One Of These Things Is Not Like the Other…

I must admit even I raised an eyebrow when I saw Queen of Spain blog was nominated for the 2010 Bloggie Award in Politics.


I giggled a bit, grinned, and then puffed up my chest…just a tad.

I’ve spent many years attempting to convince many people that politics = personal. I have nothing but respect for my fellow nominees. The Huffington Post is a powerhouse in aggregating political news and commentary. Wonkette makes me HOWL with their satire and DC smackdowns. Crooks and Liars is where I go when I want the dirt from the Hill and beyond, and Glenn Greenwald of Salon consistently churns out post after post on everything from the Supreme Court to the implications of US policy overseas.

…and then, there’s me. Sure I talked about the White House response to the Christmas Day attempted terror attack…just with a much different spin. I talk about my Weapons Grade hate for Sarah Palin, my feeling on the war in Afghanistan, my anger over Prop 8, my first person battle with our health care system. My undying love for my hometown of Detroit and support of the Automaker bailouts. I defend the First Lady. My very personal decisions and run-ins with the public school system. My personal moment at the political conventions.

But what makes me a bit different is that these politically charged stories are interlaced with my life. They are part of my life, my work, and my passion. Between the punditry you’ll find stories of my struggle with balancing motherhood and career. Posts about my family’s moral compass, teaching sex to my kids, and even just my thoughts as my children grow.

At first glance, this may all seem very out of place in a sea of wonk. But as you read and look around, I remind you that we’re all citizens, voters, and part of this great nation. We fight our fights, we express our views. And most of us do it just like this…over kitchen tables. Over drinks with friends. Over chit-chat at the ballgame. We’re not all experts or policy nerds. We’re Americans. And there are many, many, many more of us blogging our lives, our stories, and our take on what’s happening at our city council meetings and in our state legislatures. We know how it affects our schools, our bills, our homes.

Yes, one of these blogs is not like the others…and I’m ok with that. Because the personal is political.

Follow My Commentary Live: State of the Union

I’ll be over here. Join us while my kids run amuck and I let them eat candy so I can hear what the President is saying!

Off we go

How to follow along with BlogHer Chatter and Twitter feeds:

Jill Miller Zimon and on Twitter @Jillmz
American Princess and on Twitter @EMZanotti
Erin Kotecki Vest and on Twitter @QueenofSpain

Hope to see you there.

I Do NOT Want To See John Edwards Have Sex

crossposted at

I’ll admit that I like a good train wreck. Most Americans do. We watch reality TV shows as families squabble and crumble, we see friends fight, lovers break up. We watch and either laugh or sigh. The paparazzi circle and the photos and video spread from computer to computer.

However there’s an added element of voyeurism when a politician is involved. These “leaders” of our cities, states, and country parade themselves from podium to podium discussing important things, such as the economy and health care. They champion causes like fair wages and worker’s rights. They make promises. They debate. They ask to be held accountable.

Then, like John Edwards, they admit to having an affair (ouch), fathering a child with the mistress (double ouch), and find themselves the subject of rumors of a sex tape.

Yes. A John Edwards sex tape.

I think that needs to sink in for a minute. I mean, sure we had The Blue Dress and the lap sitter ala Gary Hart. The foot tapping in airport stalls. But is this the first time we just *might* really see a politician do the nasty?

My mind reels.

A few things immediately hit me when I first heard an Edwards sex tape may exist:

1) I really don’t want to see this man naked.

2) I really want to know if his hair moves during sex.

3) Could this politician sink any lower?

4) Will he ever run for office again?

5) I really do not want to see this man naked.

Never fear though, Emily Miller at Politics Daily says it’s likely I will never see the former senator get it on:

Let’s face it, Young has lied before: He previously claimed paternity of Edwards’ daughter with Hunter, and if we believe him now, was willing to drive his own life over a cliff to cover up for his boss. But he now insists that he became disillusioned when he discovered the sex tape in 2007 … in his friend Hunter’s home. (Gee, was it hidden on the coffee table, along with an open box of chocolates?) Doubtless the motivation of a book contract had nothing to do with Young’s disillusionment … but he’s threatening to reveal more gory details of Edwards and Hunter’s affair in his new book, The Politician, which will be released February 2. Oh, and those who do not want to hear another word about the contents of the (purported?) sex tape should NOT tune in for his interview Friday on ABC’s 20/20.

Yes, our leaders fall from grace and yes we’ve seen public figure after public figure admit to transgression after transgression. John Edwards isn’t the first and certainly won’t be the last. However this is the first politician I may ever see have sex. If I watch. Oh who am I kidding, I’m watching.

Lori Ziganto is shielding her eyes though:

On the plus side, perhaps it is just him admiring himself in front of a mirror? Sigh. No, we won’t get off that easily, I suspect. I wonder if he says things like “Oh, yeah, brush my hair just like that” or “Who’s your illegitimate baby daddy?” or “Oh, baby, how do you like my stimulus package?”

Please disappear, John Edwards. Kindly take your icky tape and go to that second America you were always rambling on about.

As someone who talks to staffers up on the Hill daily and occasionally sits down with Congress members, I’m really rather disturbed by this recent trend of naked politicians. Newly-elected Senator Scott Brown’s chest in the middle of Cosmo, the possibility of Edwards on my computer screen moaning and sweating … it’s really more than one political director can take. I mean, let’s be professional for God’s sake! Isn’t this some sort of sexual harassment on the job?

What ever happened to the good old days, way before the Internet, when you paid your mistress some hush money and kept her far, far away? Maybe in another country where the local reporters would never suspect? You even had your staffers tell people you were out “hiking the Appalachian Trail” and no one was the wiser? What happened to “kept” women and wives who quietly said nothing so their husbands could climb that political ladder?

