Poster Family

Ever have one of those moments where you take a deep breathe, exhale, smile, and just know everything is right with the world? Mine are always immediately followed by overwhelming guilt.

We’re healthy. We’re happy. We’re fortunate. We’re the walking “American Suburban Dream Family” poster.

Tonight we watched in awe while the kids stared wide-eyed at the master chef in the “HAAAT! HAAAAT! Mommmmy! HHHAAAAAT!” local Japanese steakhouse. I have no doubt the Count will attempt cracking eggs on my spatula tomorrow morning, all while explaining to me (in his now, very informative and condescending 3-year-old tone) “No way Mom. The man at the place with the fishies did it this way, so I can too! I HAVE to do it like that. That is HOW you do it!”

Then at Ben & Jerry’s at the Suburbia Required Town Center, the Kaiser and kids were dancing to oldies blasting through the ice cream shop while I giggled and snuggled and had to force myself NOT to scream at the top of my lungs “MY LIFE IS FUCKING WONDERFUL! DO YOU SEE THIS, EVERYONE? THIS IS HAPPINESS!”

…but as always, my smugness was smacked by that bitch reality when the Count held his penis through his shorts and his oldies dance became the “keep the pee IN” shuffle and knowing his fear of LOUD flushing public toilets, someone was going to have to brave the local restroom…while someone else calmed what was bound to be a shrieking 16-month-old, aghast at the site of one of her parents leaving with her brother.

That entire thought process reminded me that the Count will be quick to meltdown in said public toliet, because only moments before his cherry garcia-topped-with-gummy-bear bliss, he was torn-kicking and screaming-from a toy truck, cleverly packaged with a book at suburbia’s book shop. Or coffee/music/toy/card/dvd/pen/journal mega-store, whatever you prefer.

So after the pee and shriek and clean-sticky-kids-after-ice -ream tag team by the Kaiser and I, we arrive back at the minivan to find that the Count left his toy from the Japanese steakhouse in the mega book/coffee/card/body of hoffa/cd mart.

Sensing we just don’t need the row of flashing Japanese fake teeth that will surely send us into seizures later, we play dumb and vaguely answer the Count’s desperate cries of “BUT WHERE COULD IT BE, MOMMY? I LOST IT? OH, MOMMY. I LOST THE SPECIAL SURPRISE FROM THE PLACE WITH THE FISHIES!” with “eeerrrr. ummmmm. I’m not sure where it could be….ummmm… must have left it somewhere…..ummmm. oh, yes, I am so sorry you lost your very special toy (that you’ve had for less than an hour and cost 2 cents to make) I’m sure another little boy will find it where you lost it and he will be soooooooo happy. So don’t worry sweetie.”

Now safely back home, having endured tears but minimal screaming over the loss of the crap toy, I read from one of the new books we dutifully purchased after rock-star trashing the children’s section of the store.

Both kids snuggle on either side of me. One nursing, the other listening to every word. I turn the pages like a pro and wonder, again, how I got so lucky and feel my heart bursting through my skin.

The Kaiser sits next to us and I wish there was a photographer hiding in my kitchen to quickly capture this American Suburban Family moment. You know, for the next poster.

And then I realize the baby isn’t really nursing, she’s sucking a finger while she pinches my nipple, and hitting me with some hard plastic case. And the 3-year-old? He’s listening, but with his fingers in his ears because he’s afraid of the story.

The Kaiser looks at me over all the nonsense and we catch eyes. Roll eyes. Laugh.

Maybe we’re not the poster family after all. But I’m not complaining.

Happy Anniversary honey.

The Huffington Post and the Queen of Spain

I am pleased to announce my new partnership with

the Huffington Post.

Please head on over there now, and read until McDonalds and Hummer are bankrupt, Target stops selling “Flirty” T-shirts to six-year-olds or I have nothing left to bitch about.

And you all know when that will be. *cough cough NEVER cough cough*

Proof! Men Are Idiots!

Men. Duckcamps. Whatnot.

That phrase is a censored version of the usual “Boys Are Stupid” that Sarah and I exchange all too frequently when speaking about our husbands.

Figuring we’ll do a pretty good job at fucking up our sons in many other ways, we decided we needed to ditch “Boys Are Stupid” in favor of some sort of code that wouldn’t make the little men around us actually grow up thinking we found them stupid.

That’s just good rearin’ of the chilrin’, ya’ll. (blow bubble-POP! and scene)

For those of you who have read (not seen the movie) The Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood, you know the men often hideout in the duckcamps to get away from the crazy women. Or to avoid changing diapers and actually scrubbing a toliet. Whichever.

Somehow “Boys Are Stupid” was changed to “Men and their duckcamps.”

With all of that explained, I would also like to offer you a definition from Wikipedia:


A beard is the hair that grows on a man’s chin, cheeks, neck, and the area above the upper lip (the opposite is a clean-shaven face). When differentiating between upper and lower facial hair, a beard specifically refers to the facial hair on the lower part of a man’s chin (excluding the moustache, which refers to hair above the upper lip and around it).

