When There is No Magic

It’s not lost on me that my liberal family loves Halloween. The holiday of witches and wizards, magic, zombies, and demons. Of dress-up and candy and general fun and mischief.

School Halloween Party!!!!!

Of course we find this all to be very harmless, while others do not. Some schools have a ‘Harvest celebration’ while others just ignore the American tradition entirely.

I’m very big on teaching lessons around here, so parents standing by their beliefs is well-respected by me and my husband. However I am baffled as to the harm in playing pretend and getting candy- even if you take away any ‘dark’ elements of the holiday.

So while my witch and wizard enter their world of make-believe, I’d love to hear what your family does, and why when it comes to the evil Satan holiday that is Halloween.

Regardless of what your family celebrates, I do hope it includes some wonder and magic for your children…after all they are only children for a short while, and the world of reality and responsibility will smack them soon enough.

My Family

and I wouldn’t have them any other way….

Dog Weddings.


This was the scene in the back seat just moments ago as the puppy and the kindergartener looked at the clouds outside and imagined shapes.

I think that one looks like a parakeet, what do you think Nicky?

And all was well and good.


Mommy, how do puppies like Nicky get made? I mean, how do they get born?


Something something penis. Something something vagina. Something something mostly just like people.

But Mommy, do they have to get married firsts? Do puppies get married?

This is where I realized I had failed my little girl. Or not. She clearly thinks babies only get made if you are married and we all know that’s not exactly true.

While I would love to keep her from sex for as long as possible, I realize that is not practical or fair to her. She should be sexually aware and active when she’s mature enough and ready, and it has nothing to do with holy matrimony.

But if I lied, and she continued to believe babies are only made by married people…would it really be soooooooo bad? Cue evil thoughts.

In the end I told her the truth. Damn my truth telling ways.

No honey, puppies don’t get married. And lots and lots of people with babies don’t get married. All families are different, remember? Not everyone is just like us.

I know Mom. But I like our family the best. I want my bruddur and I wish I could marry him but I can’t so maybe I will marry my new friend Nicole.

That’s just fine honey. You marry who you love or don’t marry at all… and have babies or don’t have babies. It’s all up to you.

It’s up to me? Wow.

Zombies Love Kids

It’s not that I’d say we have a zombie fetish around here lately…

Zombies say wut? Lol @aaronvest

Ok fine. We do. And shockingly it’s NOT my zombie-loving husband’s fault.

It’s mine.

I introduced the kids to Plants vs. Zombies on the iPhone, to take us away from Angry Birds every so often. Now it’s zombie-mania around here.

I’m not sure if this is good or bad. You see, I hate scary stuff. I mean, I HATE IT. While picking out decorations for our home for Halloween, I’m the Mom that goes for those really cute ghosts and ‘BOO’ signs. The kids? They are now asking for graves. Zombie arms sticking up from our lawn. Chainsaws.

This can’t be good.

Or maybe it’s awesome.

I’m confused.


Because We Laugh

I have no words

Today's outfit

ALL my babies

Ground Zero Mosque – My Kids Have It Right

…but if the good people want to help, and want to have their church there, why can’t they?

Well honey, some bad people did some things with their church too, and it really upsets the people’s families who died.

But these people are trying to just be normal, why can’t they be normal and help? Why does everyone hate them, even though they are nice and just want to live there too?

Because sometimes, sweetie, other people can be very blind. They don’t see how any of these people could be nice- even if they are.

Mom, that’s really … you know… the ‘d’ word.


Yeah, that’s dumb. Why are some people dumb?

I don’t know honey. I don’t know.

Worst Mother Ever? Video Games, Blood, and My Kids

…and here’s the part where I get dead.

I’m cutting his head off!

Dad! Remember! We were going to get new weapons today!

Serious gamer

Somehow we went from benign, educational, age-appropriate games to Castle Crashers. And I’m not sure how and when we made this leap or how I let it slip by.

My husband thinks it’s no worse than watching Star Wars. So not really paying attention I defaulted to his logic and failed to really take a look at this new game the kids and their Dad were playing.

Then I hear:

I chopped my brother’s head off! And there is blood!

Mamma ain’t happy.

But I keep defaulting to Dad. I mean, I’m supposed to do that right?

He says cartoony blood is ok. It’s not real blood. Which I get, I do. But… I dunno. I just don’t know.

Should I put my foot down and ban this game? Should I trust their father… who I know wouldn’t let them do anything inappropriate.

Sigh. Confused. This is either my biggest parent fail yet or my Mother-anxiety kicking in. I can’t decide.


No, that’s not a vuvuzela. It’s the sound of the dying bee I flicked off the bottom of my daughter’s foot with a lightsaber.

Yes, a lightsaber.

As my poor, screaming, baby girl hopped on one foot to show me the bee and it’s stinger lodged and squirming, I instinctively grabbed the nearest lightsaber to remove the offending insect.

I’m not sure what this says about me in a crisis.

Morning Lego building with Nicky

Meanwhile my son, who has been very against his sister’s crying as of late, covered his ears and ran into the house yelling ‘MAKE HER STOP MAKE HER STOP’ prompting the puppy to bark and chase him.

So to review:  my five-year old is screaming in pain, my seven-year old is running and screaming, while the six-month old puppy is barking and chasing us all.

Yes, I highly recommend you come to MY house whenever you have a minor crisis. It’s loads of chaotic fun.

Alright so maybe our first bee-sting of a child wasn’t an entire parent fail. I got the stinger out. I used baking soda paste until I found the 1st aid kit and it’s insect sting relief pads. I soothed my baby girl with hugs and ice cream and wrapped her tiny foot carefully. I had a talk with her brother about how he needs to ‘help’ in an emergency, not run away screaming. All in all it wasn’t the worst summer emergency melt down.

Of course this morning I surveyed the damage and reassessed that opinion. Baking soda all over the ground. Band Aid wrappers strewn across the kitchen. And there, on the patio… a lightsaber with a dead bee at it’s tip.

Summer vacation at it’s finest.