An Opportunity of A Lifetime (OR the stupidest night you’ve had in a long time)

I have 24 hours in the San Jose/San Fransisco areas starting THIS Friday at 11am.

Make my schedule for me. I will fill in the hours as things get moving..but so far I have TWO engagements: a lunchtime meeting on Friday with the fabulous Blogher founders and a breakfast on Saturday with the wonderful family at Violet the Verbose.

Other than that..I have a car, a flight, and no kids or husband.

I need:

a hotel room Staying at the Queen of Nob Hill, aka the Fairmont. Get it…Queen? on a NOB? Get it??? *snort* sorry
maybe some Giants tickets? I hear that big headed guy might break some silly record soon

fun people to come out and play with me

Your suggestions and YOU are welcome to join me!!! I mean…come on…I’m FUN! And if nothing else, I’m really loud and annoying when drunk. That’s worth the entertainment right there.

Bring It

BlogHer '07 I'm<br /> Going

AND the Kaiser is coming to *try* and charm all you ladies. AND we’re bringing something naughty for the swag bags. AND I’ll be at later today with a nice and tidy and cuss free news roundup. AND Count Waffles the Terrible still thinks Jesus is made of Cheese.***Oh oh oh…AND I’m going to a performance tonight headed by a fellow Kick Ass (cocktail sipping) MammaBlogger:


An Evening of Confessional Essays by:

Lisa Sundstedt Producer of the hit comedy show Pretty Funny Women

Cecily Knobler Writer and host Live from Hollywood, Us Weekly Fashion Police

Stefanie Wilder-Taylor Author Sippy Cups are not for Chardonnay and the upcoming Nap Time is the New Happy Hour

Ali Davis Second City Touring Company, Baby Wants Candy, “True Porn Clerk Stories”

Loretta Fox Regular on Fox comedy Freeride. Guest starred in Lifetime’s Lovespring International.

Nancy Cohen written for King of Queens, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Raising Dad, Good Girls Don’t, Courting Alex, Unhappily Ever After and the thought bubbles on Blind Date

Tami Sagher Writer Producer Mad TV

With music by Henry Phillips  Dr. Demento Show

May 2nd
The Lounge Theatre 6201 Santa Monica Blvd.
(corner of El Centro and S.M) Hollywood-
7:30  doors open at 7:15
$7 admission- reservations mandatory 310-922-1668
Wine, Beer and Snacks available

Blogher Pride




There is nothing like waking up to your kick ass sisters-in-arms making national headlines.

Great job ladies.

Blogher ’07 is in Chicago…see you there.

Get Our Your Wallet…

We criticize, we bitch, and we challenge. We leave comments and type our opinions on everything from gay pastors to breastfeeding mothers. We care enough to stay informed. We care enough to vote. And we certainly care enough to whine about what needs to be done. Bloggers have no shortage of ideas, but not many of us translate our complaints into action. We can write a good game, but can we take it one step further?

Love them or hate them, the ever-blog-present Mom community is kicking ass when it comes to turning posts into power. They’ve got blogging balls, and it’s time the rest of the blogosphere shows some r-e-s-p-e-c-t and supports them this holiday season.

Go ahead and dis their posts on poopy diapers and lazy husbands, but make sure you take out your wallet for their causes. They deserve and demand you attention, because they have harnessed the power of the blogosphere to not just find community and bitch, but to change the world.

What began as a typical Mommy post about family has turned into a full blown auction for Muscular Dystrophy. Her Bad Mother simply talked about her nephew Tanner, who suffers from the disease, and before you could say “Mommyblogger” a fundraiser was coordinated. Ipods, handmade items, jewelry, diaper bags, t-shirts, books, and many other items are up for auction. There is even information on how your child can send Tanner a letter of love and encouragement as he battles.

Over at BlogHer, ad network participants brought up the idea of using their adspace for public service announcements. Emails were sent, calls were made, and now has partnered with BlogHer to donate up to 10-thousand dollars to Doctors Without Borders. It’s easy too, all you have to do is go to and search for something “red.” Every “red” search means $1 for Doctors Without Borders.

It doesn’t stop there, either. Through my own Mommyblog, I’ve gotten to meet some amazing people, working for amazing causes. Seth Mazow and I found each other in the food line at BlogHer’s 2006 conference in San Jose. With a baby on my hip, a discussion about Mommyblogging began and we’ve been exchanging emails ever since.

