Dear Cable News Blow Hards: Walk the Walk on Women or GET OUT OF THE WAY

There is a rather interesting pissing matching going on currently between Andrew Breitbart, Dana Loesch, Lee Stranahan, and (as far as I can tell) Keith Olbermann. (There may be more so feel free to add them in the comments if you are watching.)

They are arguing over sexual assaults, rapes, and crimes that are alleged to have occurred at or near Occupy camps across the country.

All sides seem to agree sexual assault/rape = bad and all sides seem to agree the other is lying about something.

What no one seems to be addressing is the complete and utter exploitation of victims for their own political and pundit fodder and gain. They have each spent the past 24-48 hours blaming each other for which side defends women better- the left or the right, the independent, the socialist, the commie, the hippie, the tea partier, the occupier or the cable news blow hard.

Let me make this very clear, since all of you seem to be too wrapped up in who is ‘winning’ to see clearly: you all suck and not a single one of you is doing a damn thing to help women.

You are exploiting them for traffic on your website/show and you have offered zero solutions to any issues be they alleged or otherwise.

You are doing this for ratings, to score political points, and to pretend as if you suddenly give a shit about feminists, women being attacked, or violence against women.

I’ve watched all of you in action, and I have no issues with lecturing you on your pathetic attempt to put on a show as if you care what happens to anyone but yourself. Your egos speak for themselves with the sheer LACK of attempting to HELP any of these women, but instead use them as pawns in your political game.

Oh another epic take down of pundit #1’s weak points while pundit #2 posts another video showing the lies of pundit #3 while pundit #4 sits around laughing maniacally because of the traffic rolling in and the ad dollars and tv appearances this might bring!

Bravo, morons. Bravo. Once again women are being used and abused by the media so you can bring home a paycheck.

Here’s an idea…why not get your incredibly concerned for women asses involved in some of the MANY bipartisan organizations out there actually working to stop violence against women- wherever it occurs. Because let me tell you, it’s not just at Occupy events, it’s at EVERY event.

And it’s shown on each station your pea sized brains see fit to visit with your suddenly lily white vision of YOUR side’s wonderful treatment of women (checking again how many Republicans signed on to re-up the Violence Against Women Act…oh right, turns out it’s now a PARTISAN issue…pathetic).

And let’s go ahead and review just the act of needing a tent at any event for women to feel ‘safe’ in and the problems there in…or how some of us felt as (legally) gun-toting cowboys strutted their stuff at Tea Party rallies while ELECTED OFFICIALS called for the crowd to take back their country by ‘any means necessary.’

Yeah. Enough. Enough already. Now you’re going to have a pissing match over which side takes violence more seriously? Are you fucking kidding me?

How about you back legislation. You offer solutions. You work together to get rid of violence against women ENTIRELY and in a bipartisan manner that actually .. oh, I don’t know… STOPS VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.

Loesch, of all people, knows of several bipartisan female organizations she could easily contribute to in a good faith effort to show her new-found feminism, be it Name it, Change it or something with a bit more teeth like backing the Violence Against Women Act and using her bully pulpit to get conservatives to sign on.

Olbermann should know that the current War on Women being perpetrated by the Right easily includes attempting to take down anyone standing up for women’s rights- and instead of wasting his time acting as though the Occupy events have been clean of any violence against women, stand up and say ENOUGH (victims, protestor or otherwise) get it OUT of this movement. His attempting to dismiss ‘problems’ at Occupy events reminds me of Breitbart and Loesch attempting to dismiss racism within the Tea Party…’what? racism… we don’t see that here, we’re loosely organized and can’t possibly know or pretend to know everything that goes on across the country.. blah blah blah racism blah blah blah excuses blah blah blah lies blah blah blah more racism blah blah blah more excuses…’ was basically their party line despite every person of color on the planet (minus the handful who decided to be tea partiers) screaming at them ‘OMG THE RACISM AT THESE THINGS SUCK.’

The fact of the matter is the Tea Party went off the rails when it refused to acknowledge its movement had a KKK issue and a white privilege issue. The Occupy movement is going off the rails by having big named pundits refuse to acknowledge there has been violence against women.

