My parents arrive on Monday.
My husbands is on vacation for two weeks.
“Quality Family Time” looks a little something like this at our house:
My parents arrive on Monday.
My husbands is on vacation for two weeks.
“Quality Family Time” looks a little something like this at our house:
Tonight the Senate did not see fit to take care of autoworkers. They’d rather union bust and hand out money to companies like AIG, so they can take spa retreats and give out golden parachutes.
They’d rather watch Detroit fall further and further and watch Michigan’s unemployment rate go higher and higher.
For Wall St. they asked few questions and wrote larger checks. For Main St. they demand concessions and czars and oversight.
Pensions and health care and worker protection were demonized all in the name of business. The pension that keeps people like my grandfather able to pay for care in their golden years. The health care that most Americans would work their asses off for. The worker protection no one has anymore, but sure could use in this day and age.
Tonight my government could have helped and impacted those who don’t wear suits and instead will leave them out in the cold.
Tonight the missteps of an industry were held up as a symbol of the free market and it’s workers thrown to the wolves despite GOP Senators welcoming foreign counterparts with open arms in the South.
Tonight we told American workers they mattered less than the 100% Japanese government funding of plants in our states.
I’m not one for bailouts. I’m not one to always scream ‘BUY AMERICAN.’
But I am one who supports local jobs, local manufacturing, and local indstury.
I also support the need for unions in a world of WalMarts.
Tonight I stand shoulder to shoulder with American workers and hope we weather the storm to come.
Hillary for Secretary of State. Whoo hoo. Horray. And all that jazz.
Now, forgive me here, but why exactly is the media so hell bent on focusing on the ‘sexism’ of world leaders?
Last I checked, our current Secretary of State was a woman. I may not like the Bush Administration policy or …well…anything about the Bush Administration, but I’m not going to pretend Dr. Condolezza Rice didn’t exist for 8 years simply because Clinton is taking over.
I realize we’ve already given Thanks and the time has come and gone for me to rattle off all the people and things I love in my life. So rather than cross that fine line between GREAT, comforting, yummy Holiday leftovers and lead-in-pit-of-stomach, one-day-too-late-to-eat leftovers, my Holiday leftovers consist of change.
(oh god, that change word again…is she going to talk politics? please no please no)
A seismic shift has occurred in our house, and it needs to be recognized.
Despite years of loathing, jealousy, and full-on contempt, my son now adores and protects his little sister.
Yes, it’s a holiday miracle. Yes, I am thrilled he comes to her defense. Yes, I realize this is normal sibling stuff.
However (and this is a big however) it’s getting annoying.
I find myself walking a very fine-line between “it’s so wonderful to see you sticking up for your sister” and “don’t you DARE challenge ME the MOM while I rightfully punish your sister.”
Yes, he is protecting her so very much he’s actually attempting to justify his baby sister’s indiscretions to the parental units.
Mom she’s just having a bad day, she didn’t really mean to throw that lego
Mom don’t yell at her, she will say she’s sorry for hitting you with her pony
Mom I told her it was ok so please don’t be mad at her
It also seems, just like the other males in this house, my little guy has some sort of dagger-through-heart reaction whenever my darling daughter cries.
Which means he attempts to avoid it at all costs. He will give her that toy she’s wanting. He will go get her a juice. He will even give up the toy he’s playing with in order to keep the peace.
It’s gotten so bad my 3-year old now totally plays her brother by fake crying, just to get her way.
Now, I look at this from a few different angles. One is that I’m thrilled my son no longer views her as the enemy. Two is that he is so very compassionate. Three is a bit more concerning to me…she’s totally using her feminine ways to exploit every male in this house from her brother to her uncle to her Dad.
Say it with me…OY VEY.
I realize this will probably serve her well later in life, but I’m torn between cutting it off now or helping her hone and better control her female gifts. I mean…do I put my foot down…or have her use this power to get us both a puppy? Do I make her stop using and abusing men or teach her that if she tilts her head just a bit and drops her lip just one more notch she could probably ALSO get a pony?
Change. Yes, it’s here.
I’m sitting on the couch with my 5-year-old.
As I type, he’s watching a PBS special on the origins of the universe. This is on his insistence I change the channel from the cartoons previously enjoyed by his sister and I.
As I sit here and learn all about how the stars and galaxies were formed and my son asks me how the ‘proto-Sun’ was created, I have a hard time believing just last week I was sick to my stomach over his parent-teacher conference.
Rolls and plays with his pencil.
Doesn’t like coloring.
Doesn’t like worksheets.
Disrupts class with questions.
Recommend consult with pediatrician, possible ADHD.
Academically on track, same as rest of class.
Confused, dejected, and on the defensive I sought all the information I could find. I talked to friends. I talked to family. My husband, in the midst of his most grueling work week in a year, weighed in as much as possible.
I talked to our pediatrician. And I questioned the difference between the protective nature of my children, and criticism.
I also took a good, hard look at the a room full of 30 Kindergartners, one teacher, and one aide and admittedly ‘no time for individualized learning.’
I am a product of public schools. I got a great education, so did my brother. I believe our local public schools are fantastic, among the best in Los Angeles County. Our teachers work extremely hard to not only nurture our children, but also to meet and exceed the standards placed on them. They are heroes.
However this system is not ideal for every child. There is no room for imagination. There is no room for nonconformity. There is no room for a 5-year old who likes science experiments as opposed to worksheets. The overworked and underpaid teacher does not have the time nor the means to handle any boy who does not fit inside the very ridged guidelines the class must have in order to succeed.
Unless you have school district who recognizes it’s limitations and attempts to thwart the system.
Our district has opened it’s first charter school. And by the luck of the stars there was one spot, opened the night prior, in the kindergarten class. Upon hearing the news I threw on some clothes, hurriedly raced the 5 miles down the road (while throwing up in the car, wondering if I was doing the right thing) and enrolled my son.
I filled out the forms like a crazed lunatic, knowing the first mother or father to turn them in got the spot. I nearly parked myself on the school secretary’s desk until I was done.
Project-based learning. An emphasis on international relations, recognizing the students as citizens of the world. Small class rooms (no more than 20 students).
“Modeled after successful schools such as International School of Monterey, Guajome Park Academy, and Bill Gates’ High Tech High, we have a learner-centered approach using facilitators.”
My pencil-rolling guy (who tears apart my living room looking for ‘parts’ for all his inventions) will start after Thanksgiving break, his first day will be a field trip.
His sister is a legacy. And Mom is about to learn-first hand-about charter schools, the public school system, and taking a pro-active approach in managing how her children are ‘labeled’ and taught.
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