Joe, Let’s Talk


I’m Erin. I’m no one really, just another voter with a blog.

Seems you’re going to be our next Vice President.

Good job.

I need you to do something for me though, ok? It’s something I’m pretty terrible at-but I’m guessing with all your experience you’ll be ok.

Don’t say anything stupid.

I know, mistakes happen.  And your record and years of service make you more than worthy for this position.

But Dude…between you and I….you say some crazy shit every once in a while.

I say some crazy shit sometimes too, so I understand. But I’m also not a Senator, or Vice President of the United States.

Your resume is outstanding, you’re said to be a helluva guy. I hear I’m going to LOVE your wife.

But if you have another oratory oopsie with racial overtones, I think your boss might kick your ass.

Oh, and I will too.

I’ve been working on my rhetoric, and keeping things non-offensive and sane and fair…so how about you try too?

Maybe we can work on it together.

See you in Denver, Senator.


Erin Kotecki Vest

You Want To Know Why?

I’m going to let Heather Ryan tell you.

Read. Share. Vote.

h/t momocrat email thread and breed ’em and weep

I Own One Home. Sort of.

It’s not paid for.

We have a mortgage like the rest of the world (minus the McCain family) and we currently couldn’t sell the damn thing without losing our shirts.

Our pants too.

Maybe both shoes as well.

My brother does not own a home. He lives here with us, in the ONE house we own. He couldn’t really afford to live on his own, even though he has a nice job and makes good money. He’ll be moving out when he and his girlfriend have two incomes and can afford a place together. It’s really the only way to go…roommates and what not.

My parents own one home as well. It currently has a sink hole. I wonder if any of John McCain’s houses have sink holes?

My brother-in-law does not own a home. His family is in an apartment in Germany while he’s in Iraq. So I’m pretty sure they know exactly how many houses they own.

We also own two cars, although we’re still paying for one of them.

But I’m very certain we only own one house.

I can tell you how many tv’s we own too. But I think we’re just counting the big, big stuff.

Like houses.

Those are pretty easy to keep track of. Like, say, when the mortgage bill comes at the begining of he month. Or the second mortgage bill comes at the middle of the month.

Property taxes are due in November.

Insurance bill comes every month.

Home owners association every three months.

Yeah, totally easy to keep track of exactly how many homes I own.

How about you?

I Am Pleased To Announce…

I’m off the market.

No more freelance. No more contract work. No more consulting.

It started in 2005 when I agreed to write at a community based blog.

For free.

While I typed with one-hand and breastfed at the computer.

I grew my own blog. I grew my readers. I worked very, very hard and eventually made enough money monthly to pay my internet bill.

I was up late reading blogs, I was up late writing blogs, I was up late trying to figure out how all this online stuff gets monetized.

But I had faith. Something I don’t come by very easily.

I continued to work hard, I continued to grow my readers. And I started pitching projects and pitching panels at conferences and signing on to help start-ups, fellow bloggers, additional communities.

All with children under foot.

Usually typing one-handed and breastfeeding.

Always on my terms.

When I wanted. How I wanted.

All with nothing but faith.

It was not long before I became part of the fastest and largest growing population online and I was determined to see my friends and colleagues benefit right along with me. I hope that has been evident.

I still am very detrimined to see those benefits for my community. It’s not a job or work. It is a passion.

Which is why I am pleased to announce I’ve joined BlogHer as their Producer of Special Projects.

BlogHer CEO Lisa Stone told me years ago, her goal-BlogHer’s goal- was to empower women online. Not just in voice and reach, but also financially.

BlogHer has since met much of that goal with many of it’s members, myself just one.

I’m officially able to take care of my family, as a work-at-home mother.

That’s huge. And I hope many of you see how important that is…so I’m going to repeat it:

I’m officially able to take care of my family, as a work-at-home mother.

I can raise my children, and continue to raise some hell-online and off.

Next week I will travel with BlogHer to the Democratic National Convention and the following week to the Republican National Convention.

I will do my best to continue to make a difference for the now thousands of women I’ve gotten to know personally and those I hope to meet soon.

I’m excited about this new opportunity, and I hope you will follow my coverage from Denver, St. Paul, and beyond.

Erin Kotecki Vest

aka Queen of Spain

I Want It To Be Sebelius


She’s the Democratic Governor of KANSAS. You know that KANSAS and she’s getting things done.

Read more about Gov. Sebelius at MOMocrats, Huffington Post, Salon and the Governor’s official site.

Can this country handle that much change?

I sure hope so.

Mom, Governor, Blue Woman in a Red State…

Obama/Sebelius ’08!

*with all the Kaine and Biden talk, I just wanted to make sure it was clear who I was backing!

Why Women Need To Be OK With Kaine As The Country’s Next VP

Virginia Governor Tim Kaine says he has a “faith-based opposition” to abortion and it’s got women voters buzzing. As a speculated VP nominee, the buzz is growing into a loud roar.