So now is the time for EVERYONE to STFU and DO something about it. I said it before and I will say it again- if you are serious about confronting racism and dealing with it then WORK WITH the organizations reaching out to you- like the NAACP and others. And if you are SERIOUS about helping women and suddenly giving a SHIT about that ‘patriarchy’ we so often decry then get off your cable news stool and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT- support the Violence Against Women Act, contribute and join Name it, Change it … offer up your own God Damn solution for all I care, just DO SOMETHING instead of piss at each other back and forth on twitter and your blogs pretending like you care what happens to these women.

Because right now, all it seems any of you are about is being right. And that helps no one but your selfish egos.

I’m ready to see which one of you will walk the walk and get involved to help.

Let’s just hope I don’t have to wait long, because there is an election coming up and the majority of us women are sick of being used as your political football.

I don’t pretend to speak for all women, but I do speak for myself when I say I refuse to spend another minute believing ANY OF YOU care about what happens to women at an Occupy event, at a Tea Party event, at the headquarters of the RNC where I’ve seen some sexist things written on white boards while visiting. And let’s not even mention the current war on birth control, where apparently women should be just keeping their legs crossed and never enjoying sex unless we’re out to make a baby….hello 1950’s anyone?

This woman is done watching pissing matches and is ready to use her voice and her vote for those of you offering solutions that show respect, equality, and for God’s sake a little fucking sense.

Shelve your egos and use your positions to get shit done, or get out of the way…because I’ve got millions of women behind me ready to continue our work, which you don’t seem to acknowledge or respect unless it brings you ratings.

Walk the walk. 

I’m waiting.

p.s. Here is my six-year old daughter, who seems to understand the issue better than all of you combined.

Not to be outdone- his sister says hello

When I told her what was happening she asked ‘so what are they going to do about it?’ 

My answer?

‘Probably nothing, honey…’

and she replied ‘Well that’s pretty stupid Mom…’

Pretty stupid, indeed.

And in honor of her Mother, she’s blowing you a kiss…though I prefer to think of it as she’s telling you to kiss off.

Bottles & Bodies


I’m getting overly defensive about the coverage I am seeing surrounding the death of Whitney Houston.

“Various prescription bottles were found in her room…”

“The singer was found, along with many prescription drugs…”

“Houston was seen sipping champagne and it has been rumored the singer was taking Xanax, a powerful prescription drug…”

This could be me. While we do not know how Whitney Houston died, it hasn’t stopped the news stations and talk show hosts from speculating she was taking a combination of drugs given to her by a doctor, and possibly alcohol.

Now, I haven’t had more than a few sips of alcohol since my doctors put me on these extremely strong medication, but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about what could have been…or what could be. I realize I am not a cocaine addict, or that I have a drinking problem. And I know Ms. Houston has battled her addiction demons for a very long time.

Perhaps this is all hitting to close to home because I KNOW I can not just quit many of the drugs doctors want me to take. There would be withdrawal symptoms. There would be issues. Quitting cold turkey is not an option. I need these drugs to function. To be able to lift my arm and shampoo my hair, and more importantly I needed these drugs to LIVE.

Let me rephrase that…some of the drugs I need to live, some of the drugs I need to live without pain. But I have no intention of living in pain for the rest of my life. None.

I made a conscious decision long ago that if I had to live with this disease, at the very least I was going to be comfortable doing it. I was not going to suffer and be in pain while my body battled. That means I must take narcotics. Heavy narcotics.

I started off with the usual vicodin, norco, etc. and when those didn’t work well I graduated to the percocets and what not. Then came the xanax to help me fend off the sweats and anger and steroid anxiety and grrrrrr issues that came with high doses of prednisone. And then my doctor suggested I speak with my pain management doctor about methadone.

Yes, I take methadone, and diladid, and percoset and xanax – along with methotrexate and fiorcet and imitrex and plaqunil and plavix and benazepril and lyrica well…the list goes on and on. Granted usually it’s just methadone and xanax and lyrica…But with inflammation up and a colonoscopy this week my doctor added the diliadid to help me through. It’s true, I need so much medication to make me comfortable I get breakthrough pain that needs the big guns they give you in the hospital. Elephant tranquilizers. I’m not kidding.

