Santa Claus: Monster or Mercenary?

My kids are scared shitless of Santa.

Ok, maybe scared isn’t the right word. They can’t look at him, or talk to him, or go anywhere near him. But it’s not clear if they are scared or OVERWHELMED BY HIS GLORY.

This means, aside from one photo when my son was 9-months old and I hadn’t thought through the chaos, my children have no pictures with Santa.

So when I see articles over at BlogHer like Laurie’s…I have to laugh and shake my head at other parents who are fine with torturing their children year after year after year. Don’t get me wrong, I can be a pretty stupid Mother (or ‘Mudder’ as my daughter has taken to calling me) on some things here and there, but I just can’t imagine forcing my crying and scared to death kid into the lap of some large, red stranger.

Do you really need that photo THAT badly? I don’t. And as much as I wanted my kids to pose with characters at Disney, I certainly wasn’t going to shove them forward if they didn’t want to.

No, instead I shove my husband, because he’ll shake his ass with Stitch on behalf of his children anyday.

My husband shaking his butt with Stitch

Bottoms Up


It’s happened.

My kids finally figured out their parts were different and they now giggle about it.

My son doesn’t want anyone looking at him when he pees. My daughter thinks it’s hilarious to bust in on her brother and yell “I see your PENIS!”

…and both my kids ADORE being in their underwear, sticking out their butts, and shaking it all while singing “Shake my bottom, YEAH!”

Last night I gave them separate baths. Soon, it will have to be separate bedrooms.

and I would now like to mourn and cry.

Join me, won’t you?

Keep On Keepin’ On

Today my darling daughter happily cut and colored and painted.

I was watching Sarah Palin/Katie Couric clips…and our Princess Peanut was making caterpillars and puppies and scribbley circles.

Somewhere in between Palin’s many ignorant comments (oh, please-by now if you can’t see her ineptitude, I can’t help you) and me saying ‘yes honey that birdie you drew is great’ my daughter had started clipping her hair.

Self hair cut

Yeah sure, this might be my way of blaming this entire episode of less-than-stellar parenting on Sarah Palin. Why not?

Anyway let me get to my point.

Our home was in a crisis. The 3-year old was in trouble, crying in her time-out chair while I dialed kid salons. But dinner still needed to be made. I couldn’t stop doing the load of laundry already underway. I had emails to answer, a 5-year old wanting spongebob and the UPS guy was ringing my door bell.

Life had to go on.

Keep in mind my daughter and I are now pretty pissed off at each other. She’s ticked that she’s in trouble and now getting a REAL haircut. I’m ticked she cut her own hair and now won’t cooperate while I try and get it fixed.

But life had to go on.

In the end, her hair was fixed and it was painful. I had to hold her while my wonderful hairdresser and friend worked her magic in my kitchen. It was a bitter pill to swallow for our tiny girl who found a haircut to be equal to torture.

But life had to go on.

The United States economy needs to go on. It really does.

If we’re lucky it will turn out as cute as my daughter’s hair.


Goofy Grins and Giggles

We interviewed nanny’s this weekend. A hellish task for me since I currently believe the entire world is incapable of caring for my children. That includes their father.

Of course, most everyone cares for them better than I do, head usually buried in my laptop and with little patience for things like play dough…but that doesn’t stop me from judging everyone incompetent in their babysitting ways.

To know me is to love me.


The great Nanny inquisition of Fall 2008 was underway this weekend as a totally unqualified 19-year old sweetly came into the home and turned my 5-year old to a puddle of goo.

You think he's excited??? lol

He gazed at her. He giggled at her. He had the goofiest grin on his face and this absent stare about him that I nearly kicked her out right then and there. Instead we finished the interview and she politely left. Then my kindergartner pretty much walked around the house with those hearts and birds circling his head for the rest of the day.

Now I’m sitting here looking at our final candidates, with credentials that span from nanny schools in London to teaching credentials and there’s my son, grinning and giggling over the least qualified of the bunch and swearing to me she’d be the “BEST BABYSITTER EVER, MOMMY.”

