White House, who would report directly and regularly on violence against women, because he understands this needs sustained high level leadership on the issue. He also discussed plans for their administration to take their ideas global, and reward countries for stopping violence against women.

Today the campaign released this new video, so you can see exactly what Biden is talking about:

For more information on the National Domestic Violence Hotline, you can visit Hotline advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you or someone you know is frightened about something in your relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.

CrossPosted at BlogHer.

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My Mom Is Changing The World (and you are too)

I’m feeling very empowered right now, so either run or duck.

I realize I get this way a lot…but something hit me today on the way home from BlogHer DC where I spent a day with hundreds of women (and a few men) plotting our world domination. (what? that’s totally what we do when we get together…you didn’t know that?)

I keep thinking about my mom*.

I know that sounds strange, she’s not a blogger or anything. But as I sat on my panel saying the things I also said at other conferences to audiences…my whole spiel about how womens’ power and influence now have the candidates courting us, not us going after them…how we’re dictating the news cycle…and how our work is actually making a difference….yada yada yada…

It hit me that my MOM is my one, Florida-living, Nana-microcosm of exactly what I mean.

Reading blogs (my Mom is a hesitant** reader of Queen of Spain, an avid reader of BlogHer, and she’s now a fangirl of MOMocrats -she thinks you momo’s are ‘sassy’ and ‘I just LOVE them’ about 50 times per phone conversation) my Mom has gained her own empowerment in this election and it pushed her out the door and to her local Obama HQ.

My Mom.

My Mom who always voted but that was about it. My Mom would tell my Dad and Uncle to stop arguing about politics and come eat. My Mom who now calls ME to yell about something she reads or sees.

Erin, uuuuuuugh I just couldn’t stand the look Palin got on her face when she answered that question…and she didn’t even ANSWER IT! ugh!

My Mom who went from volunteering to do a few phone calls for Obama, hesistant…to now attending volunteer BBQ’s and knocking on over 150 doors.

My. MOM.

She now knows, as do I…that she’s making a difference in Florida. When the latest poll came out, I very seriously said ‘It’s ALL Nancy! If Obama wins Florida, it’s because of Nanc!’

But that’s what’s happening everywhere. Using the tools of the web, people like MY MOM..the NONblogger, NONpolitico are getting fired up and doing what they can to make sure their voice is heard.

My Mom has been heard in Florida.

The woman sitting in the second to last row who submitted a question during a panel at BlogHer ’07, had THAT question, HER question, answered by Senator Obama on

A group of women blogging on this whacky world wide web can command the attention of each campaign, of the main stream media, and sit our sassy asses on CNN to tell THEM our expert opinion.

I always knew one person could make a difference. I always believed that if people wanted change, it really could happen. I always preached about the potential power we had in this space and at this time…But I honestly had never seen it in action until now.

Right now.

It’s amazing and I am empowered.

I hope you are too.

*..and apologies to my mom for not asking her first if I could blog this…but it’s too late to call Florida. Sorry Mom. But I hope it helps that you are totally a rockstar for getting out there and making a difference.

**…if you were my mom you’d probably be a hesitant reader of me too, ’cause lord only knows what I’ll say next.

BlogHer DC


Come on. You KNOW you want too.

One ER Trip Shows Me McCain HealthCare FAIL

Exhibit A: Rock

Rocks. Hurt.

Exhibit B: Foot

Exhibit C: Broken


I just spent $800, with health insurance, to take care of my VP debate party toe trauma. My injury was inflicted, on accident, by my 5-year old and gravity.

That $800 is the monthly cost for our family’s health insurance, which does not include the bill that will come from the hospital for my share of what insurance did not cover.

Senator John McCain’s ‘Victory Chairman’ Carly Fiorina guest posted on BlogHer not too long about her candidate’s big health care overhaul. She tells me under the McCain plan my family would get $5000 to purchase our own health care. For the whole year. $5000.

Ummmm. We spend $9800 per year, right now for just myself and my kids. That does not count co-pays, xray bills, procedures, drugs, labs, and anything else that pops up.

So we’re missing a family member under that figure AND that’s just monthly with no real costs that happen over the course of a month.

I fail to see where the overhaul here.

Help me out.

Note that I did not even get into the 5 hours I spent in my neighborhood emergency room. 5 hours.

I encourage you to read the comments over on Ms. Fiorina’s BlogHer post and tell me what you think of McCain’s plan. I have to go ice my toe and take another pain pill that cost me more than I really care to go look at right now.

I Need YOU To Help This ClassRoom. Please

When BlogHer decided to participate in the DonorsChoose Challenge, I immediately began surfing the projects HOPING there was a classroom somewhere wanting to learn politics. I know, half of you just rolled your eyes. But please hear me out.