At least then, while the indiscretions were just as pervasive, we didn’t have to WITNESS the acts. Such is life in the age of transparency, easy uploads, and immovable hair.

Contributing Editor, Producer of Special Projects, and BlogHer Political Director Erin Kotecki Vest also blogs at Queen of Spain Blog

Politics & News Contributing Editor Erin Kotecki Vest

Cowboys of the Progressive Persuasion

It’s hard to keep my mouth shut.

But I have. For good reason.

Anything I say is going to be taken as a “Yes -(wo)Man” argument.

You see there’s this.

And also this.

There’s this.

And also this.

Which leads us, to this.

You don’t have to like it all. You don’t have to die on the sword. But NOTHING will get done if you continue your grandstanding.

Remember compromise? Remember how change takes hard work? Remember how we’re working with each other and everyone else?

Yes, I said everyone else.

I didn’t vote for President Obama so he would act like President Bush. I never expected him to take his SuperMajority (which should come with a cape) and shove things through – other side, rest of the country, be damned.

That’s not the man we elected. If you somehow missed that message perhaps you were too busy looking at your own agenda while the rest of us were paying attention.

But…I digress.

I heard ‘you’re either with us or against us’ once before. It sounded arrogant then and it sounds just as arrogant coming from the ‘cowboy’ left now.

You can’t change the game unless you’re playing it, and you…my brothers and sisters…are pushing us all to sit on the bench. There’s plenty of blame to go around, sure. We all, White House included, shoulder some. However let’s learn to point those fingers elsewhere.

I’m not asking you to shut up, I’m just asking you to be smart. Take your liberal, elitist, Prius driving, college educated, latte’ sipping mouth and use it to critique while standing strong with your party.

Unless, of course, you really think that 3rd party thing is viable. Then by all means…don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

No Email. No Twitter. No Internet. …and then she died.

Over the holidays, BlogHer CEO Lisa Stone completely disconnected herself from work, and thus from the web. No email. None. No twitter. Zero.

I was in awe.

The CEO of the company I work for was walking away to take a real vacation, not those “working” vacations many of us tend to take. I couldn’t even begin to fathom how this was even possible.

And now I can’t get it out of my head.

What did she do for all those weeks? Baked pies and cleaned toilets, apparently. But what did she REALLY do?

I keep thinking about how I structure my day and my life. I’m never without two phones or my laptop. I’m never turned off. I mean, what if the White House calls? What if news breaks? What if I need to get a post live on the site and everyone else is eating dinner? Where else would I talk to my friends? How else would I know WHAT IS GOING ON????!!! Seriously. The White House called Monday, on my day off. You don’t NOT answer when they call. Ok granted my 4-year old informed them via loud voice in the background that she had to poop…but you STILL PICK UP THE PHONE.

The anxiety rises in me just thinking about it.

But then I get past the anxiety and think a bit further down the road.

What if I played legos without the phone next to me? Would that really be so bad? What if I didn’t twitter that really funny thing my husband said or grab for the flip cam to capture the impromptu dance party in my kitchen?

Would the world end? Would it be any less of a “moment?”

Or maybe it comes down to feeling needed. Do these people who care what I have for lunch REALLY need me to tell them exactly what the President just said?

Call it a crisis of faith, if you will. But I may go the way of Lisa Stone and take the plunge.

If I can get past the anxiety first.

Haiti Love

Jack's Haiti Love

6-years old

Ways you can help in Haiti:

Red Cross
Global Giving

A Spoonful of Sugar


I came home from a quick doctor’s appointment this weekend only to have my 4-year old cling to my leg and wrap herself around me so if I walked, she was dragged along.

Later in the day she asked me how I was feeling. A 4-year old…asking how *I* was feeling.

I’m fine honey. I just have a little infection. The doctor gave me medicine and I’ll feel better in no time.

She blinked her long lashes and snuggled closer to me.

I’m glad you came home from the doctor, Mommy.

Of course I came home sweetie. I always come home.

There was a tiny sigh.

No you don’t Mommy. Sometimes you don’t come home. Like that one time.

Realizing now why she clung to me as I walked in, I tried to explain…

You mean when Mommy was in the hospital? Oh sweetie I know you didn’t like that, did you?


Sometimes we get sick. And doctors and the people at the hospital need to help us. But right now Mommy just has a kind of cold that gave her an infection. Just a runny nose. You get runny noses all the time, right?

More nods.

Well it’s just like that honey. It’s just a runny nose. I’m not going to be in the hospital again because of this runny nose, ok?

It was here I stopped myself. Knowing how suddenly I was hospitalized before, and how long it lasted, I was afraid of promising her anything. I mean, what if I was hit by a truck tomorrow? But I was dying inside, I wanted to reassure her that every single time I headed out to a doctor’s appointment, I would be coming back.

And I didn’t know how to do that without lying.

I’m finding more and more that telling my children the truth about the world is harder and harder. Bad things happen. Mommies do end up in the hospital. Sometimes they don’t come home from doctor’s appointments.

Of course I do tell them the truth. In ways they can understand and handle, I know I can’t lie. But for every tough lesson…there has to be a good one, right?

So today as my tiny girl watched me take my antibiotics… I reached down with one hand as I took a swig of water to swallow my pill…and I tickled her. Now mind you, I’m not big on rough housing, and tickling in our house always seems to lead to rough housing. So this was huge.

She was nearly frozen with surprise.


And a huge grin came over her face.

What? I was just taking my medicine…

I had a few more pills to take so I gave her a devilish look and popped them in my mouth. As my hand and water glass rose to my lips I bent down with the other hand and tickled again.


And fits of laughter poured out of her.

I told you honey, I’m just taking my medicine…

More giggles and grins.

I like how you take your medicine Mom.

Me too baby, me too.
