The Booginator

I like to think of the blogosphere as my own, big, personal confessional.
I blather, you make me feel better. Or you make me laugh. Or you get me so pissed off I write more. Whatever. All I know is I tell you everything and somehow come out of it feeling clean.

So why stop???

I have a problem. A really, really big problem. And with school just around the corner, bringing with it the snot party of snotty snot goodness, I need to talk.

I can’t stop picking my kids’ noses.

I refuse to let them cry themselves to sleep-calling the practice “barbaric” and “lazy”  parenting, yet I will hold my kids down, against their will, and pry boogers out of their noses while they scream bloody murder.
Yeah, I don’t get it either.
I like it. I like to dig in there and get out a real crusty one. I like to get my fingernail way up in their nasal cavity and jimmy the goo and crust clean, almost smiling at the “pop” when it breaks free from skin and hair.

I can’t stop.

The poor, poor little Peanut currently has a slight runny nose. Just enough to create booger, but not enough for constant tissue. The Perfect Storm, if you will, of goo and crust that makes that hard, green, gob on her inner, tiny, nose hole.

I am her torturer.

I can’t stop.

It’s no surprise I’m not a fan of runny nosed kids. They just look dirty.So it goes with my manic, stepford crazy, clean wife thing pretty well. The problem is ¦I will let them walk around with chocolate, cheese, and yogurt on their chins all day. But get a booger? Oh, hell no. And BAM, I’m on it.

I can’t stop. Help me.

Turning Off the Mom

You know the hot date with your husband isn’t getting off on the right foot when you’re doing u-turns and on the phone with 4-1-1 trying to find the restaurant.

annoyed and saying things like “Goddammit, Erin” and I’m desperately trying to make lame jokes in an attempt to relieve the tension. You know, only to further annoy the husband.
We had babysitters. We had showers. (what? Sometimes that’s harder than it seems with two kids) and we had an anniversary gift of cold hard cash to fund our night of kidless debauchery.

But we couldn’t find the fucking restaurant.

Of course it was exactly where we thought it was and we had passed it several times, but when it comes to hidden Italian places in Suburbia that have changed their name and tucked themselves into the only corner of a strip mall not visible to those living in this town for the past 7 years, people are bound to be late.

And after some calamari and wine, I begin to push the kids and the, “I wonder if the baby tried that stair jump thing she does when I’m standing in front of her with her grandma and has cracked her head open, because I forgot to warn grandma that she sometimes jumps from that one, particular stair? thoughts out of my head.

And I relax.


Then came the martini bar, and two grey goose with blue cheese olives, and I’m actually hitting up the owner of the place up for his babysitter info.

I’m so sad.

I can’t get out for one night with my husband and just relax. No. I have to get drunk and pester the barkeep about where he found his really good babysitter that he takes on vacation with him and oh, can I have her number, and you pay her how much? Cool and let’s exchange info and yeah, we’ll have one more drink so you can tell me more about your babysitter!

I suck.

I think when the baby weans (whenever that is) the Kaiser and I should take a short vacation. But that thought already has me feeling guilty.

I. Can’t. Shut. Off. The. Mom.

Morning Mom musings at the breakfast table

I’m sitting at the kitchen table on my new laptop, as my children shriek on either side of me. I turn to “shush” them both, and I am mocked. Mocked.

“Shush!” I say, holding a finger to my lips. “Daddy is still sleeping!”

“Shush!” says the baby, holding a finger to her lips and laughing, hysterically.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!” she screams, in the way only baby girls can scream. The way that actually calls dogs from blocks away and shatters what is left of your right eardrum.

“Shush!” she says, once she stops the shriek. Putting a finger to her lip and again, laughing hysterically. Adding to the fun, her brother senses the pattern and joins in.

Great. A new game. Not the way I intended to start the morning.

On top of the entertaining and mind numbing scream and shush game, I’m cleaning up two plates of NOT eaten scrambled eggs. The ones the 3-year-old insisted he must have, over anything else, or he would simply die, right there on my wood floors. The ones I cleaned a pan to make. The ones I had to stir while I balanced a 16-month-old on my hip and quieted the dying 3-year-old on the wood floor with “just another minute…they are almost ready.”

Did I mention my coffee maker is broken? Big old crack in the glass bottom of the pot. So I’m trying to settle for tea. Tea. Motherfreaking tea. Where is Mocha when I need her?