This means I either can not drive or I have to plan when I take my pills so I can drive and then pop them when I get home (or in the car five minutes from home).

There is no doubt my body is dependent on these drugs in order to not feel pain. But there is also no doubt that when I have gone without them, or when this all started and I had lesser drugs, I was in so much pain I could barely move. Some mornings it is still hard to get out of bed, because I have gone too long without pills. I actually slept all night, and my pain level is so high just rolling over hurts so much I have to rev myself up just to move and get downstairs to take my meds. There was a time I kept them, along with a glass of water, by my bedside. This means when I woke up at 330am with pain, I could just sit up to take the pills and then have an easier time getting up at 7am.

But mind you, even if i get up in time to take my meds it doesn’t end there. I have to sit and wait for my meds to kick in. Usually this means about an hour of reading email with some green tea and looking at the clock, waiting…waiting. There is no rush of relief. There is no sudden ‘aaaaaaaaaaaah’… no. It doesn’t work that way. It’s just every few minutes I can move a bit more. Every few minutes I can breathe a bit deeper, until finally I can get myself off the couch and make lunches and snacks and pack backpacks and make breakfast.

So when I hear that Whitney Houston had a doctor give her what I take, and it might have played a role in her death…yes…yes… my ears perk up and I worry.

She left a child. She left people who love her. She allegedly was found in the bathtub (a place I am told to often go because being weightless in water takes away so much of my pain).

As a disclosure for those who are concerned -when you get to a pain level such as mine, you get yourself a handy dandy ‘Pain Management’ doctor. Mine drug tests me every two weeks to make sure I’m not taking too much, or anything else he has not written the prescription for…he also is the only one who will handle my pain management drugs. He and my Lupus doctor not only talk on the phone but the offices send my lab results back and forth. In other words, my Lupus doctor tells my pain doctor ‘yes, her labs are showing increased inflammation this week’ and when I walk in and say ‘boy I feel like I need more I’m really hurting this week’ the pain doctor knows I am not lying, he has the labs to prove it, and my meds are adjusted accordingly.

But what happens that day where it hurts so bad I take extra, and then happen to take a bath? Will there be talk about how addicted my body was to these pain killers? That the cops found medication all around the house…because they sure would with me. Then again, I don’t have a history of drug abuse so maybe not. All I know is I keep hearing it on the news and it keeps feeling like a kick in my stomach.

The abuse of prescription drugs is skyrocketing in our country. People think because their doctor gave it to them…it must be ok, right? Wrong. There is so much more to it. So, so much more. Just because you needed it for knee-surgery for 5 months ago, and it made you feel good, does not mean you still need it now and I encourage you to seek help.

When the time comes, and my Lupus is finally under control, I will have my doctor help me wean down from all the drugs I am on. Although both doctors shake their heads and are helping me get used to the idea this just might be my life for a long time, I can at least hope I will one day be drug free.

So yes, I worry. I worry that people will see the amount of pills I carry around in my purse and wonder if I’m some sort of doctor-shopping addict, or if I have a legitimate disease that requires all those heavy drugs. I worry that when we start hearing stories of celebrities on ‘prescription drugs’ if it’s some reputable doctor is taking away their pain or over-reaching and doing what they are told because this is a celebrity asking, after all.

I worry my kids will think nothing of taking prescription drugs. They see me do it every single day, multiple times per day. They watch my take my chemo shots when they are feeling up to it, and they watch me count out and take a palm-full of drugs at the dinner table every night.

Of course we have talked to them about the dangerous of drugs- even the ones the doctor gives Mommy. They can see what these drugs have done to me physically and hopefully learn this is no way to live.

Yes, I’ve tried physical therapy and accupncture. We make sure the meds are not in reach of the kids and they all have child-proof tops.And yet here I am, a responsible and in need patient, trapped in an endless cycle of needing the drugs and hurting so very much without the drugs.

