Because Someone Has To, So It Starts With Me

I’ve noticed something over the course of the past few days…you can’t change anyone’s mind.

On anything.


You can present facts, and point out flaws in arguments, and you can yell and scream and stomp…but in today’s political climate lines in the sand have been drawn and heels are firmly dug in and not moving.

After 24 hours of using several different approaches to talk to Tea Party types, there really is no hope. They really, truly, believe I am a Communist ugly feminist man hater and I truly believe they are uninformed, racist, fear-mongers. They think I’m unAmerican and not a patriot, I think they are sowing the seeds of violence and ignorance.

And that is just how it is.

So now that I have resigned myself to this sadness, where do we go from here? November is coming and it’s getting nasty. It is going to get much worse before it gets any better. Tensions are running high, each side wants to win.

I’m worried we don’t survive this as a country. This is unlike anything I have ever seen. Passions are so high and people are so convinced THEY are right, I fear what they will do. Currently the Tea Party rhetoric says ‘Take Back Our Country” … and I keep asking, from whom? Other Americans?

We need to find a way to stop the screaming and fear. We need to find a way to work together before people get hurt, because they are getting hurt already. Both sides have documented violence. Both sides need to loudly condemn that violence.

Or we can continue to call names and point fingers. I mean, this is the route even I went down after becoming so very frustrated with the discourse my head exploded. But it gets us nowhere and does no good. And if only one side makes the effort to have civil discourse, and the other continues to just yell the loudest … who will Americans listen to? Do we risk losing because we took the high road?

I refuse to forgive or forget the nasty name calling and hate going on, but I also know we can’t keep going like this. This country is going to implode, and I worry for my kids and for my nation.

We need leaders and cooler heads to prevail right now, I’m not sure I’m one of them. I do think our President is one…but he needs to be louder. Are you one? Are you speaking calmly and rationally about the issues to your friends, family, and neighbors or are you spiraling down the rabbit hole many of us are…turning from talking points to shouts and name calling? What can YOU do to raise the level of conversation right now with those you oppose…not to change their minds, we know that won’t happen, but to at least keep the peace?

I’m not sure any of this is possible, we may be too far gone…but I feel we need to try.

And it starts with me.

I am pledging to be calmer, to try not to lose my temper, and to refrain from name calling.

Join me. And call me out if I lose it. And I have a feeling I may lose it more than I care to admit.

Will anyone from the other side join me? I am doubtful, for whatever their reasons may be. They might not think I am sincere, which is fine. So be it. But at least I floated it out there in the universe…for everyone’s sake. They might think I’m acting just like a typical liberal, being all huggy and lovey while there is a war being waged. The problem is we’re having that war with each other, fellow Americans. This is your country just as much as it’s my country. This is MY country too, although you don’t think I’m a real American.

But it doesn’t matter…if nothing else I will know I tried and I will know I did it for the right reasons…these two:

I'm the zombie. They are the pea shooters

They will know I fought hard, but I fought fair. If it means we lose because I fought fair, that is the price I pay.

But I guess, in some ways, that means I win.


It's a good day when I can do this

The clock is my biggest enemy as of late. In a day where I usually have nothing to do but pick up or drop off children, you’d think the clock would be my friend. But no.

Either I’m too tired and need a few extra minutes before I get back in the car, or I’m too anxious and lonely and need the clock the move faster so my babies are home in my arms.

I stare, wondering if I can make the hands move so my husband can leave work. I pace in the kitchen waiting impatiently for the rest of the meal to cook, so we can all sit down together and talk about our days.

Not enough or too much – the clock taunts me all day long.

And then there are those stolen moments, that only last a second or two but feel like a lifetime. My son asks me to test his new invention or my daughter asks me to cuddle on the couch with her. We all melt into each other and inhale as if we have nowhere to go and nothing to do.

It passes and we exhale … the tv seems loud again and the dog runs and jumps to tackle us all .. but not before I lock another moment in my mind, cursing and thanking the clock ticking overhead.

Once Upon A Time …

There was a bride…

Getting ready

She was filled with hopes and dreams and wishes…


Vows were made. In sickness and in health. In good times and bad. The cake was cut. And the bride and groom set off on their life’s journey.
1st dance

The good times came. So did the health. The bad times came. So did the sickness. A life was built. A family grew.

He loves her...but you can see the evil there...


10 years have passed since the bride had every hope and wish and dream in her heart as she walked down an aisle.


And she can say, without hesitation or doubt…All her dreams have come true.

Can't say we're ever at a loss for entertainment around here

Happy Anniversary honey. I love you.



My hospital stay doesn't get better than this

I have everything I need in this hospital room.

Period. The End.

I taught my daughter how to use a tampon tonight. A pad too.

She might be mine

Not because she needs to know these things at five-years old, but because I’m currently in the midst of my last menstrual cycle and I needed to show her, while I could.

I have explained periods to her and her brother before, but this time was different. It was just her and I upstairs in my room and master bath, and I knew our time was short.

So when she asked what I was doing, unwrapping my tampon, I had her come over to see. We’re the kind of family that isn’t very modest. I usually leave the door open when in the bathroom, I mean the  kids have been following me in there since they could toddle and there is really nothing to hide. That’s just how this family rolls.

So there we were, doing what women do. Me knowing full well she may or may not remember this lesson when her time comes and knowing I would give it to her again, differently, in time. Me wondering if I was doing this too much for my own benefit. Wondering if I was putting her through some odd symbolic performance so I know I did it. So I know, years from now, we had this ritual together.

But what can it hurt…a mother teaching her daughter what is to come, what will be…and was has been.

For Sea Turtles and Kids Everywhere

From Jack, Hala, the sea turtles and I…we thank you.

Due to your amazing donations, the kids have raised $1500 that has been sent to organizations helping Sea Turtles in the Gulf.

You’ve warmed our hearts and taught these children they really can make a difference.

For those who won the children’s hand drawn pictures, they are in the mail. And to the rest of you… kisses and hugs.

$700 donation to the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies

$800 donation to ucdavis/oiled wildlife care

Because We Laugh

I have no words

Today's outfit

ALL my babies


I think the children are bored.

No really