My idiot husband seems to think he must make a conscience decision to grow a beard in order for it to be called a beard.

He’s obviously high.

The man fails to shave for 2 days and he has significant scruff and the children recoil when he goes to kiss them. 2 weeks and he’s got a full on beard. 2 months and he’s a lumberjack.

But this man o’ mine seems to think that just because he’s lazy, that does not mean he has a beard. Simply natural facial hair.

And he actually argued this with me tonight until he was blue in the face. Well, the face that I could still see under his pile of black and gray mass of tiny, piercing, needles of death.

Turns out, he says, what is on his face now IS actually a beard. Because he chose to grow it. All the other times, he was just lazy. Translation: ALL THE TIME.

I’m still really tired and jetlagged and busy with the things I mentioned in an earlier post that I still can’t tell you yet (hopefully today, I swear)-so can you all lay the smack down on him for me, please? Send him back to his duckcamp or wherever.

I also offer up some photos to show you what he says is “not” a beard, just lazy shaving weeks.

Morning Mom musings at the breakfast table

I’m sitting at the kitchen table on my new laptop, as my children shriek on either side of me. I turn to “shush” them both, and I am mocked. Mocked.

“Shush!” I say, holding a finger to my lips. “Daddy is still sleeping!”

“Shush!” says the baby, holding a finger to her lips and laughing, hysterically.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!” she screams, in the way only baby girls can scream. The way that actually calls dogs from blocks away and shatters what is left of your right eardrum.

“Shush!” she says, once she stops the shriek. Putting a finger to her lip and again, laughing hysterically. Adding to the fun, her brother senses the pattern and joins in.

Great. A new game. Not the way I intended to start the morning.

On top of the entertaining and mind numbing scream and shush game, I’m cleaning up two plates of NOT eaten scrambled eggs. The ones the 3-year-old insisted he must have, over anything else, or he would simply die, right there on my wood floors. The ones I cleaned a pan to make. The ones I had to stir while I balanced a 16-month-old on my hip and quieted the dying 3-year-old on the wood floor with “just another minute…they are almost ready.”

Did I mention my coffee maker is broken? Big old crack in the glass bottom of the pot. So I’m trying to settle for tea. Tea. Motherfreaking tea. Where is Mocha when I need her?

But morning will eventually become afternoon. And there will be a nap, if I have to resort to cold medicine to get there.

Shut up. My kids actually have the sniffles AND I could make a case that they need Benadryl. And Mommy has important news to share later today, so I need the quiet blogging time.

All that bitching I do? Turns out I’ve got backup.

Stay tuned. The Queen fights for good and squashes evil, while she shaves her poon and blows her hubby. I’m a multitasker, what can I say.

…of airplane rides and volvos

It’s good to be home.

Florida can take it’s “Florida Cracker Farm Supply” trucks. I’ll keep my Los Angeles nutjobs.

Only in LA

In case you can’t make it out, it says “Jesus is the Bomb…that blew up Lucifer’s face.”

That made the ride home easier after the “horror we shall never speak of” from Tampa to Los Angeles via Delta.

Let’s just say there is a plane up there now, much more colorful than it used to be. Not to mention a Mom with some new tats. And many passengers really unhappy with a Queen and her screaming meemees.

airplane ride aftermath

Back to my regular bitching once I get some sleep.


I nearly did a U-turn, just for YOU, to snap a picture of my new, favorite river:

The Mighty Withalacoochee.

Ok, so I added the “mighty” part. But if it’s got coochee, you know it’s mighty.

Needless to say, I did not sink my hoochie in the Withalacoochee, as I was too busy trying to meet up with the darling Shash of Diary of a Crazed Mommy on the very last day of my vacation.

Driving down an open stretch of road, sun beating down on your arm, no kids are in the back seat bickering. No husband is next to you navigating.

It’s just you, Pearl Jam’s Evenflow, and 300 horse power, 1994 Corvette.

How fast do you go? Be honest. Not a cop in sight. Not another car or truck in sight. No houses. No schools. Just trees and Withalacoochee Forest land.

I’m not telling you how fast I went. Because my husband freaked out when I told him. And I nearly snapped a photo of the spedometer. But then I figured I’d end up on Fark after the arrest, what with the digital evidence and all.

All I can say, is that I may or may not have hit some triple digits. Easy. But I’m not saying.

And it was well worth it to eat some fantastic BBQ with the lovely Shash. We gabbed like old friends over sweetened tea and some good southern pulled pork. She’s fabulous. And sassy.

Isn't Shash cute?

And downright adorable. While my tits and waist look really odd. I swear that’s not how they really look.

Wow. “Coochee” and “pork” in the same post and this isn’t about me shaving or sex or anything.

And memories of bbq, manatees, family, and flirty t-shirts at Target had better pull me through as I trudge through new security measures in the wee hours of Tuesday. I’ll be toting two small children, two carry ons (without juice boxes, the joy) and a stroller that I am sure no one will sit in.