Finally, I have to ask you show some compassion for Whitney Houston.  It’s possible she was battling her drug addiction and it’s possible she took too many of the strong drugs you shouldn’t take too many of- a fear I have daily.

…and the next time you hear ‘…found with bottles of prescription drugs by her side…’ you think of those of us who have those bottles on our dressers and hope that when the time comes, we aren’t remembered for what was in those medications, but what was in our heart.



I’ve realized that heading to the hospital for ANYTHING causes a trigger reaction in me.

I’m headed there now for a very normal, very routine colonoscopy and I’m terrified. I’m terrified they are going to admit me and make me stay. I’m terrified they will find out that Lupus is doing something ELSE to screw with my life. I am terrified the kids are scared, that my husband is scared, and that everyone has to deal with me in the hospital, at the hospital, or anywhere NEAR the damn hospital.

I have not been admitted since my TIA this past summer and that set us all back mentally around here for a good long while. In fact, I’m still not sure we’ve recovered. It’s too scary. it’s too hard. And it reminds everyone in this house of just how many organs I have lost, how many surgeries and procedures I have had, and how horrible this entire Lupus journey has been.

I want this to be over. And while I realize there is no cure for Lupus, I also know some people have a handle on their disease and live a very normal life. I want that to be me. I want that for my family so badly that I’m up at 5am crying and trying to pull myself together for their sake.

It makes me sick to my stomach what I put them through. Sick.

I know what you all are going to say so please, it’s ok. I would do all of this in a heartbeat for them. I wouldn’t even THINK about doing it and I’d be right there next to Aaron if it were him and of course next to either of the kids, advocating on their behalf and holding their hands. But I don’t want anyone to HAVE to do this for me. That’s just how I am. Believe me, I’ve tried to change over the course of all of this…and while I have gotten better at accepting it all, I SITLL HATE IT.

I’m the Mom. I’m supposed to take care of them. That is my job. And yes, Aaron takes care of me like any loving husband who kicks ass would…but he’s been doing it for SO LONG and the kids have had to deal with this for SO LONG. Too long. Way too long. It’s NOT FAIR to them. It’s just not.

I’ve had trouble putting into words this week’s passing of my friend Susan, otherwise known in the blogging world as WhyMommy. She was an inspiration for one of my first BlogHer projects way back in the day: BlogHer in Second Life. She, well…her avatar, came to the virtual conference because she was undergoing chemo at the time and could not attend the real thing. And I can’t take my mind off her husband and two boys and how hard and awful this all is for them. No one should have to lose their wife, their mother, their friend.

And I think about all the years that have passed where Susan fought so hard and even worked (she was an astrophysicist how awesome is that?) and kept up with life while cancer was attacking. She was a wonderwoman. And my bitching about some small procedure seems so insignificant in light of recent events.

But she would talk to me about understanding how I felt. She was one of the few people with whom I would commiserate about being ‘sick’ while trying to raise a family and live a normal life. Just a few weeks ago she reminded me that I was strong, and brave, and that my children and my husband love me unconditionally -even if that meant I was stuck in bed and even if that meant I couldn’t do it all. As she put it ‘they are happy to just have you THERE, Erin. They love you.’

I wish she were here now to tell me those words again. Because I need my friend this morning. It’s so selfish of me, but I need her. She understood. And I would tell her she is so much more brave than I am (she was) and she is so much more graceful in her fight (she was) and that I wish I had her attitude. And she would tell me she has bad days too and then she would send me something awesome to show the kids that usually involved space or the planets and we’d laugh and just…do what friends do.

Her absence this morning is like a kick in the gut. 

In honor of Susan I’m going to attempt grace today. I say attempt, because Susan is smiling down on me laughing, knowing I will end up telling Lupus to #suckit rather ungracefully. But for her, I will try.

Grace is something I need more of anyway, so it can’t hurt. And when I think of Susan, I think of grace personified.

I’m also going to concentrate on these photos, because they make me smile HUGE:

Soul healing

Future President Jackson Vest


…and this one, which will forever remind me of Susan and how even VIRTUALLY she could rock bald in a ball gown like no other.

