Pixar, Can We Talk?

It’s November and naturally that means my children have that ‘fine one week’, ‘snotty and puking the next’ thing going on. It means when Ratatouille comes out on DVD, and we’ve been couped up in the house for a week with some random preschool virus, I go to the store to get it right away.

Now. I’ve talked about this issue before…but can I just please, say this again…just in case you didn’t hear me way-back-when before CARS came out…


We’re going to buy your shit anyway. You’re not getting any more marketing leverage here. We’re a captive and totally sold audience. All you are doing is making my life hell. HELL.

So really, I see two options here…you can release WALL*E now, or you can send a letter of explanation to my robot-loving son giving him solid reasons (that means I don’t want to hear “to generate buzz” “to market more toys” or “to pump up the hype before the box office release”) why he has to wait until late summer of 2008. I fully understand you need a few good months of hype…but HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD THINK of the PARENTS.

You make amazing movies. They are kid movies, and yes we adults love them too. But I have to ask-DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND KIDS AT ALL? You don’t even MENTION santa is coming until about Halloween, because you KNOW they will be through the ROOF until December 25th. You don’t tell them you are going to DisneyWorld a YEAR before you go.


I can swear on my womb that you don’t need to worry about selling us WALL*E toys. We’re buying them. It’s just a GIVEN. My wallet is yours.

Now release the fucker early or babysit my kid. Take your pick.

Getting Pantsed

I arrived home from Vegas a few hours ago and have been in a death grip by the 2.5 year old.

When Mom goes away, death grips are administered for a good week upon her return. They tend to pant me when their little hands grip my sweats…but other than that, they are usually harmless.

So basically I was pulled from the almost surreal whirlwind that was BlogWorld Expo and total concentration on Photrade.com and the social media community ( feeling like I can’t even say my “bloggy” friends anymore) and given no transition time to even unpack before I was laying my daughter down in her bed and pulling her hands from her pull-up because she fell asleep grabbing her crotch.

Some women have a hard time shutting off the Madonna and turning into the whore, not me. I have a hard time shutting off the Hillary and turning into Mrs. Cleaver. One minute I’m conquering the world, and the next I’m under a bunk bed frantically trying to retrieve a lost Elmo.

I wonder if my decision to stay at home with the kids wasn’t only for the benefits, but because I have a hard time focusing and concentrating on them and ANYTHING else…be it work or otherwise. They scatter my head. They scatter just about everything…but also my head…and I also wonder if I’m capable of doing anything SMALL. For those who know me…it’s balls out all the time, and I go big or go home. Queen goes big. I’m not content with a little gig here or there, I launch companies, found virtual conferences, host “firsts” and create waves. Waves that leave little ones grabbing for the side of the boat from the wake.

As they get older and I work more, I find myself throwing myself into projects and neglecting my Mom role and then throwing myself into MOM and neglecting my projects. It’s a constant battle that results in death grips on a crazy, laptop carrying lady, pants to her ankles, towing kids.

Balancing work and home sucks. Balancing with pants around your ankles sucks. Of course my mind automatically wanders to more family friendly companies, conferences (thanks for the babysitting BlogHer) and a good kick in the ass of the attitudes of some professionals and colleagues I know…god knows I love me a good Queen smack down…but all of that sounds like another project for another time.

Right now I’m tired. I really need to pull up my pants, release the death grip on these sweats, and get us all some sleep. Maybe tomorrow I’ll activate my world domination plan while I knit and read blogs.

PreSchool Fashion

It’s not that I mind if my children go upstairs in their PJ’s and come downstairs in some crazy outfit. If they want to go to school dressed in a tank top and parachute pants that’s fine by me…what is making me batty is the 25 minutes my son is spending picking out his clothes on a daily basis. The long sleeved shirt is too yellow. The pants are not fancy enough. The underwear need to have Lightening McQueen, NOT Mater.

It’s exhausting. He even CRIES if I try and tell him the yellow shirt with the stripes is just fine for school. Cries and insists it’s NOT RIGHT.

25 minutes. 25 minutes and he emerges…

The girl isn’t much better. Her inner fashionista usually involves how to incorporate ELMO into her outfit. If Elmo can’t be incorporated, then his stuffed version must be carried as an accessory. Its harder than you think to get Elmo involved daily.

Can’t I just lay out some clothes every day and be done with it? Does she really HAVE to have the pull-up with ONLY Cinderella and NOT the group of Princesses? Will it really mark a meltdown of Chernobyl proportions?

When did my kids get so picky?

This is that whole, asserting their unique little selves…isn’t it? This gets worse, doesn’t it?

Just wondering, because I’m trying to leave the house and they are fretting over wardrobe. Me? Sweats. T-shirt. So I don’t know where they get it. I swear. Really.