We’ll fly over five hours in a tube through the sky and across the country. Then, if there are no emergency landings due to my unruley children and their hagard mother, we’ll land and make Daddy carry carseats, suitcases, strollers, diaper bags, and a stray stuffed doll or two across the hell that is the LAX parking garage.


…that she wore for the first time today

Deep Breathe.



It started very innocently. My happy summer by our California pool and now at the Florida beach has given me golden arms and a very freckled face. Lifting my shirt for the 30th time to nurse while casually lounging on my parent’s patio, my little girl patted my pasty white belly and screeched, “BeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!� as though it’s sheer glare blinded her for life.

I have covered my womb and its stretch marks since well before I gave birth to our son over three years ago. Even when I lost all the pregnancy weight the first time, I wore a one piece.

Mothers of my age shouldn’t go around in a two piece. We’re not 19 anymore. And we have children, for goddsake.

At 128lbs (my thinnest ever) I wore a modest one piece bathing suit. Ok, a little high on the side, and a no/low back going on. But other than that, it was just a black one piece.

Baby #2 is now almost 17-months old and I’m 148lbs. The belly is carrying that 20lbs. My laptop is sitting below it, currently, and if you didn’t know any better you would think I was still 4 months pregnant.

So why, in the hell, would I put on a bikini? And then actually leave the house???

I blame my mother. Easy, I know. But I blame her for everything, so this works too. And because I saw one on the Target clearance rack and figured I could wear it in my backyard only. When no one was around. And I was in my own, private, backyard. Then my tummy could get some sun and the façade of being a modest mother could continue. (Insert your own joke here)

I tried it on this morning and my mother insisted it looked great and I should wear it to the beach. THE BEACH.

So I did. And I spent the whole beach trip pulling it up. Fussing with the skirt/cover up so it showed less ass and less tummy, taking on and off my tank top. Then, finally, just not caring anymore. And that’s when the trouble started. Or in my case, when I had to forget about me for a bit and focus on, oh, say…the safety and well being of my children.

…my son decided to chase some birds. Far. Far. Away. Being the typical male that he is, and the progeny of his dear old dad…a 2-year-old girl-there with her elderly grandparents-followed him. Of course my mother was busy tending to my own daughter, and the elderly grandparents of the girl were in no shape to chase. So off I went. And I had to move fast, because both the tiny girl and her Pied Piper were headed to the seawall and it’s steep drop off into nothingness and tomorrow’s tragic news headlines.

Bizzaro Baywatch Mommy went running (feel free to mentally add the slow motion) in a bikini, in front of dozens of svelte locals and tourists, after two small and in-deep-shit children.

I had to do the boob hold. You know the one I am talking about. The one where you have to run, so you either grab your tits or what is holding your tits (in this case the halter top of the bikini) so as not to give yourself a black eye or flash the young and impressionable Floridians.  

I’d also like to point out that running in sand is in no way romantic, easy, or fun.

I shall now crawl back into my one piece and start the revised hippo diet. It will begin next week (when my vacation and mother’s cooking ends) and involve many green veggies and fruit.

…or maybe just lipo and booze. We’ll see how it goes.

Until then, our beach photos are up on Flickr. Lucky for you, I’m wearing my tank top.

Go ahead and mark it down

In fairness to my readers, you might as well just start marking my PMS week on your little datebooks. Because another day has come and gone and I’m once again pissed off.

For those who don’t know, I’m on vacation. Which means I’m relaxed. I’m well fed (my mom stocked her house with my HUSBAND’s favorite candy, and he didn’t even come) and I have ample time to actually be kid free.

So today I went to Target. I needed to pick up these for Sarah’s Goon Squad. For those of you who know or read Sarah, you totally understand. The only thing I can add, is that somehow after years of drinking together, it became common for us to wear something (cat ears, viking helmets, crowns, etc.) on our heads. So I’m just passing on the tradition.

Anyway, I’m in Target and I’m passing the little girl section in the front. You know the one I mean. Not the baby girl section, but the kid girl section with all the t-shirts with sparkle cats on them and purses with fur. I glance over to admire the hot pink skirt and shirt combo when I read the little sign on top: “Flirty T’s for Summer.”


So, because I am that nosey and in a bad mood (stay with me here, it’s PMS week) I go see exactly what a “Flirty” T might be, and what age it might be for.

7,8, and 9-year olds.

Because as we all know, 7,8, and 9-year olds must have a Flirty T for Summer. It’s really not summer unless your daughter looks like a child bride/whore. Ok, actually the shirts weren’t that bad. Just shirts with silly slogans and designs. But, they were “flirty.”

At best, this is just a bad choice of words for Target’s sign guy. At worst, they are marketing the idea of flirting and being sexy to 7-year-olds.

Does this mean I have to boycott Target now too? There will be a few places left I can go buy my shit at, right? Should we all just chip in for some rural land and start a commune (with high speed connections and wifi, of course) now?

I can grow some pretty good tomatoes. And be the official shaver. I’m pretty good at mixing drinks, too. Anyone else have a talent they can contribute to our happy, evil free zone?

It’s that or I need something for PMS. Suggestions?