I’m dying to make some obvious Sarah Palin comparisons here, but I’m going to try and keep it all in check until Thursday night and the VP debate of the century. I’m also going to be happy that I will have a new nanny by then. One that will no doubt be OVER-qualified for watching two kids and not just a pretty face.

If you live in Southern California, I highly encourage you to join the debate watch party where we will be eating, drinking, and critiquing every single move Biden and Palin make.

Register here to join myself and some fabulous bloggers!

I Played Basketball AND Softball. Trump That Palin!

In my home state, where I played varsity basketball for four years, Senator John McCain saw fit to bring up his running mate’s point guard prowess as a qualification on how she will empower women.

Well first let me take a shot at that, and I’ll tell ya, I’m a product of Title IX in our schools, where equal education and equal opportunities in sports really helped propel me into the—I guess into the position that I’m in today where,” Palin said.

McCain then interjected, “Could I mention she was a point guard on a state championship basketball team.”

After the crowd’s applause died down, Palin continued: ‘”Sports were very, very important to me growing up, you know just learning about self discipline and healthy competition and about what it takes to win and even how to graciously lose sometimes. But how to win, that’s what it teaches ya. Now, I was a product of Title IX where legislation allowed that equal opportunity. Now if we have to still keep going down that road to create more legislation, to get with it in the 21st century, to make sure that women do have equality especially in the work place, then we’re there because we understand that in this age we have all got to be working together. I respect you so much that you are a Democrat recognizing that John McCain and me as a team of mavericks understand where you’re coming from, and we can work together on these issues. But yup, equality for women, for all, that’s going to be part of the agenda and I thank you for that question.”

In case you missed that…those are two Republicans touting Title IX and using her point guard experience as how Palin will ’empower’ women if she’s elected.

By those standards, pigs just flew and my vast high school athletic experience, coupled with my new PTA role, qualifies me as the next Queen of the Mother Fucking world. Screw VP, I’m aiming higher.

The 2008 GOP platform has some language not exactly RAH! RAH! Title IX in case you want to take a look. You see the Bush Administration thought it was bad and essentially ordered a review and slammed Title IX.

So by these standards, Palin and McCain are touting their Alaskan point guard to the tune of a program their party tried to eliminate. And there is evidence McCain isn’t even clear on what Title IX actually DOES.


And by the way, I was as small forward. I could, and still can, block out Palin with my hips and steal the ball. And have every intention of doing so in this election.

I’m Just Hoping By November 5th, I Still Have Friends

A sad and disturbing thing happened at Kindergarten this week.

I finally started talking to some other parents.

I then immediately alienated them.

It started innocently enough. I was volunteering to work in the class room, discussing dates with the ‘room mom’ when her husband showed up. He, of course, introduced himself and we all chatted like old friends.

This is the couple that had already met my husband and chatted. In the back of my mind I was thinking ‘sweet! friends! I wonder if they drink?’ when I got the ‘so what do you do?’ question.

‘I’m the political director for a site called blogher, it’s a network of women bloggers.’

‘Oh, really…so what do you think of this Palin thing…she’s getting a lot of the women’s vote, huh?’

And then…something happend. It was like, involuntary. I launched into this tirade on women voters and issues and how, actually, a new study showed Clinton voters are now 55% less likely to vote for McCain due to the Palin pick and women actually vote on issues, not gender…so assuming they would vote for Palin based on gender was not only untrue but rather insulting…and on, and on, and on.

He then politely said something to his wife about his dentist appointment and left the table, moving to talk to a much less crazy mother.

I can’t even have a normal conversation while waiting for Kindergarten pick-up. I am hopelessly trapped in the echo-chamber and I see no real escape until November 5th, 2008.

I just hope I will have friends when it’s all over.

Scratch that, I don’t care if I have friends so long as Obama wins. Then I’ll work on that friend thing. And maybe talk about something like…the weather.

