Clapping Hands in Glee

I’m overjoyed when the YouTube Gods provide:

Emails, I get a few

My inbox overflow-eth.

As I type this, there are 1760 unread emails in my inbox. I’m not kidding. I thought I would share a few with you, my favorite readers.

Why? A few reasons really.
#1 some are damn funny
#2 some are damn disturbing
#3 some of you need to understand why I can’t respond quickly, or at all.
It’s not that I don’t love ya’, it’s just that I can’t possibly reply to every email, direct message, instant message, facebook message, or request for my soul.

So without me going on and on about it….enjoy:

Hi Erin,

My name is xxxxxxx. I am a regular reader of your blog – I think it’s great! I know you have been, and continue to be, a strong supporter of Obama and I recently saw your interview with him which I thought was awesome! I was hoping you might be able to help me.

I work with a company, they are actually a credit card alternative payment option. They are very much interested in offering their option to the Obama campaign to be another way people can make campaign donations since currently the only options to donate online are credit cards. They want to help out and give more people the opportunity to contribute. We have been trying to find the right person who we might be able to discuss this with or someone who might handle the campaign website or the donations but we have had no luck so far.

I thought I would check to see if you might have any suggestions for us or perhaps any contacts that you would be willing to pass along. I appreciate any feedback you might have to offer!

Ok, here’s the thing. I have media access just like any other blogger or media person. I can not pitch the campaign your company, your ideas, or your fill-in-the-blank. I get at least 5 of these a day. Family members and undecided voters who need INFO…well hell, THAT I can do…but I’m not your business contact ‘in’ at either campaign.

Moving on. This one came with the subject title “Hello i love how u breastfeed your daugther”

I like your big milky tits.I would like to ask u if u would like to be interested into adult nursing.
I would like to drink your big supply milk
please type me a message.

Wow. Classy. and also EWWWWW.

Then there are these:

Niggerlovingbitch how can u be fer fucking osama you nothing but a white trashie cunt

Fun times. How about something more lighthearted?


I was just reading your post SIPPYCUPS AND DIAPERS and I think you would really like our new xxxxxxx. We would love you to blog about xxxxx and if you don’t like it, you can just send it back and not blog at all. How about I send you some xxxxx for you and your family to try?

Sincerely, xxxxCEO

I’ve never once written a post with that title. Ahhhh, idiots.

Now I have to be honest, some of you will say ‘but Erin, you’re emails can’t be all bad’ and for the most part they are not. They are work related, family related, penis enlargement spam…the usual. And yes, every so often I get words of encouragement and even, time to time, praise. However picking these emails out of my inbox were not hard…at all. They come daily and they come often. Along with legitimate requests and campaign press releases and notes from my Aunt asking for the latest kid photos.

I am just asking for your patience in my inbox and in my messaging.

So Let’s Just Say The Phone Rings At 3am

I think the Biden/Palin debate is going to be a hoot.

*updated, you can watch the whole answer here

Fight The Smears

I Just Love This

John McCain is a Sexist Pig who may or may not wear lipstick

and then I’m done with this whole thing, and we’re going to talk about shit that matters….but I find it important to point out:

Irwin Tang’s diary

Some examples of McCain’s sexism:

McCain’s joke at a Republican fundraiser:  “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?” McCain asked the crowd.  Chelsea was still a teen at this time.  “Because Hillary Clinton is her mother and Janet Reno is her father,” said McCain, drawing laughter from the Republicans.

McCain’s joke about a woman getting raped by a gorilla and enjoying it.  It is reminiscent of Republican Clayton Williams’ joke about rape and bad weather: if you have to have it, just lay back and enjoy it.  Williams lost his Texas gubernatorial race to Ann Richards.

A McCain supporter asked McCain “How do we beat the bitch?”

McCain responded, “That’s an excellent question.”  The “bitch” that McCain and his supporter were speaking of was Hillary Clinton.

McCain later said that he “respected” Clinton and then used the video of the “bitch” exchange as a campaign tool to attract campaign donations.

It’s unclear whether the “bitch” comment was meant to attract money from women-haters or people who thought that McCain was somehow defending Clinton or both.

McCain has a history of violence toward women:

This comes from a recent news report from McClatchy Newspapers, and was excerpted at the Huffington Post, among other news sources.

Six people present have written statements describing what they saw. According to the accounts, McCain waved his hand to shoo away Jeannette Jenkins, whose cousin was last seen in South Vietnam in 1970, causing her to hit a wall.

As McCain continued walking, Jane Duke Gaylor, the mother of another missing serviceman, approached the senator. Gaylor, in a wheelchair equipped with portable oxygen, stretched her arms toward McCain.