But morning will eventually become afternoon. And there will be a nap, if I have to resort to cold medicine to get there.

Shut up. My kids actually have the sniffles AND I could make a case that they need Benadryl. And Mommy has important news to share later today, so I need the quiet blogging time.

All that bitching I do? Turns out I’ve got backup.

Stay tuned. The Queen fights for good and squashes evil, while she shaves her poon and blows her hubby. I’m a multitasker, what can I say.

Go ahead and mark it down

In fairness to my readers, you might as well just start marking my PMS week on your little datebooks. Because another day has come and gone and I’m once again pissed off.

For those who don’t know, I’m on vacation. Which means I’m relaxed. I’m well fed (my mom stocked her house with my HUSBAND’s favorite candy, and he didn’t even come) and I have ample time to actually be kid free.

So today I went to Target. I needed to pick up these for Sarah’s Goon Squad. For those of you who know or read Sarah, you totally understand. The only thing I can add, is that somehow after years of drinking together, it became common for us to wear something (cat ears, viking helmets, crowns, etc.) on our heads. So I’m just passing on the tradition.

Anyway, I’m in Target and I’m passing the little girl section in the front. You know the one I mean. Not the baby girl section, but the kid girl section with all the t-shirts with sparkle cats on them and purses with fur. I glance over to admire the hot pink skirt and shirt combo when I read the little sign on top: “Flirty T’s for Summer.”


So, because I am that nosey and in a bad mood (stay with me here, it’s PMS week) I go see exactly what a “Flirty” T might be, and what age it might be for.

7,8, and 9-year olds.

Because as we all know, 7,8, and 9-year olds must have a Flirty T for Summer. It’s really not summer unless your daughter looks like a child bride/whore. Ok, actually the shirts weren’t that bad. Just shirts with silly slogans and designs. But, they were “flirty.”

At best, this is just a bad choice of words for Target’s sign guy. At worst, they are marketing the idea of flirting and being sexy to 7-year-olds.

Does this mean I have to boycott Target now too? There will be a few places left I can go buy my shit at, right? Should we all just chip in for some rural land and start a commune (with high speed connections and wifi, of course) now?

I can grow some pretty good tomatoes. And be the official shaver. I’m pretty good at mixing drinks, too. Anyone else have a talent they can contribute to our happy, evil free zone?

It’s that or I need something for PMS. Suggestions?

The Politics of Breeding

I had the balls to breed. Ok, I had the ovaries and he had the balls, but you know what I’m saying here. And apparently, that makes me less of a woman.

Stop and laugh about that for a second.

I made the choice to have children. And I’ve noticed lately, some beyootchs (Delta Flight 1781, seat 32B, some women at BlogHer who shall remain linkless, and that one woman I won’t even name because I’m sooooo over it and that little so-called “war�) aren’t too happy that I’ve procreated. I think. Or they aren’t too happy I left the workforce. Or they aren’t too happy I bring those children out in public and on a plane. Or maybe they are not too happy I actually write about my experiences as a mother. I’m not sure. I’m still fuzzy on why they are so cranky.

Maybe it’s not just the procreation that gets them. It’s the fact that I own my breeder status. I own it, I flaunt it, and dammit…I’ve got something to say. Sure I’m also a wife, a daughter, a writer, a reporter, a wannabe chef, a poet, a gardener, a sex goddess, and a sports nut. But my main focus, at this moment, is mother. I reserve the right to change that at any given time. But during this phase of my womanly life, I’m all mom.

My clothing says I nurse proudly. My blog says I cosleep proudly. My minivan just screams “Mooommmmmmmmy� as it motors through suburbia to preschool. You might as well stick me in khaki capri’s and a white t-shirt, label me “generic suburban mom, version 2.0,� and send me off to the PTA meeting.

That is who I was to the bitch who sat in front of my children and I as we travel across the country today. The one who moaned and groaned and when my daughter let out one of maybe two brief cries said “Oh Jesus, kids. Here we go!� She gave us dirty looks, she even gasped and sighed as my son giggled loudly. But her really nasty glares were directed at me. She looked at me like I was a poor excuse for a woman. She looked at me like it was my fault Hillary wasn’t President yet. She looked at me like I let her down.

