Prop 8 The MUSICAL!

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Sing It Sister

on the heels of this, I really think anyone with balls should just shut up right now unless they’d like them kicked.

Bottoms Up


It’s happened.

My kids finally figured out their parts were different and they now giggle about it.

My son doesn’t want anyone looking at him when he pees. My daughter thinks it’s hilarious to bust in on her brother and yell “I see your PENIS!”

…and both my kids ADORE being in their underwear, sticking out their butts, and shaking it all while singing “Shake my bottom, YEAH!”

Last night I gave them separate baths. Soon, it will have to be separate bedrooms.

and I would now like to mourn and cry.

Join me, won’t you?

Excuse me, but…

Hillary for Secretary of State. Whoo hoo. Horray. And all that jazz.

Now, forgive me here, but why exactly is the media so hell bent on focusing on the ‘sexism’ of world leaders?

Last I checked, our current Secretary of State was a woman. I may not like the Bush Administration policy or …well…anything about the Bush Administration, but I’m not going to pretend Dr. Condolezza Rice didn’t exist for 8 years simply because Clinton is taking over.