I want to play bridge and drink bloody marys*

I want to watch Oprah.

I do not want to work.

I want to be head of the PTA.

I want to organize fundraisers.

I want my husband to make the money while I tidy up the house.

I want to keep my engagement ring.

I want to get a new tattoo.

I want to listen to Mary J. Blige AND Laurie Berkner.

I want you to stop assuming I’m a bad feminist or simply a suburban soccer mom, even if I am.

I want to stop defending my choices to other women.

I want to play bridge and drink bloody marys.

*my new favorite phrase, coined by Sarah. We’re going to have to learn bridge…

First Day of School

When my son would refuse to leave my arms during Gymboree, well intentioned family members would joke about him being a “Mamma’s Boy” and spoiled by all that holding, and nursing.

He won’t be independent, they’d say.

He’ll be a wimp, they’d say.

He sleeps with you. He’s always nursing. He is never out of your arms. That can’t be good, they’d say. Because, you know, if you hold and spoil and love a baby too much, they won’t understand the cold and unloving world around them, I guess. Or something.

Today was the Count’s first day of school. Last year he began preschool with everyone terrified he’d cry the entire time. He didn’t. In fact, he was thrilled to go.

This year he actually got annoyed with me when I didn’t leave right away. Imagine this, coming from a 3-year-old, in his best Valley Girl voice with bonus eye roll:

“Gooooood bye, Mom” with a very lazy hand wave thrown in.

When I picked him up and peppered him with questions about his day, an exhausted little boy put his hands up like an old, Jewish man, shook his head back and forth and said,

Ok Mom, the pink girl bit the other guy and there was a spider and we all ran away-fast. That was all that happened. Ok?”

Not only does he have ZERO separation issues, but he’s already annoyed by my motherly prying. Greeeeeeeeeeat.

First day of school

…and for her next trick, Barbie wipes her ass

Somewhere, sandwiched between a Floam and Moon Sand commercial this morning, I half glanced at the television.


Huh, she seems dressed somewhat normal. Still super big tits, but whatever. Clicking on yahoo, No, no cookies until after lunch. Stop kicking your brother. Click. Click.

And a dog.

Cute doggie. He has a bowl of food and everything. I should really take Peanut’s socks off, it’s getting hot. Sure, Count, you can have more milk, I’m coming. Is Barbie holding a metal detector? Wait. she’s picking up litter, nooooooo!

OH MY GOD, did that dog just SHIT? Turds just shot out of Barbie’s dog’s ass. This is a joke, right? Do I have on the right channel, what are we watching???

Did Barbie just pick up the shit with a pooper scooper? She did. What the hell am I watching? Is this real, hang on honey, I’m coming to get you milk. I just need to see if this commercial is real.

It is.


…because I just can’t shut up about it

After my short post the other day on the TINY WHORES -the blogosphere went crazy with the padded bra for 6-year-olds story.

I blogged it over at the Huffington Post. Please go read it and leave your two cents. You know those readers over there…

In the meantime, I demand photos of all your daughters in their Halloween costumes. And so help me if any of them are slutty I’m flying to where you live to kick the crap out of you.

My kids will be in these:


Of course, it will be my kids and not these child models. So they will be much cuter.

Love Thursday-The Men

Love Thursday

I love that he naps on the couch and his daughter gives him Elmo, because she loves her Daddy that much.

What husbands do...

I love that despite his inability to stand up, he’s trying to skate. He only knows it makes Mommy “so very happy.” He falls and cries, but tries again…because, “Mommy, you like when I skate.”

Check me out, Mom

I Blame My Mother

My mother camped out to get me a Cabbage Patch Kid. As the story goes, the zit-faced Toys R Us employee wheeled the boxes into the store from the back, and a frenzy ensued in the wee hours of a December morning in the suburbs of Detroit.

My uncle, allegedly, tore many out of the boxes out of many hands and threw them to my mother and aunt. They quickly inspected the cabbage babies (being racist idiots, my uncle didn’t want any “black” cabbage patch at his house) and they left the store with three of the prized dolls. One for my older cousin, one for my younger cousin, and one for me.

Her name was Corinne Antoniette and I loved her until about Valentine’s Day. She ended up with many other stuffed animals and dolls in the corner of my room. Dusty. Ragged. And I didn’t think of her again until my mother had the nerve to sell her at a garage sale many, many, many years later. In fact, I had a hissy fit. I may have been in my very late teens, but I was super pissed she sold my Cabbage Patch.

With all of this in mind, I am feeling an involuntary twitch. A tick, of sorts. I’ve seen the vague commercials. The mysterious ads.

I need the Elmo TMX for Princess Peanut.

elmo tmx

It’s genetic. I have no control. When I casually mentioned the whole Tickle Me Elmo 10th Anniversary thing to the Kaiser, he gave me that “don’t be one of those moms” look with a “just don’t get one” comment thrown in for good measure. He is, of course, right. And I could go on and on about how much love the Peanut has for Elmo-she humps him for chrstsake. But it still wouldn’t justify standing in the cold at 4am outside of a Toys R Us, wrestling with idiots.

…which is why I just preordered on Amazon. Click. Click. Click.

It’s genetic. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


Sorry I’ve been out of the loop. I’m suffering from the “at the urgent care with two kids until help arrived,” suck ass, diveritculitis.

The good news is I got vicodin. The other good news is I WHOMPED EVERYONE in this week’s fantasy football fun.

The bad news is I’ve once again been cursed by some rare “only people over 60 usually get this” disease. I had shingles last year.

Only the cool people get shingles.

And diveriticulitis, apparently.

Grown Men Suck and Little Girls Pad

…because THIS is what will happen if you don’t wean those babies of yours.

…and because THIS is why I just can’t get into the little whore clothing debate right now, other than to say “STOP FUCKING BUYING THIS SHIT AND THEY WON’T MAKE IT ANYMORE.”

“BREAST-enhancing padded bras for girls as young as six are being sold…Tiny matching lingerie sets of lacy bras and knickers in many children’s brands including Bratz, Saddle Club and Barbie, have hit the shelves aimed at girls who are barely old enough for school.”

…Thanks to the Kaiser and Belinda for the links