Going Gray

I found my first gray hair.

On my va jay-jay.

Not on my HEAD like a normal person. No, Queen goes gray down there. Fantastic.

Just call me grandma crotch.

Admittedly I noticed this awhile ago, but i thought it was a fluke. I thought one, odd hair sprouted up in between waxing sessions and it would never be seen again.

I’m due for a wax and I now have THREE gray crotch hairs. THREE. 1.2.3.

What if my vag goes gray and my hair stays normal? I mean, totally dying my hair on my head anyway…but NOT the point.

I’m really unsure how I feel about this. Getting a gray hair is supposed to be a little unsettling, sure. I’m 32. Gray hairs will occur.

I just wasn’t expecting it to be on my vagina.

Does this mean I have an old crotch? What does this say about me?

All I know is all three of those puppies are coming out on Friday and with any luck, and many, many waxing sessions, they will be never seen again. Ever. Ever. Never. Ever.

If I didn’t wax, what would I do? Grow OLD IN THE CROTCH gracefully?

Just going to get waxed and try not to think about it.

Or going to melt down and have a midlife crisis. Can you have a midlife crisis at 32?? Over a graying crotch?

Guess we’ll find out.

From The Blogosphere to Iraq, with xoxo

On September 11th, 2007 the kids and I will be at a local park. They won’t be on the slide and the won’t be digging in the sand. They will be in a tiny rec room coloring pictures for their uncle and other soldiers stationed in Iraq.

I want you to join us.

I’d like to show my brother-in-law how cool you and your kids are…and that we think of him, and his colleagues. He won’t be home for another year. That’s a long time to be away from your two little ones, your pregnant wife, and your friends.

Leave me a comment or send me an email (queenofspainblog@yahoo.com) and I will provide you with his address. If your kids are back in school, maybe just send the artwork they made on Tuesday. Have your older kids write a letter. You can use a regular stamp and you can drop it in the mail. Its really not much to ask.

Spend September 11th in a constructive way. Please.



I want another baby.

I’m sure this feeling will go away in about 10 seconds when someone is crying, or whining, or reminding me why I’m 30lbs heavier than I used to be and 300 times grumpier. But right now, at this very second, looking at these very photos…my womb aches.

BlogHer ’08-VOTE

This is a tough one. Giggling really hard. It’s ok, most of you are confused by that. Just go vote already.

Lyrics for PreSchoolers

“Mommy why can’t he have a screw?”

Turning down A/C in car to hear the 4-year old…

“What honey?”

“Why can’t he get a screw, that guy?”

“What guy?”

“The guy on the song. He needs a screw. And he can’t find one.”

…thinking…thinking…listening closer to music on radio..day after day…I get angry…and I will say…OH.MY.GOD.

“So the guy singing the song???? You think he needs a screw???”

“Yeah. That’s what he said. I’m sure Daddy can get him a screw out of his tool box. Then we can give it to him and he will have a screw.”

“Suuuuurrre. We can do that…”

“OH WAIT! Its ok Mommy-he FOUND it!”

“Oh…did he?”

“Yes, he found the screw in his PANTS!”

“Good for him.”

“Why would he keep a screw in his pants? Now THAT is JUST HILARIOUS Mommy!”


Space RobotBoy Invades Sam’s Club

People look at him funny. Kaiser even made him a tin foil hat to go with it…