Mad I Missed This

Glad Baratunde didn’t faint like I did, and could capture this CLASSIC DNC moment.

The View Inside Invesco

BlogHer’s DNC team is exhausted after days of blogging and endless events. All of it culminated tonight at Mile High Stadium where Senator Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for president.

I’ve compiled some of the moments from inside Invesco below in video and photos.

dnc 106

dnc 108


We took down the ribbon.

My daughter takes down the yellow ribbon, her uncle is home!

We retired the flag.

Retiring our Flag

15 months. Second time. Safe.


Now I’m off to Denver to see our next President who will hopefully bring ALL our brave men and women home.

I’m Headed to Denver

The Democrats are having a party, and far be it from me to miss a party.

You can catch most of my coverage here and at BlogHer– but keep your eye close on BlogHer, we’ve got some amazing things in store.

I have an N95 and will be live streaming on

Katy Chen will be shooting the video as Maria NIles and I talk to those attending, those covering, those speaking, and those partying at the Democratic National Convention.

My twitter stream will keep you up to date on my whereabouts, and – as always – there will be some surprises.

Will Erin get to Hug It Out, with Hillary?

Meet BlogHer’s latest contributor?

Freak out in conversation with other Moms as her son adjusts to Kindergarten while she’s away?

Give a #suckit laptop sticker to Joe Lieberman? Oh..that will have to wait for the following week when she travels to Minneapolis – Saint Paul

Let’s not forget the parties either.

Who doesn’t want to see a live stream of Queen of Spain and Mayor McHottie & Sarah Silverman,  at a Google-Vanity Fair party, or hanging with T. Boone Pickens??? At a DEMOCRATIC EVENT. Dude, he’s in the BIG TENT.

Did I mention I’m speaking in the Big Tent just before these guys? Yeah, DiggNation Townhall can try and follow MOI.

All that and more!

…and hopefully I’ll stop talking in the third person, too.

update: I will OF COURSE be at the Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash too! (thanks for the reminder to the coughing woman in my comments.  tee hee hee)

update II: PLEASE come see me at MOMocrats today. It’s IMPORTANT!

Joe, Let’s Talk


I’m Erin. I’m no one really, just another voter with a blog.

Seems you’re going to be our next Vice President.

Good job.

I need you to do something for me though, ok? It’s something I’m pretty terrible at-but I’m guessing with all your experience you’ll be ok.

Don’t say anything stupid.

I know, mistakes happen.  And your record and years of service make you more than worthy for this position.

But Dude…between you and I….you say some crazy shit every once in a while.

I say some crazy shit sometimes too, so I understand. But I’m also not a Senator, or Vice President of the United States.

Your resume is outstanding, you’re said to be a helluva guy. I hear I’m going to LOVE your wife.

But if you have another oratory oopsie with racial overtones, I think your boss might kick your ass.

Oh, and I will too.

I’ve been working on my rhetoric, and keeping things non-offensive and sane and fair…so how about you try too?

Maybe we can work on it together.

See you in Denver, Senator.


Erin Kotecki Vest

You Want To Know Why?

I’m going to let Heather Ryan tell you.

Read. Share. Vote.

h/t momocrat email thread and breed ’em and weep