I’d like to squish the bees creating the noise, maybe not with my entire shoe but at least with a nice rolled-up newspaper.

Gloria Feldt writes, “But mostly, Obama should not choose Kaine because Kaine opposes a woman’s most fundamental human right to decide her own destiny by making her own childbearing decisions. Kaine opposes a long-standing central tenet of the Democratic party platform; in fact, the platform committee just adopted its strongest pro-choice language yet. I mean, how do the Democrats think they attracted all those women they are now taking for granted in the first place?

Kaine’s statement that abortion shouldn’t be criminalized, as in this Meet the Press interview is a step in the right direction, but not nearly sufficient. Women are too close to losing reproductive justice overall, as illustrated by the Bush administration’s move to redefine contraception as abortion. We’re not talking a minor policy issue over which there can be legitimate disputes. As Linda Hirshman wrote so compellingly in Slate, we need to consider the value of a woman’s life.”

A bunch of that is BS. Normally I would completely discount anyone lauding Hirshman (the woman who compared herself to Socrates and dissed stay-at-home-moms because “the tasks of housekeeping and child rearing were not worthy of the full time and talents of intelligent and educated human beings” ) but gaffe aside, let’s go ahead and tackle the idea that Obama’s running mate is less than pro-choice.

We could go through and talk about Kaine’s repeated his position supporting Roe and what he’s done as Governor…however, let’s just put all that aside too.

Let’s deal with the realities of this country. The reality of government. The reality of America in 2008.

The abortion issue is never going to be resolved. The abortion issue is never going to go away. The abortion issue is one of the many, many issues that splits this country right down the middle.

I think we can all agree extreme viewpoints in politics, religion, and American life have led to stalemates, ugly campaigning, inaction of government, special interest, and even death, destruction, and wars.

So why is it bad to have a VP who WILL NOT vote to overturn Roe v Wade, yet does express concern with abortion?

That makes him like many of my neighbors. Like many in my family. Like many of my friends and like half of this country. I certainly will not be agreeing with them anytime soon, but I would like Thanksgiving to be more civil.

Senator Obama keeps talking about change. The biggest, single change our country could see is unity. Ending the divisive, nasty way of life we currently lead.

Are you really willing to hear all sides of an argument and bring everyone to the table? Are you really willing to respect all voices in this country? Even the ones you TOTALLY disagree with? Will you at least listen?

Or will you stay set in your extreme ways, and sit and wait for your knight to rescue you?

BlogHer Contributing Editor PunditMom writes, “But if Obama really wants to end up in the White House, he and his campaign need to help shake the feeling that he’s not making the ‘ask’ in a way that connects with the groups he needs.

Barack, Mama Ann and PunditMom’s mom want to vote for you. You just need to be a little more “into” them.”

I would argue that not only is the Senator “into” you, but he’s rising above your divisiveness. He’s into pro-choice you, and anti-choice you, and Christian-you, and atheist-you, and even blow-hard Republican-you.

Senator Obama is listening. He’s also making good on all that talk about real change.

A Kaine VP pick means he’s walking the walk.

The question becomes, can you walk it too? Or will you remain in one corner, while the rest of us-all of us– have our voices heard at the table.

Cross posted at BlogHer

Cross Me

So just to review, we’re all grateful for Senator McCain’s service to this country. I have to say that, because if I don’t I’m unpatriotic. But it’s true, I’m thankful for our soldiers and all those who serve this country and for those war heroes like the Senator who have done what their country told them to do.

Now, disclaimer aside, I’m really flipping tired of it being trotted out in this election. Really. Tired.

At first, I thought it was totally relevant.

Then, the stories were getting a bit, overused.

Then, I started to wonder how big a campaign ploy this was going to turn into and if his service and sacrifice was going to turn into a total disgrace due to it being paraded around and exploited.

Then I watched the re-run of the Saddleback interviews today and something in the back of my head said ‘hmmmm, that story sounds totally familiar’ and I just chalked it up to ‘must have heard McCain tell that one before.’

And then…today, from Daily Kos

I was watching the forum last night and decided that since I hadn’t eaten yet, I would try to listen to John McCain speak. I was doing OK with the “my friends” and the evil chuckle when I heard him talk about his POW story of the cross in the dirt. That was when I couldn’t take it anymore.

It just sounded so fake and so contrived, so I did a little research about it. Someone on here said it sounded like a scene from Ben-Hur, so I did a google search about Ben-Hur and cross in the sand and such. No dice. But I searched around a little bit more and here is what I found. A story about Alexander Solzhenitsyn from his times in the Soviet Gulags.

Click the rest of that diary, it makes for very interesting reading.

No, No, No, Weird, Fake, Duh, Gold

I’m not sending my kids to this school.

I won’t be seeing this movie.

I won’t be voting for the candidate relying on athletes.

The woman who had the affair with Edwards? Apparently much like your flaky, new age aunt.

I’d settle for VP.


and finally…she only eats like .01% of Phelps’ normal caloric intake per day, and is cuter.