Smooth Jazz with Meredith Vieira

I realize I am 3 hours behind on this whole Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade thing. But is Meredith on sedatives???? Did NBC inject her with some sort of tranquilizer before the show????

I’d like to start the “Bring Back Katie” chant now. We all know Katie is much better at parade coverage than hard news. Let’s just call it a “New” Coke incident and everyone goes back to what they were, and we all pretend like none of this ever happened.

Happy Turkey Day.

Delta. Don’t Suckle Your Spawn in Our Skies.

Erin is in WEST VIRGINIA with very, very limited internet access, but she really wanted to give everyone an update on her Delta trip, so I, Karen, have hijacked her blog in order to share this important post with you. Erin is stuck in “ahem” inlaw land with rural snail mail as her only ways of communicating with the outside world. Ha ha, sucker. Look at my high-speediness as I overtake your empire!

Okay, I’ll shutup now.

Without further ado, here are Erin’s words:

I nursed Princess Peanut everywhere but in the plane’s toliet and no one so much as even raised an eyebrow at me. She even nursed while doing her famous UPSIDE down move:

However, I’m sad to inform everyone that I did get this from a Delta representative in my email box today, it reads, in part:

“Delta fully supports a mother’s decision to breastfeed . We even provide rooms in our workplaces for our employees who are nursing mothers to pump and store breast milk . We just ask that mothers use their own discretion as they would in any other public place. “

What the fuck does “use their own discretion” mean? Are they saying the mother on the Vermont flight did not use discretion? What, exactly, constitutes discretion when feeding a baby at 220000 feet? Am I allowed to show the top part of my tit? The side only? The bottom half?

And the blanket. On our flight from Atlanta to WV our flight attendant TOLD US to put our blankets on our seats for the next passenger on the next flight. YOU WANT ME TO COVER MY CHILD WITH THAT??? has a petition going. Get your asses over there.

Hi. Karen here again. So I’m hearing this right? They want you to shield your extremely offensive, milk-producing, child-sustaining, Scooby Snacks, with an ASS BLANKET that has been touched by HOW MANY PEOPLE without being washed? AND cover your child’s FACE with it so she can inhale all the germs from the last 40 passengers and their asses?

Not once did anyone question me about breastfeeding my kids. I waited for it. I armed myself with plenty of retort, but it never happened. I can turn my television on or fire up The Google and find millions of tits, but God (or Delta) forbid anyone try and do what’s natural.

My new slogan for Delta would be: “Delta. Don’t Suckle Your Spawn in Our Skies.”

What’s YOUR new slogan for Delta?”


The official Queen of Spain logo



Naptime Activist

**update–hear my slow blabbering on the BBC. Right around :25:52 into the newscast you will hear my lovely voice-the player is on your left

I’ve opened my big mouth again. This time, an entire country will be listening.

Welcome to my new readers from across the pond. I hear you guys have a Queen too. I wonder if she could make me honorary royalty or something. You know, put a little ooommmph behind my blog title.

Anyone over there got any pull?

**thanks to the KPCC NPR studios in Pasadena for allowing my voice to travel and annoy all of London*and beyond. 🙂

Everyone should also know this is the slowest I have ever talked for radio, in my life. I am a fast talker. And you have no idea how hard it was for me to slow myself down to the BBC pace. Go listen and laugh at me.

Let’s Just Say…

Hypothetically, you have a teenage son, a young teenage son.

He has a girlfriend.

You have most of the neighborhood over yearly to have some cider and snacks, then everyone goes out trick or treating from your doorstep.

Most of the group is 1-3 year-olds and their parents, a few 10-12-year olds and a two to three 14 and 16-year-olds.

The girlfriend has announced she’s going to be a HOOTERS girl for Halloween. She’s going to wear a HOOTERS shirt (apparently not belly bearing) and shorts to the trick or treating, family event.


a) have no idea what to do

b) tell your son it’s inappropriate and leave it at that

c) tell her she’s not welcome unless she doesn’t dress like a whore

d) talk to her parents

e) do nothing

f) ????

Save These Women-a call to action

You can not read this story and then choose to do nothing. You are not a heartless bastard.

I read Kim’s post at BlogHer, leading me to Ali Eteraz’s post and my mind began to spin.

I just spent the last hour cuddling my children to sleep after a day of fun…and women, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, thousands of miles away are condemned to die for “Crimes Against Chastity.” What the hell does that mean?

I’ll tell you…for some it meant they cheated on their husbands. For others it meant they were raped. Raped. RAPED. And now they are slated to be killed. They get raped and now they will be killed. Lovely. What a freaking world we live in. This morning I got my hair done, and an Iranian women sat in a jail cell waiting to die for having been attacked and abused.

I want to go on and on about it being 2006 and so on and so on, but really, the women’s stories speak for themselves.

Now that you know, you must do something. Go sign the petitions. Go send the emails.

If you don’t go do something about these women, don’t come back to this blog. Ever. Take me off your blogroll and don’t bother spending your time reading stories about my life. I don’t want you here.

And for those that DO take action (a whole 20 seconds of your online time today) thank you.

Artists and instigators. We’ll be the first in the concentration camps.

Dr. Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. Nice Pentagon Person,

I love America. God Bless the King. Or whatever I am supposed to say.

Seriously, you are freaking me out. I am holding out hope you are a nice office person who happens to just love the SHIT out of a Mommyblog. Please. Please tell me you are just a nice, non-gun toting office person. Because, really…I can’t imagine the government doesn’t have better things to do than check out a loud-mouth, anti-Bush, Mommyblogger.

I’m sure you are NOT someone trying to find a way to lock me or my family up in Gitmo or anything. Because, I’m guessing they don’t have facials there. Or care that I’m breastfeeding.

I’m just saying… (Military)
IP Address (Army Information SystemsCommand-Pentagon)
Continent North America
Country United States (Facts)
State District of Columbia
City Washington
Lat/Long 38.8933, -77.0146 (Map)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Javascript version 1.3
1024 x 768
Color Depth
32 bits

1 hour 52 minutes 44 seconds

35 page views (and counting)

p.s. Please feel free to allow me some sleep tonight and shoot send me an email you know, just to tell me you’re a secretary and not investigating me or anything. I would hate to think tax payer dollars were being used to make a file on little old me.

Bush Whacked

I got all political (who me?) and wrote at post for the Bush Whacked guys. Go read it and leave me a comment.

We’re having company here today. Childless people. Let’s see how they handle Lego’s to the head and endless viewings of “Safe Side Super Chick.” Maybe that’s what the CIA should use for it’s “alternative” torture.