The Next Alex P. Keaton

I don’t know where he gets it. Count Waffles the Terrible, who is all of 4 and a half years old is a quick study. After suffering yet another sibling indignity (his sister stole a car out of his hands) he declares, “Mom, can we just have a ‘no hot wheels for Hala’ policy in the house?”

Actually, I just posted this because it’s exactly the kind of thing I’m sure would drive Bill Maher crazy. Mommy drivel. I just might talk about potty training next. Lord knows if you’re not talking about Iraq or fill-in-the-blank political scandal you can’t possibly be making a difference in the world or understand satire.

Bitter much?

Well, that and my kid is cute as hell.


I want another baby.

I’m sure this feeling will go away in about 10 seconds when someone is crying, or whining, or reminding me why I’m 30lbs heavier than I used to be and 300 times grumpier. But right now, at this very second, looking at these very photos…my womb aches.

Jesus, Bills, and a Blood Moon

Typical conversation between Queen and Kaiser:

[14:19] JackandHalasMom: red moon tonight

[14:19] AaronatD2: does that mean you want a spanking?

[14:20] AaronatD2: is that code or something?

[14:20] JackandHalasMom: http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/LEmono/TLE2007Aug28/TLE2007Aug28.html

[14:21] AaronatD2: You know, according to Jesus the moon will turn red when he comes back to defeat George Bush..er…the Antichrist.

[14:21] JackandHalasMom: cool

[14:22] JackandHalasMom: let the apocalypse begin!

[14:22] JackandHalasMom: do you think, you know if the end starts, we’d still have to pay bills

[14:22] JackandHalasMom: or would it be a free for all?

[14:22] AaronatD2:  Yeah, we’ll just tell the power company we were raptured.

[14:23] JackandHalasMom: hard to live in a house and not pay the mortgage. I mean, we can CLAIM rapture..but we’d still be using it

[14:23] AaronatD2: right.

[14:24] JackandHalasMom: we have to hope for a major destruction of financial institution, ie the moneychangers

[14:24] AaronatD2: I think Jesus will take them out.

[14:24] AaronatD2: He’s done it before.

[14:24] AaronatD2: and he was only 12 then.

[14:24] AaronatD2: And hadn’t come to realize his full power.

[14:24] JackandHalasMom: lol,kinda like a death star unfinished kinda thing

[14:25] AaronatD2: exactly.

[14:25] JackandHalasMom: that’s fine. so long as I don’t have to pay any bills

Inky Love

I’m contemplating something huge. I have been for many years, but I’m on the brink of a decision. It may seem ridiculous to some of you. It may seem just plain stupid to others. For me, its a form of expression I haven’t used in quite awhile. Now, I’m going to say something and totally lose at least 20 of you right off the bat-but just stick with me here, k?

new tattoo.

Now hear me out. I know I’m 32-years old and I am married and I have two children. I REALIZE that. This is not some lame attempt to try and be cool. I have 5 of them already. I don’t get a new tattoo without thinking it over (ok, not counting the first one, but that was simply because I turned 18 and COULD) and really making sure its what I want.

Normally this would not be such a huge decision for me, were it not for the location of this new ink stain. You see, I’m contemplating covering my whole left foot. My mother just fell off her computer chair.

All of my other tats are pretty much hidden. That was on purpose. I never felt they needed to be “LOOK AT ME HERE I AM” all over my body and I certainly didn’t get them to show off to the rest of the world. They were for me.

This new one, its for me too but its location is also significant because it was part of my wedding. Being the kind of couple we are, the Kaiser and I did not have the most traditional of ceremonies. He wore his Chucks. I had bridal mehndi by a lovely Indian woman in Cerritos, CA who painstakingly spent about 6 hours on my feet.

I want a tattoo artist to recreate that mehndi on my left foot, incorporating my children’s names. Unless I walk around in socks or boots for the rest of my life, this new display of body art will be really, really noticeable. Forever.

I know I’ve touched on this subject before, but I really do worry how Ms. UpTight Teacher might take Mom with Tats. While I don’t care what people think of me, I don’t want to handicap my kids. Sure they will learn the lesson that Mom doesn’t care what other people think and neither should they, but I don’t want to ever be a burden for them.

Its amazing the decisions I make lately. None of them have to do with me, or what I want. All of them have to do with what is best for my kids. Such is parenthood. There are those small decisions that are selfish that I allow now, like a weekend away or the 4pm being the new 5pm for cocktail hour. But this one is different. I can’t think of how or why this would help me be a better mother. I’m not seeing the “pro” for my kids here, other than “mom is an individual.” At least with taking a weekend to myself I come back refreshed and a better Mom. Part of this whole tattoo thing just feel to TOTALLY selfish that I’m having a hard time justifying it.

