You know, like Britney.
I think I’m a better parent when *other* people are around. Vistors, family, whatever…I’m on my best behavior.
Less yelling. Less total loss of temper over stupid things like who’s turn it might be to use the nintendo ds.
I don’t think I’m Joan Crawford or anything when people are *not* around, but I certainly get along better with everyone. Or maybe when no one is looking (which is a whole LOT) I’m just lazy.
Lazy Queen. Do laundry, sure…put it away…hell no. Lunch? Thaw a peanut butter jelly frozen thingy. Candy? Yeah, go ahead, I don’t feel like arguing.
Then there is the “Mom away on trip, kids act like perfect angels for inlaws, babysitter, teachers, father, grandparents, etc.” “Mom home and children turn into psychotic little people and melt down over everything and act like barbarians.”
So what does all of this lead me to believe? That maybe work is good and I need to be away from them more. They hate it. But they are BETTER when I am not around. It’s as if life is MORE NORMAL for them if I am not there.
Do I want to be away more? Depends on the day. Not really, but sometimes yes. Maybe I’m just having a bad day but I feel horrible at this “mom” job sometimes.
I work from home too much.
I don’t get down on the floor and play enough.
I yell too much.
I’m lazy about responding to their 400 questions or requests.
I look forward to dinner time so I can pour wine.
I worry all my son’s quirks (he’s currently sniffing his fingers 300 times an hour) are my fault.
I worry I’m too hard on my daughter.
And instead of doing anything, I do nothing. I say ok to cake at 1030am and read blogs.
Blogging helps me think all these things out. Writing has always made me feel better. So just writing all those things makes me realize I’m not awful. I’m not the worst mom ever. I need to improve, yes…but it’s not like these children are neglected. I think. I hope.
Anyway, before I cry. Come visit, you know, for the sake of the kids.
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