I remember doing straw polls in elementary school, back when we didn’t use the computers in the back for anything more than an Oregon Trail trip. Now anything, everything, and everywhere is at a child’s fingers and they can learn about Senator Barack Obama, Senator John McCain and the entire election process.

So excuse me while I get a bit geeky over Mrs. F’s 1st grade in Mississippi. Mrs. F wants to set up a “Presidential Corner’ in the room with a laptop and some election materials she has already bought such as a ballot box, maps with flags, tally charts, stickers for voting, and some children’s books related to voting.

What they really need is that laptop.

Mrs. F writes,

My students will use the laptop specifically for but not limited to just the elections. It is important for our students to know there is a big world out there that they can be a part of and that they too can be a part of making history. Who knows…maybe one of them will be president one day.

Wouldn’t you love to hear 20-30 years from now a President of the United States say that he or she would not have made the choice to aspire to be what he has become today if it hadn’t been for that year in first grade when his teacher created the “Presidential Corner” with this cool Laptop that he was actually able to touch and use as much as he wanted and that memory had always stayed in his mind? Don’t you want to be a part of making history?

Yes Mrs. F, I am convinced we do want to be a part of making history. And I want to help you get that laptop.

BlogHers, please donate to Mrs. F’s Presidential Corner. Even $1 goes a long way. I know times aren’t easy for any of us right now, but you can forgo that ONE vanilla latte today so that we can inspire a future president.

If You Vote Obama, My Family Will Keep Their Ears

We’ve been clipping coupons for awhile now. Ok, my husband has been clipping coupons for awhile now.

This weekend I cut both my son and husbands’ hair myself. I only drew blood once.

These are not huge things, but they are a sign of the times. In case you missed it, the Dow is down by 500 points, Lehman Brothers, a firm that survived the American Depression, has filed for the largest Chapter 11 bankruptcy in U.S. history, and everyone is running around going ‘aaaaaahhhhhhhh sssshhhiiiiittttttt!!!!’

I don’t know about your family…but mine is pretty much going…’umm, yeah….we know…join the coupon clipping party.’

I have friends who are now sending their kids to preschool only twice a week, to cut back on bills. I have family considering moving in with other family members so they don’t charge another grocery store trip. While my husband and I would consider moving out of Los Angeles, our home is now worth about $150,000 less than what we paid. I’ve taken a full-time job. My mother is now working simply for the health insurance. Sign. Of. The. Times.

What the hell is going on? And how do we fix it? Because as much as I don’t mind sitting in my backyard cutting hair…I can only nick so many ears before my family demands better.

I also write this, somewhat hesitantly, because I know we are the lucky ones. We have jobs. We have a home. We have little to complain about. But I would be remiss if I didn’t think of my friends, my family, my neighbors, and the rest of the country when I see the headlines and watch the reports.

But here is the thing…and it’s the thing that got me writing this blog post and the thing that drives me…I firmly believe Senator John McCain is NOT one of us. I realize that is a harsh statement…but…DAMN. With an heiress wife and a lack of knowledge of ANYTHING relevant to ME…he just has no clue.

I wasn’t the only one who heard it.

The Obama campaign picked up on it too. John McCain told Judy Wudroff –  “It’s easy for me to go to Washington and, frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.”

To which I yelled at my tv “NO FUCKING SHIT ASSHOLE!”

I realize that is a bit harsh. But it’s how I felt.

John McCain has no clue- NO CLUE– what average Americans go through. NONE, except for what is put in front of him in a memo as he sits in one of his MANY homes.  I do not believe for ONE SECOND that he understand the out-of-work Detroit auto-worker or the single mother. NOT FOR ONE SECOND.

Which leads me to why I think Senator Barack Obama does…and frankly, it’s easy.

He’s lived it.

He’s doing well now, sure. So am I. But he at the very least GETS IT, and I will go a step further: he gets it and RESPECTS it. Maybe that’s the bigger key…he RESPECTS it.

Go ahead and laugh at me. Tell me I’ve been taken by yet another politician and that this guy doesn’t get it as I’m a dreamer for thinking he does. But I will tell you something…and I will tell you it FROM MY TOES…I have met him. I have met hundreds of politicians and done hundreds of interviews. You can tell when they spout statements and taking points. You can tell when they speak what you want to hear, not what needs to be said. You can also tell when they speak from experience. Which is exactly what Senator Obama does when he talks about having little money and having a single mom and speaking with people on the streets of Chicago.

However, you can’t just take my gut as a reason to vote. You can’t. While I wish you would all take my gut as a reason…that would be stupid. So…Just having lived it and ‘getting it’ isn’t enough. And while we all want someone we can related to running things ( see: conservative women finding kinship in Sarah Palin) I am smart enough to know just ‘getting it’ won’t fix this country’s problems.