Sundays are for laundry, football, and leftover pierogies*


The dough:

5 cups of flour

1 pint of sour cream

2 eggs

1 egg yolk

pinch of salt

2 tablespoons of melted butter

2 teaspoons of olive oil

You can hand mush it all together. Split it in half. Cover it with a kitchen towel. Let it sit for a good 10 minutes or so. Roll it out and use a glass to make circles. Fill with filling (two versions below) pinch together to seal. boil until they float. saute in pan with butter and onions or just butter until golden brown. top with sour cream and nom nom nom.


1/2 lbs ground beef


green onion

farmers cheese

salt/pepper/garlic salt

Or- a potato filling:

3-4 boiled potatoes

farmers cheese




garlic salt

mash em!

*normally I’d also say Meet the Press too, but I just did two weeks of nonstop conventions and this Sunday I avoided the talking heads.

Why Women Need To Be OK With Kaine As The Country’s Next VP

Virginia Governor Tim Kaine says he has a “faith-based opposition” to abortion and it’s got women voters buzzing. As a speculated VP nominee, the buzz is growing into a loud roar.

I’d like to squish the bees creating the noise, maybe not with my entire shoe but at least with a nice rolled-up newspaper.

Gloria Feldt writes, “But mostly, Obama should not choose Kaine because Kaine opposes a woman’s most fundamental human right to decide her own destiny by making her own childbearing decisions. Kaine opposes a long-standing central tenet of the Democratic party platform; in fact, the platform committee just adopted its strongest pro-choice language yet. I mean, how do the Democrats think they attracted all those women they are now taking for granted in the first place?

Kaine’s statement that abortion shouldn’t be criminalized, as in this Meet the Press interview is a step in the right direction, but not nearly sufficient. Women are too close to losing reproductive justice overall, as illustrated by the Bush administration’s move to redefine contraception as abortion. We’re not talking a minor policy issue over which there can be legitimate disputes. As Linda Hirshman wrote so compellingly in Slate, we need to consider the value of a woman’s life.”

A bunch of that is BS. Normally I would completely discount anyone lauding Hirshman (the woman who compared herself to Socrates and dissed stay-at-home-moms because “the tasks of housekeeping and child rearing were not worthy of the full time and talents of intelligent and educated human beings” ) but gaffe aside, let’s go ahead and tackle the idea that Obama’s running mate is less than pro-choice.

We could go through and talk about Kaine’s repeated his position supporting Roe and what he’s done as Governor…however, let’s just put all that aside too.

Let’s deal with the realities of this country. The reality of government. The reality of America in 2008.

The abortion issue is never going to be resolved. The abortion issue is never going to go away. The abortion issue is one of the many, many issues that splits this country right down the middle.

I think we can all agree extreme viewpoints in politics, religion, and American life have led to stalemates, ugly campaigning, inaction of government, special interest, and even death, destruction, and wars.

So why is it bad to have a VP who WILL NOT vote to overturn Roe v Wade, yet does express concern with abortion?

That makes him like many of my neighbors. Like many in my family. Like many of my friends and like half of this country. I certainly will not be agreeing with them anytime soon, but I would like Thanksgiving to be more civil.

Senator Obama keeps talking about change. The biggest, single change our country could see is unity. Ending the divisive, nasty way of life we currently lead.

Are you really willing to hear all sides of an argument and bring everyone to the table? Are you really willing to respect all voices in this country? Even the ones you TOTALLY disagree with? Will you at least listen?

Or will you stay set in your extreme ways, and sit and wait for your knight to rescue you?

BlogHer Contributing Editor PunditMom writes, “But if Obama really wants to end up in the White House, he and his campaign need to help shake the feeling that he’s not making the ‘ask’ in a way that connects with the groups he needs.

Barack, Mama Ann and PunditMom’s mom want to vote for you. You just need to be a little more “into” them.”

I would argue that not only is the Senator “into” you, but he’s rising above your divisiveness. He’s into pro-choice you, and anti-choice you, and Christian-you, and atheist-you, and even blow-hard Republican-you.

Senator Obama is listening. He’s also making good on all that talk about real change.

A Kaine VP pick means he’s walking the walk.

The question becomes, can you walk it too? Or will you remain in one corner, while the rest of us-all of us– have our voices heard at the table.

Cross posted at BlogHer