“McCain stopped, glared at her, raised his left arm ready to strike her, composed himself and pushed the wheelchair away from him,” according to Eleanor Apodaca, the sister of an Air Force captain missing since 1967.

***McCain voted against the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act that would have required women to be paid an amount equal to men when working the same job at the same place.***

McCain suggested to his wife, in front of a big crowd of bikers, that she, Cindy McCain, enter into the biker striptease contest, where women take off their clothes and draw cheers from the crowd.  McCain said to the press, “I told her [Cindy] with a little luck that she could be the only woman ever to serve as both the first lady and Miss Buffalo Chip,” McCain said.

McCain has a history of snapping at and disrespecting female reporters for various reasons, sometimes because they wrote something that he disagreed with.

McCain cursed out a woman who was testifying before the Senate.  She was a supporter of prisoners of war in Vietnam. His string of curse words lasted for minutes before he finally stormed out of the chamber.

After Cindy teased McCain about his balding scalp, McCain called her a “cunt” in public in a rageful tantrum.  Witnesses reported this incident, according to Cliff Schecter, author of The Real McCain. “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt,” said McCain.

But perhaps McCain’s greatest act of sexism is making the accusation of sexism a joke.  By accusing Obama of being sexist when he obviously is not, by saying that an Obama comment is sexist when it is obvious even to Bill O’Reilly that it is not, this makes people question the sincerity of any discussion of REAL sexism, such as that that occurs when a woman is paid less than a man for the same work at the same place of employment.

McCain voted against equal pay for equal work – women will have to work twice as hard to get the message out: If McCain is elected, U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore said, “no one is going to suffer more than women.”

And one of my favorite people in the whole wide world – Stephanie Cutter

I’m done now. For real.

Time to move on.

…and now back to our regularly scheduled program: the ISSUES

While everyone was looking at the bright new shiny object otherwise known as Sarah Palin, Congress went back into session. Democrats decided their new strategy was to scrap plans to force a vote on the expansion of the Children’s Health Insurance program, knowing full well it wouldn’t go anywhere due to King George and his mighty Veto.

Booo! Hiss!

I really wish they would have put this one up for a vote again, because I think it’s great campaign and political fodder to show Republicans as being against health care for children (again). Also to show a McCain no vote again (if he bothers to show up). But really, to take care of the millions of uninsured children in this nation.

Megan at Jezebel writes,

“Congress won’t take up SCHIP again despite the fact that Republicans don’t want to have to vote against it before an election because they’re scared of the veto pen. Wahhhh.”

However, that’s not entirely true and I understand Democrat reasoning

Bruce Lesley, president of First Focus, a bipartisan advocacy group for children, said: “We definitely would prefer for Congress to vote on the legislation next year rather than this year. Why would you pass a bill now when, in six months, you could get a better bill covering more uninsured children?”

Of course, who knows what will happen in six months. Thus, my wish for this to get pushed to the forefront again…now.

A further explanation at Daily Kos:

… if you asked a Member of Congress for a deeper explanation, here’s what you’d likely get. The Congressional leadership is still looking to adjourn as close to its September 26th target dates. That leaves three full weeks left in the session. Even if the House were to arrange to bring another SCHIP bill to the floor quickly, which is a relatively simple matter under their rules, in the Senate, the Republicans would almost certainly bog the measure down, citing the surety of another Bush veto. And as we’ve discussed before, a determined minority in opposition can eat up a whole week or more in delaying a bill that’s supported by even a clear majority in the Senate. That’s more than a third of the time left in the session for the Senate. All for a bill that will be vetoed, and for which the leadership thinks we haven’t got the votes for an override.

Yes, there’d be some symbolic value in it. But the question the leadership will be asking itself is: are there other things we think we can pass in that time that do stand a chance of being enacted into law?

Not a very satisfying answer to the question of why there will likely be no SCHIP vote, but it’d be the most honest one.

The Go Health Insurance blog writes,

“We’re thinking that the Democrats are banking on Illinois Senator Barack Obama winning the presidential election in November. Senator Obama is a supporter of expanding SCHIP, and he’s even gone as far to say he’ll push for a federal mandate that all children have health insurance.”

Which is a good point to bring up, considering Senator Obama worked to expand health care to 150-thousand uninsured working parents and kids in Illinois, and does, as the blog mentions, support the expansion.

There are 9 million uninsured children in the United States. 9 MILLION.

If we can pay for a War, we can pay to take care of the kids of this country.

I can understand the debate over health insurance, but what I don’t understand is forcing the children of our country to suffer while we duke it out. In session, out of session. Veto, overrides, budgets. None of them seem to mean much when 9 million children wait in the wings.

Crossposted at

And She Has Many Houses

I know some military families who beg to differ, Meg.

Let’s not forget this too, because I’m over the lies.

More soon, lots going on.