Thus Obama’s plan. It does not favor the rich. It does not favor those running large companies and it most certainly does benefit women, families, and the working class. While I don’t want to punish the rich…I want the working class to be empowered. I want women to be empowered. I want families to be empowered.

I, very simply, want my parents to have health insurance and I want to send my husband and son to get their hair cut at a salon.

I want…I want many things. But I want leaders that know and understand what needs to be done and just WHO needs help. Please, listen to Senator Joe Biden at MY high school in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. MINE. Where I was the editor of the paper and where I played varsity basketball. MY HIGH SCHOOL.

Yes, Senator Obama knows and understands what is happening enough to send his Vice Presidential candidate to the South Lake High in St. Clair Shores- because he KNOWS how many of my friends are now out of work. Because he KNOWS how many of MY family members need tax relief. Because he understands what has happened in the home town I love.

People I know need help making their next mortgage payment. People I know want to send their kids to better schools. People I know just want a job.

Please watch Senator Biden. Please listen to what he says about the Obama-Biden ticket. Please hear his rant against McCain. Then head over to and read Michelle Obama’s latest blog post on equal pay.

Listen. Read. Watch.

Watch and understand this is from where I spent 4-years of my life in school and 19-years growing up. THIS right here is how much the Obama campaign gets it…

…and now back to our regularly scheduled program: the ISSUES

While everyone was looking at the bright new shiny object otherwise known as Sarah Palin, Congress went back into session. Democrats decided their new strategy was to scrap plans to force a vote on the expansion of the Children’s Health Insurance program, knowing full well it wouldn’t go anywhere due to King George and his mighty Veto.

Booo! Hiss!

I really wish they would have put this one up for a vote again, because I think it’s great campaign and political fodder to show Republicans as being against health care for children (again). Also to show a McCain no vote again (if he bothers to show up). But really, to take care of the millions of uninsured children in this nation.

Megan at Jezebel writes,

“Congress won’t take up SCHIP again despite the fact that Republicans don’t want to have to vote against it before an election because they’re scared of the veto pen. Wahhhh.”

However, that’s not entirely true and I understand Democrat reasoning

Bruce Lesley, president of First Focus, a bipartisan advocacy group for children, said: “We definitely would prefer for Congress to vote on the legislation next year rather than this year. Why would you pass a bill now when, in six months, you could get a better bill covering more uninsured children?”

Of course, who knows what will happen in six months. Thus, my wish for this to get pushed to the forefront again…now.

A further explanation at Daily Kos:

… if you asked a Member of Congress for a deeper explanation, here’s what you’d likely get. The Congressional leadership is still looking to adjourn as close to its September 26th target dates. That leaves three full weeks left in the session. Even if the House were to arrange to bring another SCHIP bill to the floor quickly, which is a relatively simple matter under their rules, in the Senate, the Republicans would almost certainly bog the measure down, citing the surety of another Bush veto. And as we’ve discussed before, a determined minority in opposition can eat up a whole week or more in delaying a bill that’s supported by even a clear majority in the Senate. That’s more than a third of the time left in the session for the Senate. All for a bill that will be vetoed, and for which the leadership thinks we haven’t got the votes for an override.

Yes, there’d be some symbolic value in it. But the question the leadership will be asking itself is: are there other things we think we can pass in that time that do stand a chance of being enacted into law?

Not a very satisfying answer to the question of why there will likely be no SCHIP vote, but it’d be the most honest one.

The Go Health Insurance blog writes,

“We’re thinking that the Democrats are banking on Illinois Senator Barack Obama winning the presidential election in November. Senator Obama is a supporter of expanding SCHIP, and he’s even gone as far to say he’ll push for a federal mandate that all children have health insurance.”

Which is a good point to bring up, considering Senator Obama worked to expand health care to 150-thousand uninsured working parents and kids in Illinois, and does, as the blog mentions, support the expansion.

There are 9 million uninsured children in the United States. 9 MILLION.

If we can pay for a War, we can pay to take care of the kids of this country.

I can understand the debate over health insurance, but what I don’t understand is forcing the children of our country to suffer while we duke it out. In session, out of session. Veto, overrides, budgets. None of them seem to mean much when 9 million children wait in the wings.

Crossposted at

My Thoughts From St. Paul

Stuffed elephants are cute.

Zero delegates should be allowed to dance. That should have been a rule in Denver too.

Sarah Palin’s lack of experience isn’t Sarah Palin’s fault…it’s the media’s.

A Biden – Palin debate just might end in a brawl.

The crowd isn’t nearly as diverse as it was in Denver.

The GOP needs to lose that green screen on stage. It’s make me nuts.

A Raisin McCain -Yes We Can Dance Off Just might be the only way to end this thing.

*I’ll be on CNN tomorrow at 8:30am Central with Soledad O’Brien, live from St. Paul. I enjoyed my chat with CNN this morning at 9am and again at 3pm. It’s been fun….