Which is probably why it has taken me so long to really get my butt in gear to go do it. Setting aside that this is a tattoo decision, I think my whole dilemma here is a larger question we Moms ask ourselves all the time. How much do “I” matter anymore? How do I separate or incorporate the “me” in this whole motherhood thing.

I am Mom.

Or am I more than Mom? I am wife, I am friend, I am me..but really, I AM MOM. Its so dominating. Not a thought goes by without I AM MOM ringing in my head. Even when I try to separate a bit, I always come back to I AM MOM.

Maybe I’ll just have I AM MOM tattooed on my forehead. As if the whiny kids tagging along behind me aren’t advertising enough. So I send the questions in my head out into the great, global community-where do you draw the line?Where does Mom begin and where do you end? Can you draw the line? Are there any lines? And more importantly, do I draw some permanent lines all over my feet?

Mind Games

There are days when it’s painfully obvious to me I no longer take Paxil. You may not notice. My family may not notice. The UPS guy I flirt with may not notice, but in my head there is really good cage match going on between happy fun thoughts and utterly ridiculous anxiety.

I’d like to think I just have a very active imagination. I tell my kids all day long to use theirs-I am simply a shining example of how to really, really imagine fun scenarios like husband dies in car wreck on way home from work, and the classic home invasion/kidnapping of kids party in my head.

Before the medication these thoughts were rampant and kept me awake at night and dictated if and when I went anywhere. While on the medication these thoughts were few and far between. Now, off the medication, the little scenarios play out in my head from time to time, but I can usually recognize them, shake them off, and move on to happier thoughts like sex with my UPS guy.

Its important to note I’ve also been diagnosed with some mild post traumatic stress. Before I gave birth, I was a news reporter. Unfortunately, I was a really good news reporter and had a knack for arriving on horrific scenes before emergency responders. That means I saw parents trying to pull burning children from homes on fire. I saw hostage situations unfold before my eyes, before I was pushed away by yellow tape. I heard gunshots, saw little figures come out in body bags, and generally spent my days flitting from interviews with Tom Hanks to murder suicides.

There was a period of time after I had the kids in which I tried to NOT pay attention to the news. I found it unacceptable. I MUST be informed on what’s going on in the world, even if its horrific. I’ve learned to temper my news obsession with mindless fun. I’ve learned to tune out certain stories, or only read the headline and then walk away. However its much more difficult when you’re PART of that story.

Two earthquakes here in SoCal lately. One yesterday. One massive earthquake in Peru. 1-foot tsunami. Tomorrow we will pack up the kids and head to the beach-to sleep. Why does all this matter?

Welcome back my old friend anxiety.

The odds of a large earthquake off the coast of central California causing a major tsunami that wipes out my family tent and all its occupants may be small-but the hell if I haven’t thought about it for the past 48 hours.

With images of the horrible 2004 Christmas disaster spawned by a quake in the Indian Ocean fresh in my head, I’m playing out ridiculous and horrifying scenes in my active imagination.

We’re peacefully sleeping when we hear screaming, waves engulf us as I try and grab the kids…I’m holding onto both for dear life as we try and tread the salty ocean water.

We’re warned a tsunami is coming and we rush to our car, throwing things in as we flee. Its California and people are in a panic, so naturally we’re stuck in traffic. Which way to we go? Are we far enough east? Can we climb that nearby mountain with those waves on our heels?

We’ve in our tent when the water comes rushing in. The tent is closed, we can’t reach the zipper. The kids are screaming and crying, I can’t reach my daughter. I can’t reach my son.

I don’t know why I feel the need to play out these little vignettes in my head. Part of me thinks I need a plan. If this situation occurs, I want to know what to do. I want to be prepared. I need a dry run. Part of me wonders if I just half expect something like this to occur in my lifetime. I’m simply aware of each situation and what could occur. Better that then to be caught off guard.

I’m packing for our little trip as I type this. My 4-year old really wants to sleep in a tent under the stars. I really want him to sleep in a tent under the stars. While I’m certainly no camper, the beach sounds like fun. Spending my wedding anniversary in a tent with my husband and kids while I imagine terrifying tragedies-not my ideal way to spend a weekend, but its that or stay indoors. Do nothing, go nowhere and pretend all is safe and well.

I know better. I know I need to get out there and bat away mosquitoes while I roast marshmallows. I know I need to push my fears aside and NOT freak out when I hear waves crash on the shore.

So I will continue to pack. I will NOT visit the earthquake monitoring homepage today and I will NOT pay too much attention to CNN. I’m going take a deep breathe and pitch a tent. Of course I won’t really know how to make it sturdy, but I’ll watch Kaiser use his fine Boy Scout skills. I’ll build sandcastles and make a big deal out of sleeping bags and flashlights.

I might even quiet my mind long enough to enjoy myself and have a nice UPS guy fantasy.
See you Monday campers.