BlogHer 07: WhyMommy Babii


Detroit Won the Super Bowl…Unless You’re a Jerk

Who knew pulling together to get our country back to work could cause so much arguing?

Things I heard tonight after Chrysler ran it’s ‘Imported From Detroit’ commercial during the Super Bowl:

It was an Obama ad.

They are owned by Italians who hate Americans.

They are owned by foreigners who called paying back the ‘bailout’ rude.

It’s halftime for Obama, not America.

Clint Eastwood isn’t a real Republican, he’s  RINO who likes the gays.

It was an Obama ad.

Personally, I don’t really care which side of the aisle you are on, if you are rooting for Detroit to fail, for the auto industry to fail, for people to lose more jobs, for Americans to be out of work, or for Americans to NOT pull together to make our country great again…then you can #suckit.



Royal Pains

I’m going to die like Elvis.

No really.

That’s how this is all going to go down. So to speak.

I think he'd crawl back inside of me if he could

I’m finally peeking my head up here on my blog after a week of being ‘sick’ – which is different from my usual ‘sick’ where in I just take all my medications and trudge through life hoping things get better with every lab test. This week we decided to add ‘gastro’ issues where phrases we haven’t used since the kids were in diapers like ‘Aww, she made it through the night without pooping her pants!’ were busted out.

Oh don’t look at me like that, you’ve read this blog before. You are not shocked or surprised I went there.

So I’m now on day EIGHT of said issues and I have another round of IVIG treatment going in me as I type (one-handed). I’m just glad I made it. I’ve been sleeping in the bathroom for over a week so you just never know what state they’ll find me in come morning.

All kidding aside, this is just one more of those things someone with a chronic illness has to deal with. You see, we don’t even get sick like a normal person. Nope. It’s just not that easy. If you have an auto-immune disorder, like I do, you get the same colds and flues as everyone else, but you get nailed.

That is, if what we’re dealing with here is viral. The doctors think it might be. But, that’s another story. (helllllo it started with my increased chemo shot).

But back to my point: as a family with kids you can imagine the germs that go around this house. Which means when someone gets the sniffles, I get pneumonia. When someone gets a 24-hour stomach bug, I get an eight days and counting ‘bug’ that will probably land me in the hospital on bowel rest…I’m just guessing.

To say that I’m frustrated is probably an understatement but I’m trying to keep it in check. We had just gotten word from the doctor that my labs were starting to improve. I was just getting comfortable with the idea of my limitations, and finding ways to work around those limitations. Sure I had been put back on daily steroids, but I had also been given permission to diet. I actually had TWO WEEKS OFF between treatment rounds and was really excited about it…until halfway through I was stricken by what we’ll call the Elvis disease.

The scarier scenario that I am doing my best to ignore – this is my body’s reaction to the increased methotrexate injection and in order to keep my inflammation down I need this dosage.

Hmmmmm, inflammation that gives me strokes, TIAs, kidney issues, liver issues, and potential continued organ loss and horrible, constant pain OR horrible and uncontrollable diarrhea and vomiting.

What to choose…what to choose…tough decisions.

Yup, I think going out like Elvis is my best bet.

He is a legend, after all. And the King.


Taking Inspiration From Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords

I can’t imagine what a violent act, such as suffered by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, feels like. To have your life nearly taken, to battle back from against the odds, and then to work hard to try and ‘do’ your job.

I can imagine what it feels like to want to do your job, and be unable- because you have to focus on your health. To want to make a difference, change lives, and show people how politics can, in fact, work and give every citizen a voice.

Of all the work and hats I would wear at BlogHer, there was nothing I loved more than connecting women and elected officials. To put them on phone calls with the Speaker of the House and to introduce them to high-level White House advisors who would then invite them straight into the West Wing. Nothing made me feel like I was doing my job better, or working harder.

I have seen how powerful the connection can be between constituent and legislator and how it can bring about change. It can be civil. It can take away the nasty rhetoric and get us talking like a united country and it can empower average voters and humble powerful leaders.

I could have never of guessed my own recovery from Lupus would ever take this long. I wish Congresswoman Giffords patience as she focuses on her recovery, and speed. May she kick ass in getting healthy, because she inspires me to do the same.