I wanted to scream “…BUT I USED TO BE A REPORTER! I AM NOT JUST A…�

Why do I feel a need to make sure she knows I’m more than a Mom? Why do I look at these women and feel the urge to give them my resume? Will it somehow subside my Caucasian, stay-at-home, privileged guilt?


Kelly and I noted that the BlogHer Mommyblogging session was filled with Version 2.0. Our ankle tattoos varied here and there, but the majority of us were white, stay-at-home, Mommybloggers, bitching about how we felt belittled by the term “Mommyblogger.�


I used that session to try and get everyone to look ahead. To take this media darling role we’ve been given and shape it.

Maybe we’re still getting all the hate because we’re doing a whole lot of talking and complaining (me included) and not enough action.

Politicians do a lot of socializing. They gab and handshake and hug and talk about the kind of world they envision for their children.

Sounds a lot like Mommybloggers. Maybe that’s why they hate us so much.

So far, my kids have learned colors, letters, numbers and the usual from me. They have also learned that Mommy likes her lattes and her computer. She likes her computer friends so much that we get to go on vacation to see them all. I can’t think of many single moms who can do that. I can’t think of many lower income moms who can do that.

My kids need to learn more. They need to learn that Mommy can raise her kids and make a difference. She can work to see that next years Mommyblogging session isn’t so white. So suburban. She can use her role in today’s hottest new trend to get some laptops for some under priviledged Moms. Maybe internet service. Maybe a trip to BlogHer ’07. And who knows what else. But I’ve got the 24-hour hamster wheel going in my head since I returned from San Jose.

Instead of telling all the haters to stop reading us. Or to recognize what a hard job we have, and how important it is that we raise the next generation. I plan on earning their respect. I plan on working my ass off so the next time I get on a plane with my kids, the woman in front of us smiles at me with respect. Gratitude, even.


We can’t change our soccer mom image over night. Hell, most of us don’t even come close to fitting that image. And if nothing else, we can show our children what it really means to be a community.

I’ve got the balls. Do you?

The Queen has left San Jose

There is a stretch of Interstate 5 between Los Angeles and San Jose that will be scarred forever as a result of the Queen of Spain’s trek to Blogher ’06.It started with multiple stops, one on a dirt road in front of a tractor dealership, in a desperate and very tense attempt to stop the siren wails of one darling daughter. It ended with the Queen, topless, contorting herself in front of a car seat, jamming a tit into a baby’s mouth while the Kaiser drove 80 miles an hour.

And all of this was well before I drunkenly bitched at Dooce.

Make no mistake. Blogher 2006 was the year of the Mommyblog.

The Mom Army* had numbers this year and that really, really pissed off some women. All the panels talked to us. All the sponsors and corporate reps were courting us. The daycare was busy and the breastfeeding room quiet and thoughtful.

And while I stumbled to figure out “why all the hate?� I realized it’s all cyclical. Just because we were the media darlings this year, doesn’t mean women political bloggers or community assistance bloggers won’t hog the limelight next year.

You may not have liked that we were getting attention for posts on diapers and our ovaries, but keep in mind you don’t get anymore woman than mother. They go hand in hand. So make room for us and quit your bitching. You’ll get your turn. And if you don’t, just ride our coattails.

Speaking of bitching. Yes. It’s true. I marched up to Heather Armstrong and wanted to know why there seemed to be a disconnect between the first wave of mommybloggers and the second wave. I was not eloquent. I was not without slur. And being the Queen that I am, I went on and on and made no sense, all while spilling my free zinfandel on the shoes of those with mouth agape around me.

I think I redeemed myself, or at least clarified myself, at the following day’s Mommyblogger session.

Intentional or unintentional, we have formed a very close, strong community through mommyblogging. And I now rely on that community.

Everyday I share my virtual cup of sugar with my mom neighbors. Every day I feel less alone. Everyday I laugh my ass off at our silliness and joke about blow jobs and antidepressants and yes, pasties (Her Bad Mother, I’m looking at you)
As we gain in popularity, I really don’t want to lose that. I really feel that’s what makes us…well, us.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a fucking clue what to do about it. For those of you looking to expand (myself included) do you have a plan?

And before I get too serious, yes…there was debauchery and drunkenness and even a criminal element (blame Mocha, I had NOTHING to do with it). But I’ll save that for later. I gotta leave you hangin’. Because, you see…I missed most of EVERYTHING because Count Waffles and Nana got sick on Saturday.