Seth works for Interplast, the “…first international humanitarian organization to provide free reconstructive surgery in developing countries.” Interplast does what all of us Moms wish we could do across the world, help make life better for kids. They also do something very close to my heart; they help make breastfeeding possible for babies who might otherwise not be able to nurse.

As a blogger, as a Mom, and as a part of this virtual community, I challenge you to not just comment on this post but to open your wallet to these organizations and people. It’s not just that time of year, it’s time to turn all this talk into action.

Your Mom was there to wipe your nose and kiss your tears away. Be there for these Moms today, and make a difference.

Crossposted at the Huffington Post.

This is to Entertain you…

…while I finish really important stuff about this and this and this. Stay tuned. And feel free to sing along.

Save These Women-a call to action

You can not read this story and then choose to do nothing. You are not a heartless bastard.

I read Kim’s post at BlogHer, leading me to Ali Eteraz’s post and my mind began to spin.

I just spent the last hour cuddling my children to sleep after a day of fun…and women, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, thousands of miles away are condemned to die for “Crimes Against Chastity.” What the hell does that mean?

I’ll tell you…for some it meant they cheated on their husbands. For others it meant they were raped. Raped. RAPED. And now they are slated to be killed. They get raped and now they will be killed. Lovely. What a freaking world we live in. This morning I got my hair done, and an Iranian women sat in a jail cell waiting to die for having been attacked and abused.

I want to go on and on about it being 2006 and so on and so on, but really, the women’s stories speak for themselves.

Now that you know, you must do something. Go sign the petitions. Go send the emails.

If you don’t go do something about these women, don’t come back to this blog. Ever. Take me off your blogroll and don’t bother spending your time reading stories about my life. I don’t want you here.

And for those that DO take action (a whole 20 seconds of your online time today) thank you.

Royal Housekeeping

I love it when a plan comes together.

As many of you might have guessed, some amazing things came out of the BlogHer conference. And it wasn’t all booze-fueled. Ok, most of it was…but not ALL of it.

Something that I am OVER THE MOON excited about is the Blogher Relief Network. This is where we, as a blogging community, get to give back. More details to come.

Sarah makes her Blogher debut today. Sports (and fitness too) whooooo hooo!

And Troll Baby has launched what might be one of the most powerful, raw and real blogs out there called Motherless. Check it out, and bring a hanky.

…because it was so good, it deserves two posts

Let’s be honest here, ok. Just between friends.

If you are thinking of coming to BlogHer ’07 in Chicago, leave the kids at home.

Trust me. I speak from experience. Hotel-stair running, nursing during session, taking care of snotty nosed fever-boy, trying to get buzzed but not drunk, checking my cell for urgent babysitting in the room call, can’t really concentrate on all the beautiful people there experience.

I had to bring the kiddos to BlogHer ’06. Peanut needs the boob and there is no way around it. I wasn’t going to wean just to go alone. I wasn’t going to force a cup or bottle when clearly, it isn’t wanted. So here we are. Babe on hip, eyes rolling.

Nose picking at BlogHer

And then there are my partners in crime. Sarah and the Kaiser did much drinking.

He has a special place in his heart

Let’s not forget Mocha Momma. Oh that Mocha. She helped me…um…well, …think Caddyshack, Baby Ruths, and some poorly left-out WW candy. That’s all I’m saying. And yes. She licked. She licked EVERYONE.

Mocha strikes again

Here we have the Pastie Queen Her Bad Mother humping Jennster

Catherine and Jennster

And we can’t forget IzzyMom, Christina, and Sarah (again)-

Mommybloggers session

The glorious and buff Fizzle caught some slightly blurry but beautiful shots of the Princess and I.

She just seems to OWN the shirt

It was like meeting people you have known all your life, yet never hugged. Yes, those hugs felt that good. I kept touching all the wonderful women and men I’ve grown to know and adore, making sure they were real. Really standing next to me. Laughing with me. Laughing at me.

I love my children. But next year I will be completely selfish and leave them behind. I didn’t get enough time with these people I already miss. That I need more hugs from. More humps from. More licks from. And even more dirty looks from.