I want to push myself harder so that when she returns to public office, I can return to connecting her with the millions of women with millions of ideas to change our country for the better…together.

I have watched, like much of the country, as her husband and family and friends have shown her so much love and support. We are two lucky women to have such great people surrounding us and cheering us on. More than once during my own dark, pain-filled times I have found myself thinking ‘What would Gabby Giffords do?’ Silly maybe, as we’ve never met…but she is someone I admire.

And as I wrestle with having to think ‘long term’ for my recovery, being out of work and focusing solely on getting healthy, I take a sort of solice knowing Congresswoman must focus on the same.

People tell me over and over and over again that I can’t take care of my children, change the world through my work, make a difference, unless I take care of myself first. It is an unnatural thing to do, at least for me. And even when I accept that this this truth, I have a hard time waiting for it all to happen. I do everything I am supposed to do, yet we have such a long way to go until I’m able to exercise let alone work. Small setbacks that feel like punches in the gut. Small strides forward I think I over exaggerate in order to feel better about just how long this process takes.

I know the feeling of gratefulness that comes with just being alive. When you realize what *could* have been and how lucky you feel to have those around you STILL around you. It changes you forever, violent act or devistating illness. Eventually you begin to put the fear aside and come crawling out of your new shell. More aware of what you have, more aware of what you could have lost, more aware of the little things in the once dull everyday that bring such joy that it’s almost too sugary, too mushy, too…too.

So it is with great respect I watch and listen and learn as Congresswoman Giffords resigns in order to recover. Perhpas, in a way, I feel validated in putting my health above my work and what I feel is a higher necessity to help our country in this time where pundits consist of who can be the most shocking, out of left field, lying, or downright evil.

But I get it. I get that tug of wanting to uphold responsiblities and take care of business. It may very well cause my Lupus to explode because I have to watch from the sidelines during Election 2012. Right now I want to be planning, laying my usual groundwork by ramping up apperences on news shows and speaking engagements. Making sure so many things are in place. I have no doubt coverage will be amazing but it won’t be how *I* would do it. Actually I have learned that nothing is how *I* would do it, from when I watch someone else cook dinner for my family to how I would get the kids out the door for school in the morning as I watch from the couch, too sick to participate.

Congresswoman Giffords I wish you much luck and love as you recover. I also hope that when you return to politics…when WE return to politics…the space isn’t as nasty, isn’t as volatile, and is ready for our way of creating change.

Sugar 2.0

As I’ve done the speaking circuit for several years now on this whole social media thing I’ve always had my schpeil about it being my ‘virtual cup of sugar.’ You know, gone are the days where we borrow that cup of sugar from our neighbor and we talk kids and schools and life and we’ve moved that conversation and companionship online. I’ve found my ‘virtual’ cup of sugar in my blogging and social media communities. We still share the same friendship and advice and community-we just do it through our computers and smartphones and tablets and gaming systems.

After today though, I’ve realized the yearly (or sometimes less or sometimes more) face-to-face meet ups aren’t enough. I want my virtual cup of sugar to magically turn back into that real cup of sugar. And throw in some eggs I need for that cake I’m making too.

I want you all here.

I have seen it first hand with my illness: it does take a village. And while I LOVE that my village is available to me 24/7 with a click and a keystroke…it does not and has not replaced the need for actual kitchen table talks. For a long while I really thought it did. I truly thought this online community was what I had, and it was enough. It was all I needed.

I was wrong.

This week two of my friends came and just sat and chatted with me. I needed it. I needed just having girlfriends over to talk kids and life. Then my Mom called with news you expect parents to give after a certain age and I felt the tug of wishing they were closer so I could be there to help with doctor appointments and life. Then another ‘blog’ friend shared her trials and tribulations while she goes through a divorce and again I felt that tug of wishing she were next door, so I could walk over with tea and a pie and we could grab forks and talk and eat straight from the tin as we gabbed the night and fears away.