Self fulfilling prophecy, I guess. The Kaiser partied downstairs while I wiped snot and administered children’s Tylenol. 24-hour Mom.

Part two, later. Including my hand holding with Arianna Huffington and my new girl crushes on Lisa Stone, Mir, and Grace Davis.

*IzzyMom is the clever one who made up Mom Army. I’m so not that clever.

On the road

Is there a patron saint of roadtrips with kids? I nominate St. Elmo of the Street.


We pray to you, St. Elmo, giver of bad grammar, seer of talking doors, to guide us safely to San Jose.

Make our trip free from diaper explosions, screaming explosions, tire explosions, temper explosions, “why? why? why?” explosions-explosions of any kind, really.

Oh, mighty Red One, give my husband the patience to deal with two children, a drunk wife, AND a mother-in-law. See that he is rewarded, nightly, with booze and bj’s.
We ask that you give the small ones slumber. Lots and lots of naps. And an overwhelming sense of calm. Zen, really. We ask you make the children zen until, at least, Sunday night.

We ask that you give Mommy a guilt-free weekend with friends. That she not be compelled to check the status of her children or their caretakers. We ask she also be given a new liver, once the fun is over. And if you see fit, no headaches or other post drinking symptoms. Please make her witty, charming, marketable. Or just witty and charming.
Elmo, hear our prayer.

San Jose, here we come.

The Queen and her Entourage-Blogher06

My MOTHER is coming to BlogHer06.

This started out as a Queen Alone Time WEEKEND and now my entire family, minus the cats, are coming to San Jose. When I travel, I travel with an entourage.

The kids are coming because the Princess is nursing. The Kaiser is coming to watch the kids. The mother is coming to watch the kids so the Kaiser can par-tay. And the flea on the mouse and the mouse on the cat and the cat on the dog and the dog…nevermind.

It’s all good, though. I not-so-secretly hope you girls hijack my Mom at some point and feed her a drink. Just one. That’s all she needs.

You see, my Mom and I are more than just Mother and Daughter. Or maybe that is exactly what we are. Mother and Daughter. Our relationship is wrapped in emotion, exhaustion, annoyance, and mothering. But while I can turn on the “friend� with my Mom and shut off the “daughter,� she rarely shuts off the “mom.� I mean, I know I never shut off the “mom� so the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Which is why she could use a drink. Or two. No, not two. Just one or she won’t be capable of watching my kids. See there, that was me not being able to shut off the “mom.�

My Mom got pregnant with me at 18. Which, I think, contributes to our closeness. She was still a babe when she had a babe. And we grew up together as friends and family.

Admittedly, as Queen of Spain, I don’t have as many girlfriends in my offline life as I do in my online life. I live far away from all the girls I grew up with. I live far away from college friends. And now I have “mom� friends. So my own mother remains my constant girlfriend. She knows BlogHer is big for me. And I know that she knows that I know she wants to witness. She’s very bad at pretending. She’s very good at mothering. She’s making double sure I get my “Queen Alone Time Weekend –with added bonus of witty, charming, handsome, successful, drunk, husband sprinkled here and there.�

Queen of Spain is a team effort. My behind the scenes crew is poised to make sure I have a good time. A good time in which I don’t worry about my kids. Wonder if they had lunch. Need a nap. A juice box. A kiss. A good time in which I also don’t feel any sort of guilt. These people love me so much they are bending over backwards to get me out and networking. Making sure my business cards are ready. Making sure I have the right shoes for the skirt. Taking off work. Getting on planes.

So, I figure I’m either extremely well loved. OR I’m so certifiable and out of my mind insane that this is the only way my husband and mother can guarantee I actually get out of my sweats, go do something I want, that is for me and no one else (read: kids) and have a good time.

I think I should throw in some Diva attitude, though. Just for good measure. I mean, if I’m going to travel to a blogging conference with this many people in my entourage, I should start demanding things.

I said put the baby’s PINK shoes on…not her red ones. And WHERE is my Lipton Green Tea?

I already tried that with the Hyatt. I still have two double beds for 5 people. Don’t they know I’m the Queen???

…Go check out the blogher site today. And please, say Hi to my mom. She’ll feel all famous.