I love Sir Charles. And I don’t mean I love him like I love my kids or I love him like I love red gummy Swedish fish. I mean…I LOVE CHARLES BARKLEY!
Yeah, it’s a scream-it-from-the-rooftops kind of love.
Back when I was young and spry (because I’m convinced I am now old and flabby- no really-you should see the stretch marks) I played basketball and adored Chuck. Between Rick Mahorn and Charles Barkley I really needed no other men in my life.
In fact, one of the greatest lessons I ever learned just might have been from Sir Charles.
In 1993, back when I was graduating High School and idolizing a then First Lady Rodham Clinton, Charles Barkley declared sports figures should not be considered role models. There was more, and there was a lot of discussion about turning celebrities or public figures into icons.
I made a mental note, and went about my life.
It’s now 2008 and I can unabashedly say Barkley was right about the role model thing. He’s been right about a few other things since then, but I am now CERTAIN that public figures as role models are a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD idea.
Where in the hell is Erin going with this…
I am now completely and totally disappointed, to the point of heartbreak, in Senator Hilary Clinton and Gloria Steinem.
Disgusted, actually.
Two women who I spent many of my young years idolizing and championing have turned into establishment game-playing, fear mongering, surrogate talking-point spouting hacks.
They are so far into the system they can’t even see the rest of us, die hard feminist fans, out here gaping at them.
Mouth wide open when we watch this:
Mouth wide open when we read this.Gaping.Wondering where the women I knew have gone. Wondering if they will find their “voice” or their conscience. Wondering if they even realize what is happening to them. Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones I’m looking at you too.
However, in the end it is my fault. I held them up. I obviously turned them into something they are not, all those years.
Lesson learned.
Thanks Chuck.
***updated** apparently Clinton is now running FAKE NEWS to trick voters.
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