I love social media for this wonderful and robust community it has given me. Friends I never would have, people I never would know, true companions that have touched and helped my family in our time of need. But I also hate social media for giving me this ache in the pit of my stomach as I have become so invested in their lives and knowing so much more than I might without it- forcing me to care and love and give and curse the distance between us all.

We joke that we’d start our own commune, just so we could all be near. But even if we were, would we stay inside or walk next door to share that pie and talk shop? Hell even my husband and I tweet each other from the same couch.

Think about that for a second. We tweet each other from the same couch.

Part of why we are what we are…this community of misfits and writers and oversharers and friends…does involve the safety of our screen and keyboards. I tell you more some days because I know I won’t bump into you as I drop my kids for school and I won’t hear about it from my Aunt’s friend’s hair dresser who heard from the plumber’s roofer’s golf buddy who told HIS wife. You know, the small town thing.

So I lament our long distance relationship but wonder if it is only possible because it is the way it is. I get to have you and you get to have me because we feel safe becoming friends and staying friends this way. We feel safe falling in love with one another and one another’s worlds because we only occasionally dip our toes into those worlds and even then it’s under the guise of vacation or dinner or a brief meet up.

However with Lupus now here to stay many of you have gone from dipping your toes into my world to crossing the entire foot and body over the threshold of my door. Your luggage in hand, leaving your shoes in our cubby and figuring out which kitchen cabinet holds the mugs for tea.

And I like it. No…I love it.

I want your visits to never end and I cherish the moments from the fleeting drive through towns, to the long weekends, to the week-long stays to help.

And I think to myself…we could pull off that commune. We really could. And my mind wonders and I worry if you’ll find the right bakery or the right library or if your animals would eventually get on my nerves or if you’d quickly tire of my ailments and medications and constant need for a ride to the doctor and back.

It is because of all this I find myself wondering if we’ve gotten in over our heads with social media. Far, far over our heads. And yes, I realize I’m saying this as a professional social media strategist.

I now have more close friends who have supported me in so many ways that I can’t even begin to thank them for the love they have given me and my family. And these are NOT fake friends. These are people who have slept in my home, picked me up from procedures where I was barely conscious. I needed help putting on my bra or I told you I looked terrible with a tube down my nose and throat. You’ve met me at my doctor’s office to hug me or to hand me gifts, homemade for me or my kids.

These are the people with whom you do not just share a virtual cup of sugar. You share the real thing, so much so that it spills over the measuring cup and makes your fingers sticky as you walk back up the drive to your own home.

Maybe that’s the answer right there though…just like everything in life, relationships are sticky. And the more real they get, the stickier they get.

Social media has just brought a bigger mess into our lives. A mess that which I, for one, am grateful. It has brought family closer together as the miles continue to push us apart. It has brought old friends back into the fold and new friends into our lives.

I guess we’re all still working on how we balance that virtual vs. next door. In every neighborhood there is always the busy body looking out her blinds too much, or the neighbor you avoid because you just know she’ll talk your ear off for an hour, or just one of your best friends who you really wanted to hug and help, knowing it didn’t matter how sticky, the mess was well worth it in the end.

And while I thank the medium for giving me this community, it’s time my cup of sugar got an update.

Magic Hats Can Explain SOPA, PIPA, & Internet “Strikes”

It seems only appropriate that on this day, a day of protest here in the wild World Wide Web, I showcase the hat sent to me by BlogHer CEO Lisa Stone:

Blacked out

Just the hat though, that’s all you get to see…as I’m reading and educating myself on a very important Internet issue- freedom.

I’m starting by reading up on the two bills headed through (or stalled, or being changed, or fill-in-the-blank-status as of now) Congress and then I will contact my representative.

As a pioneer in making sure women’s voices are heard online and throughout the world, Lisa Stone (or as we call her at work, Lisa FUCKING Stone) sent me this hat with love. But she also taught me to never pass up an opportunity to educate. So educate yourself today on WHY people are so upset and some of your favorite sites have gone dark.

Can’t figure out why Google has that big, black, block over it? Want it easily explained with laughter? Can’t figure out why everyone is unable to look up stuff on Wikipedia? Click. Learn. And then decide if you plan to do anything about any of it.

And enjoy Lisa’s hat.